gender Flashcards
pollack ?
-chiveraly thesis
-men have more protective attitude towards women
-more linenet so less likley to be in offical statitacs
AO3 of pollack
-farrington and morris
-found 408 theft offences and women were not sentenced more lenintly for comparable offences
graham and bowling
-found men were 2x more likley to commit crimes official statics say 4x more likley
walkiate (bias towards women)
-in rape cases its not the defendant who is on trial but the victim as shes had to prove her repactability in order to have evidence
heindensonn (females crime less than men)
-patriachal control
-commits less than men as patriachal soceity imposes greater control over women less opportunites to offend
AO3 of heidensonn
-partiachal control can push people into crime than prevent to gain a decent standard of living
parsons (females crime less than men)
-Due to biology and the way they are socalised women nurturing by nature therefore dont wanna commit crime as too preoccupied
adler(women and crime)
-liberation thesis
-if society becomes less patrichal
-argues women will commit the same crimes as mens
AO3 of adler
-most female criminals are working class
-alos illegimate opportuitites of proffesional crimes has opened to women
-WC women are led to conform of two types of deals
-class deals:women who work will be offered with material rewards with a decent standard of living
-gender deal:ideology promises material and emotinal rewards by conforming to the norms of domestic
AO3 of carlen
-underplays importance of free will and choice in offending carlens sample was small and underepresentative as did majority of wic and serious offenders
messerschmidt (men commit more crime than women)
-men commit crime to form masculinity
-two types of masculinity hegomonic and subordinate
-hegomonic is domiannt form used by MC
-subordinate used by WC such as street crimes
AO3 of messerschmdit
-dosent explain why not all men use crime to accomplish masculinity
-overexaggerates masculinity for ever crime
-globalisation has led to a decline in traditional manual jobs
-increase in night time leisure so more legal employment and criminal opportunites to express masculinity
AO3 of winlow
-only assumes crime happens at night
-masculinity has always been a present, but changes form