Gender Flashcards
Robin Lakoff
Women’s Language. Women are deferential in speech which shows their lower status. For example, tag questions “That’s ok, isn’t it?” and superpoliteness “Would you please be so kind to…”
Criticism of Lakoff
Dubois and Crouch found that men use more tags than women.
Zimmermann and West
Men dominate women through speech. Men interrupt women, not near the Transition Relevance Point (TRP). Men give delayed minimal responses to women to show a lack of interest in the conversation.
Pamela Fishman
Women use the tag question ‘y’know’ 5 times more than men because men are uncooperative in conversation and women seek to be cooperative.
Janet Holmes
There are 2 types of tags. Speaker-oriented - for the benefit of the speaker, used by men more. Addressee-Oriented - for the benefit of the addressee, used by women more. Overall, men and women use tags about the same number of times.
Victoria DeFrancisco
Women talk more and introduce more topics than men but men shoot down these suggestions and men’s topics are virtually always accepted.
Helena Leet-Pelligrini
Mixture of gender and expertise influences how much you dominant conversation. Male experts talk the most and female non-experts talk the least.
Deborah Tannen
Men try to ‘win’ in conversation whereas women just give support. Women talk to maintain relationships (rapport talk) whereas men talk to just give information (report talk.)
Anne Bodine
Language is androcentric. It is based around men and is built to support men’s power and dominance.
Deborah Jones
Women’s talk falls into: House Talk, Scandal, Bitching, Chatting.
Jane Pilkington
Bakery study. Women talk to affirm social relationships and support each other. Men disagree and compete to the point of verbal abuse.
Carmen Fought
Language features used by women such as the vocal fry and uptalk are seen as stupid but women use them as power tools to build relationships, and they become popular in regular speech over time.
Koenraad Kuiper
In a rugby team, men use insults to create solidarity and those who can’t handle the insults are alienated from the group.
Janet Hyde
There are far more similarities than differences in men and women’s speech.
O’Barr and Atkins
Courtroom study. ‘Women’s Language’ should be renamed ‘Powerless Language’. Women’s Language features are used by low status speakers irrespective of their gender.