cultural bias Flashcards
what is a culture?
system of beliefs, values, attitudes and practices shared by a group of people
what is subculture?
groups that differ to the dominant culture in their country with their own beliefs and values etc
what is universality?
discover ‘facts’ about human nature and draw conclusions that can be applied to everyone, anywhere, regardless of time, gender or culture
what is culture usually simplified down into?
- individualist cultures (more tied to urbanisation + industrialisation) - personal success, goals, achievements, desires
- collectivist cultures (tied to collectivism rural + non-industrialised) - group and family values, collective achievement + interdependence
who are most likely to be studied for psychological research?
- henrich 2010 = 68% of worlds psych researchers american
with 96% industrialised nations - coined term WEIRD to explain those most likely to be studied
- western educated from industrialised rich democracies
what is cultural bias?
- tendency to ignore cultural differences and interpret all phenomena through lens of one’s own culture
- wrongly assume universality
what is cultural relativism?
research is only applicable to the culture it was conducted in
what are the two approaches?
berry 1969
- etic
- emic
what is an emic construct?
- applies to only one cultural group
- focus - uniqueness of the culture + culturally specific phenomena
- study from within the culture (immersion) so findings specific to that culture
what is an etic construct?
- theoretical idea assumed to apply in all cultural groups
- involves applying studies from outside the culture + producing universal claims
- cultural bias can occur if researcher assumes that emic construct = etic
what is imposed etic?
- assumes culture does not effect results - research applicable to all cultures
- refutes cult relativism
- berry argues psych guilty of imposed etic - theories, models, concepts etc = universal when research conducted emic construct in specific culture
what is the impact of imposed etic?
what is ethnocentrism?
- researcher takes the views/behaviour of own culture as ‘normal’
- if other cultures differ from this - views them as abnormal/deviant/ some sense deficient
evaluate cultural bias
how can imposed etic be problematic?
- strange situation
- behaviour in one culture + then assumed ideal attachment type could be applied universally (secure attachment)
misinterpretation of child rearing practices in other countries - seen to deviate from american norm - japanese babies ex.