Gender And Sexual Identity Flashcards
Sex definition
Refers to the biological differences between males and females
Gender definition
Cultural classification of people as masculine and feminine. Society’s set down expectations for males and females, encouraged to act appropriately
Femininity definition
Characteristics associated with being a women which has an effect on female behaviour those characteristics can be negotiated and changed
Masculinity definition
Characteristics associated with being a man which has an effect on masculine behaviour those characteristics can be negotiated and changed
Hegemonic femininity definition
The dominant/traditional style of femininity with characteristics about being passive, subordinate and quiet
Hegemonic masculinity definition
The dominant/traditional style of masculinity which stresses toughness,aggression, breadwinner etc
Men instrumental leader, whilst women were the expressive leader
Gender is the parallel and socially unequal divisions in femininity and masculinity
Proposes there has been a shift from feminist activity into involvement with society
Found that although women are stereotyped in the media, digital communication and the internet are increasingly being used by women from a range of different ethnic backgrounds, as a forum for support when they face discrimination and inequality
Argues that the media presents masculinity as dominant and femininity as subordinate
Did a content analysis of woman’s magazines were based around cult of femininity which promote the idea that excellence is achieved through caring for others, family, marriage and appearance
Mitsos and Browne
Suggest teachers tend to be less strict with boys, allowing them to be underachieving
Pressure in schools for traditional gender identity
Argues the ‘hidden curriculum’ is responsible for perpetuating gender differences in subject choices
Science packaged as a boys subject
School subject choices affected by 3 things: perception on gender roles, subject preferences, learning environment
Mac an Gail
Crisis of masculinity
Labour market had a gendered character, vertical segregation and horizontal segregation
The different types of masculinity: hegemonic, subordinate, complicit and marginalised
Wrote a book called the identity and the new man
Emergence of other types of masculinity
New man, Levi’s 501s advert
Gender is socially constructed, ladettes
Changing attitudes to homosexuality in 6th form colleges- pro gay
Max an Gail sexual identities
Make gaze, reinforces hegemonic masculinity and devalues femininity
Argues that woman’s sexuality is oppressed by men in patriarchal society, through institutions such a marriage, through violence and rape and through the sexual objectification of women
Points out, not many people would say “I am heterosexual” in relation to their identity, but to say “ I am gay” or “I am a lesbian” makes a statement about belonging and your relationship to dominant sexual codes
Homosexual career