Death and After Flashcards
What is the beatific vision? Who thought it was what would happen in the afterlife?
The beatific vision is coming face to face with God. Aquinas first thought of it, and therefore the Catholic Church supports it (because they support everything he says!!). They believe it represents ultimate happiness.
What logical difficulties does St Paul present about resurrection?
- How are the dead raised and which body do they come in?
- What is a spiritual body? Is it ultimately made of the same things as spiritual matter?
- Will we be transformed upon death?
What solutions does St Paul think of to address logical problems of resurrection?
- Analogy of a seed. Our body starts out natural but grows to be spiritual after death. We’re sown in original sin but raised in glory
- Analogy of a tent. We currently inhabit flimsy bodies that are temporary and aren’t truly us, but in heaven our spiritual bodies will be strong and permanent
How does Bernard Williams criticise the idea of heaven?
Wouldn’t it become boring after at least a short while?
Part of the pleasure of living is deciding what to do with our limited lifespans. In heaven, you’d have too many options and would eventually grow bored. Eternal life is a long time!
What is heaven as a state of mind?
- Some would argue that heaven can’t be understood by physical interpretation because it’s a different dimension with different metaphors and symbols
- These people may understand heaven as a place of the highest satisfaction where people live peacefully and sinless
- You’re also in the presence of God and able to worship him daily
What is heaven as a place with the Father?
- A place where God lives, surrounded by angels on a throne
- God may also be seen as being in a family home with a familiar and comforting presence
What is heaven as a place of plenty?
This interpretation says that heaven is a place of so much wealth that no one would ever go poor or without plenty
Jeremiah 31:12
‘they will sorrow no more.’
Revelation 21:4
‘there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.’
Revelation 21:21
‘The great street of the city was of pure gold, as pure as transparent glass.’
What did Augustine believe about election?
- Believed in limited election
- Moral acts alone won’t grant you a place in heaven, because no human ever deserves heaven after the Fall
- Only God’s grace allows salvation. He’s not compelled to allow salvation but will to some humans because he is a loving God
What is single predestination?
God mandates who goes to heaven ONLY, not who goes to hell
What is double predestination?
God mandates who goes to heaven AND hell
John Calvin on election
- God’s omniscience means no human behaviour surprises him. He knows what people will choose, and will reward and punish accordingly
- Christians should presume that they know nothing about election because God’s will isn’t known to humans
- Christians should act like all people can be saved by living a moral life and freely choosing good
What is apokatastasis?
Belief that hell isn’t an eternal state because the role of the cosmos is to restore the world to pre-fall perfection
What does John Hick say about judgement?
- Jesus’ NT message is reconciliation, not judgement. Restoring the broken relationship w/God
- Seperation from God must be temporary and moral development must continue in the afterlife
How does Pope Benedict criticise John Hick?
Says Hick throws aside Christ’s sacrifice in atoning sin
What is perdition?
A state of eternal damnation and punishment
What is a postlapsarian decree?
The idea that God decreed the elect after the Fall
What is an antelapsarian decree?
God decreed the elect at the moment of creation
What is limited election?
The idea that salvation is only possible through God’s grace