Gen Zoo Chap 1 Flashcards
Scientific study of animal life
Encompasses all scientific knowledge about animals, their embryonic development, evolution, characteristic and physiology, ecological distribution and classification
Early humans began thinking of animals and the
proof is in cave paintings
Prehistoric time
Humans began to learn to domesticate animals as people become pastoralists and farmers instead of hunter-gatherers
Neolithic revolution
Created and first wrote about the science of biology and was able to classify 540 animal species but he classified creatures in a ladder or graded scale of perfection, with plants in the bottom and man at the top
Most advanced in zoology and natural sciences. De Animalibus libre XXVI
Albertus Magnus
Dissected animals and humans to perfect his
art, but also provided realistic illustrations of
animal anatomy
Leonardo de Vinci
The father of Modern Taxonomy
Carl von Linnaeus
Contributed greatly to the advances of
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
First to really discover the microbial world and
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Coined the term “cells”
Robert Hooke
Studied taxonomy but classified things by function rather than form known as
Lamarckism/ Inheritance of Acquired Traits/ Use-Disuse Hypothesis
Jean-Baptist Lamarck
The father of modern genetics. Discovered the law of inheritance
Gregor Johann Mendel
Conducted pioneering work on the heredity
Thomas Hunt Morgan
Theory of evolution. On the origin of species by means of natural
Charles Darwin
One of the founders of ethology . Conducted groundbreaking research on imprinting birds
Konrad Lorenz
transmission of traits
production of differences among
Precise and controlled movements arising from system
Properties of Life
1.) Growth & Development
2.) Reproduction
3.) Secretion
4.) Locomotion
5.) Respiration
6.) Sensitivity
7.) Chemical components
8.) Organization
9.) Metabolism
10.) Genetic Material
11.) Environmental Interaction
Response to stimuli, allows them to adapt and
All living things composed of biological
molecules (CHONs)
Chemical components
Living systems demonstrate a unique and complex hierarchical organization
Breakdown of molecules
Synthesis of molecules
Provides the fidelity of inheritance in the dorm of DNA
Genetic Material