Gender Flashcards
Women use more standard variants
Labov (1966)
Trudgill (1974) -in
Hudson - pattern between sex and prestige
Labov NYC
Trudgill Norwich
Cheshire Reading (1982)
Women have more customer faving roles
Zhang (2005)
Women lead in changes from above and below
Meyerhoff (2006)
Change from above
Overtly prestigious
Postvocalic /r/ in NYC
Change from below
Unconscious and casual Raising of (ay) in Detroit
Women are more sensitive to social evaluation
Labov (2001)
46/48 interruptions in mixed conversations came from men
Zimmerman & West (1975)
Goodwin (1980) interactions of children
Boys give explicit commands assert status, learn to gain the floor
Girls give implicit directives, maintain closeness, learn to interpret others
Holmes - gender and class
Similar features distinguish both genre and class e.g. Trudgill
Pamela Fishman (1983)
Women use more
- questions
- minimal responses
Less successful in initiating topics
Babir (1986)
Men use more Classical Arabic features while women used more variants
Men often more educated with more prestigious jobs
Cheshire Vernacular Culture Index
Class a feature use correlated to VCI
Female social distinctive ness (Eckert)
Burned-out burnout girls showed most urban vowels whilst jock girls showed the least