Gender and theology Flashcards
Are Christianity and the churches sexist and patriarchal?
• Phyllis Trible suggests, ’to reclaim the image of God as female is to become aware of the male idolatry that has long infested faith’ and ‘Born and bred in the land of patriarchy, the Bible abounds in male imagery and language’ which should be challenged by feminism.
Phyllis Trible examples
- Textual evidence for the inferiority and abuse of women
- Accent on the female in texts. Female imagery underlying the patriarchal narratives e.g. ‘womb’ ‘mother’ terms; re-emphasis on significant women
- Re-telling of ‘biblical stories of terror in memoriam’ (abused women e.g. Judges 11,19) – using a range of techniques to re-interpret and find relevance for today
Rosemary Radford-Ruether (1936- )
• As a reformist Catholic feminist theologian, Ruether argues that feminism should not make excuses for patriarchy ‘it is to be denounced, not cleaned up or explained away’. She aims to change Christianity and the Catholic church from within. She argues that ‘feminism…cannot reject all of dominant Christianity as unusable for women’ but ’can rediscover its meaning in a radically new way’
Logos or Sophia?
For example, in the Wisdom traditions, Sophia was the second persona of God, alongside God in creation. However, in Christianity this was transferred to Jesus to explain his divinity and so Logos (male term) replaced Sophia (female).
Jesus as warrior-Messiah
this traditionally has a patriarchal underpinning, envisaging a conquering, male king who rules by subjugating others. Ruether suggests Jesus himself rejected this ideology and instead saw himself as a suffering servant (also found Isaiah).
Jesus and women in the Gospels
• Women are portrayed as the most oppressed within the lowest groups of society. However, Jesus acts in a counter-cultural way, giving women greater respect and status. For example, talking with a woman at the well (John 4), his non-judgemental approach to the woman caught in adultery, healing the woman bleeding for twelve years, women were among his disciples (perhaps even supported him financially), Mary ‘sat at Jesus’ feet’ as a student/disciple, women were the first to witness the resurrection and were leaders in the Early Church.
Can a male Saviour save women?
• For Ruether the answer is yes and no! No, because historically Jesus was male and the traditional view of Jesus as Logos and Messiah is too patriarchal and alienates women. Yes, if ‘the mythology about Jesus as Messiah or divine Logos, with its traditional masculine imagery is stripped off, the Jesus of the synoptic Gospels can be recognised as a figure remarkably compatible with feminism.’ She considers the idea of God as Trinity to be more relational with no gender female/male division.
Critique of Ruether (A02)
- Strengths of her theology is that is inclusive (of gender, religions), most clearly expressed in Christ, the Spirit underlies all expressions of nature and society.
- Some criticise Ruether for making Jesus appear too revolutionary. She is also very selective about which biblical texts and movements outside of mainstream Christianity she uses.
- Including goddess language and other religions, could undermine the unity of God.
- Many Catholics argue that Ruether disregards the natural order of creation and that women and men are created equal but different – see Mulieris Dignitatum for an alternative view about women’s vocation to be mothers, imitating Mary.
Mary Daly (1928-2010)
Although originally catholic daly came to argue that Christianity and all other religions should be abandoned in favour of a post Christian spirituality, she rejects the formal institution and its control and power
Mary daly quotes and thoughts?
- ‘ if god is male, then male is god’ this patriarchal divinity combines sexism racism and classism to create a monster. The biblical idea of god as a father have lead to the patriarchal society which oppresses and abuses women.
Dalys view of transvaluation?
For daly the entire ethical and theological areas are so entrenched in patriarchy to favour men that a complete rejection is required
Christianity’s unholy trinity of rape genocide and war?
Daily considers Christianity to be the root cause of the abuse of women in western society. For example she sees crucifixion of Jesus as male enjoyment of pain, torture and sexual dominance
Daly rapism?
Daly understood this as a symbol of all violent oppression in society.
Highlights examples of rape from OT and modern world.
She criticised the view of the catholic Mary a symbol of purity but instead is a total rape victim forcibly impregnated by god to bear the son of god
Daly genocide?
She sees this manifest in the stereotypical sexual and gender roles which are conditioned into us.
Daly accuses the Catholic Church of committing genocide because of its anti abortion stance, when women have been raped and still forced to have unwanted children
Daly war?
War is the result of male dominated politics and obssessions with manly virtues such as bravery and violence to gain power.
Argues use war to justify loss of life
Spirituality experienced through nature? Daly?
- Daly suggests that patriarchy reflected in god the father has distorted spirituality of nature - the divine should not be limited to to maleness
Maleness of god should be removed
Critique of daly?
- daly gives radical insight into the flaws of human relationships and society, some find this view incredibly helpful into looking at the world.
- dalys vision however has become exclusivist and alienates both men and women who don’t conform to her thinking
- completely dismissive of other religious spirituality movements
- Jesus often broke sexist social norms?
Possible questions?
- Assess whether Christianity and feminism are compatible
- critically contrast the theologies of ruether and daly