gender bias Flashcards
what is gender?
social and psychological characteristics of males and females
what is sex?
refers to biological factors
what is gender 2? what is gender bias
- behavioural, cultural and psychological characteristics that distinguish males from females
- often closely linked biological sex - but sex doesnt always equate gender
- psych research/theory may offer view that doesnt justifiably rep the experience + behaviour men/women
what is universality?
- all research applies equally to both genders
- psychologists like to believe can create theories + explanations = universal - regardless time/culture
- not always case
what are three main ways that gender bias can occur?
- male samples
- male behaviour as standard
- biological differences emphasis
how are male samples a way in which gender bias can occur?
male samples - being generalised to females suggesting will produce same results
how is male behaviour as standard a way in which gender bias can occur?
male behaviour as standard - considered normal causing female behaviour different to men = deviation from norm
how is an emphasis on biological differences a way in which gender bias can occur?
biological differences emphasis - explanations that emphasise the biology of the individual + underestimates role of social + external factors
what is androcentrism?
- male-centred
- normal behaviour is judged according to a male standard meaning female behaviour judged as abnormal in comparison
- leads to female beh = misunderstood or pathologised
- ex. PMS - premenstrual syndrome
what is an example of women’s behaviour being pathologised?
- many feminists object to diagnosis of PMS
- stereotypes female exp + has been argued that this means female emotions + anger explained with hormones
- male anger often explained as rational response to external pressures
what are the consequences of androcentrism?
- alpha bias
- beta bias
what is beta bias?
- attempt to downplay the differences between the genders
- fight/flight response documented as being universal
- research by lee + harley 2012 = women more likely to ‘tend + befriend’
what is alpha bias?
- attempt to exaggerate the differences between the genders
- enhances/under values members of either sex + historically under value females
ex. chodorow 1968 - mothers + daughters greater connectedness than sons + mothers due to biological similarities - because of child’s closeness - women = better abilities to bond with others + empathise
evaluate gender bias
- dalton - female behaviour
- publish bias
- cornwell - reduce it
- can actually be differences - ingalhalikar
how is gender bias about female behaviour a limitation?
- can cause misleading info
- stereotypes that validate discriminatory behaviour
- dalton 1964 suggested that during menstrual cycle women have more accidents + lower iq
- paints women as volatile with little control over behaviour allowing discrimination ex. lower employment rates
how is helping to reduce/challenge gender stereotypes a strength?
- from developing a good understanding - solutions put forward
- cornwell et al 2013 noted females = better at learning - more attentive + organised
- emphasise both value + positive attributes of women
- challenge + reduce gender bias
how is gender-biased publish bias research a limitation of gender bias?
- research challenging gender biases may not be published
- 2018 - analysed 1000+ articles relating to gender bias published over 8 years
- found research on gender bias funded less often + not published prestigious journals
- less aware + apply it
how is the possibility that there may actually be gender differences a strength of gender bias?
- psychologists should not avoid studying differences
- ingalhalikar et al 2014 - suggests stereotype of women better at multitasking - some truth
- women’s brain may benefit from better connections between right + left hemisphere than in man’s
- may be differences BUT must be wary of exaggeration