Gen(erational language) (+ age) Flashcards
Who defined age in 3 different ways?
Penelope Eckert
What are the three ways Penelope Eckert defined age?
Chronological, Biological, Social
Penelope Eckert Chronological age definition:
How much time since birth?
Penelope Eckert biological age definition:
how old dost ya body be?
Penelope Eckert Social age definition:
How socially mature are you? Linked to events, eg. long time relationships, buying a house, employment.
Who defined the 2 diff approaches to how you look at age and language?
Jenny Cheshire
What does Jenny Cheshire say are the 2 diff approaches to how you look at language and age?
- age specific
a. looking at how someone’s language changes over their lifespan. - generation specific
a. looking at how different generations use language.
The Recency Illusion
the idea that if something is new to me then it must be new
What’s this: this is new to me and therefore must be new
the recency illusion
Slang (Broad) (5)
signifier of identity
primarily used by a subset of people
tendency to go out of fashion when people becomes more conscious of it.
Slang would be marked.
mostly Lexis
What kind of -lect would slang be?
NOT a dialect- closer to a sociolect
Who came up with the idea of Sociolinguistic Maturation
Paul Kerswell
What is Sociolinguistic Maturation?
The age at which a speaker becomes far less susceptible to the influence of different varieties of language on their own usage.
Why might Sociolinguistic Maturation happen?
a. Maybe because when you are a teenager you are around mostly people your own age but then this is going to change.
b. At something like university even if the same age you might mingle with more people with different regional dialects.
c. Brain develops so take in less language.
d. Humour might change so you might use certain slang terms because its funny but not any more.
e. If you hang out with older people then you might become more aware that you could be judged/not taken seriously for using them and so you might need to ‘prove yourself’.
Who came up with the “Life Cycle of Slang”?
Julie Coleman
What is the Life Cycle of Slang?
Innovative use by a subculture
Use by teens and peeps in 20s
Used by celebs
Used by marketing agencies (it’s likely dead by now)