Gender and theology Flashcards
What is Daly’s Unholy Trinity?
- Rape
- Genocide
- War
What did Augustine suggest about women?
Suggested women aren’t made in God’s image
What did Martin Luther suggest about women?
God created Adam as Lord of All, but Eve spoiled this
What did Tertullian suggest about women?
- Women are responsible for the Fall
- They’re the reason God needed to send Jesus to save us
Who did Daly criticise?
- Bonhoeffer - Daly accused Bonhoeffer of insisting women should be subject to their husbands
- Fletcher - Criticised situation ethics of being a man-made theory
What did Daly claim about the relationship between God and masculinity?
- The association between divinity and male supremacy makes it seem like a fact of the universe
- ‘If God is male, then male is God’
How does Daly challenge the maleness of God?
- Views God as a verb, since verbs are beyond masculine and feminine description. It also allows people to see that an unjust state of being is not fixed and can be changed
- God needs to be castrated by referring to God as a “she”
What Biblical evidence does Daly use to say that Christianity is irredeemably sexist?
- Eve as the source of sin
- Ephesians 5:22 “Wives submit to your husbands as you do the Lord”
- 1TImothy 2:12 “I do not permit a woman to teach or assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.”
How is Christianity directly involved in the Unholy Trinity?
- Numbers
- Moses is involved in a campaign of war and says “Spare the lives only of the young girls who have not slept with a man, and take them for yourselves.”
What is the Sisterhood of Feminism?
- What Daly proposed should replace Christianity’s spiritual function
- Women liberating themselves from their divisions (like Catholic vs Protestant)
- Anti-Church, with no hierarchy or dogma
- A sacred space to escape and heal from patriarchy
- Patriarchal oppression has prevented the growth of women
What do some argue that Daly is advocating?
Female supremacy, which is equally dangerous to male supremacy
What is patriachalization?
- The process where misogynistic views overtake and dominate
- Reuther claims this is what happened to Christianity, so Christianity can be reformed