Bonhoeffer And Christian Moral Action Flashcards
Bonhoeffer background?
Bonhoeffer lived within a time of nazi state control which was oppressing many groups in society. Bonhoeffer rejected this idea of the church and become involved of the confessing church. The confessing church rejected nazi party teachings.
Bonhoeffer - duty of state? And duty for the church?
Bonhoeffer called for obedience to god, not the STATE. This was what discipleship meant, no other authority should be followed and could result in disobeying the state.
So should Christian’s practice civil disobedience?
Church and community and spiritual disobedience
Bonhoeffer saw the church as the salt and light or the community and as a spiritual nourishment for a people for people of a totalitarian ideology. He led an illegal seminary forming a Christian group on fellowship
‘ the church is her true self when she exists for humanity ‘
Bonhoeffer actions?
Bonhoeffer was part of the confessing church but later became disillusioned with its lack of action against hitler
What the church should be like according to Bonhoeffer?
For Christians - supportive and challanging community, the community of believers were accountable to each other.
For those outside the church - the church should exist for others, church should be outward looking
Cost of discipleship?
The cost of discipleship was in rejecting the cheap grace which was to accept the living redemption message, without realising this requires obedience to god and a change of heart.
Costly grace means giving up other comforts and obeying gods call with action
Strengths of Bonhoeffer
- aquinas would have agreed that we must focus our prayer and Christian focus on the will of god in order to know what his duty for us is
- calling Christian’s to seek costly grace rather then cheap grace can benefit society and make us work for a better world
- focus on community and the churches role within protecting the rights of miniority groups
Weaknesses of Bonhoeffer?
- it could be argued that civil disobedience is not effective at changing the ruling authorities, Bonhoeffer himself failed to change the state or churches view
- some people would argue it is impossible to fully know gods will
This view could be consider outdated as our society now consists of multi faith people
Key quotes?
- we must get into action and obey
- mark 12:17 give the emperor the things that are the emporers and to god the things that are gods
Possible essay questions?
- Bonhoeffers most important teaching is on leadership
- Christian ethics means being obedient to gods will
- Bonhoeffer puts to much emphasis on suffering