Gen Bio Quiz 1 Flashcards
All organisms have the ability to grow and develop. These organisms utilize nourishment from their environment together with instructions coded by their genes.
Growth and Development
the process through which the plant increases in size
Plant growth
In order for higher forms of organisms to function properly, they must maintain appropriate concentrations of different chemicals, pH level, optimum temperature, etc., because these conditions may change from time to time depending on changes in their environment
Maintain Homeostasis
a common method of modification of the heat exchange for most mammals
the process of succeeding generationsthru sexual or asexual processes, whichinvolves passing down of genes fromparents to their offspring
Organisms have the ability to respond todifferent environments and diverse stimuli.
Response to Stimuli
a process of an organism adjusting to better match its environment.
Other organisms take in substances as food which is broken down to its chemical form that is required by an organism.
Energy Processing
It’s the most common photosynthetic process and is seen in algae, cynobacteria and plants.
It’s a photosynthetic process that makesuse of electron donors other than water and contains no by-product of oxygen.
Organisms form highly organized and coordinated structures in order to function properly.
Although he is known for telescope, he was also able to make his own microscope becauseof his knowledge about glass and focal lengths.
Galileo Galilei
First person to see cells, he was looking at cork and noted that he saw “a great many boxes.
Robert Hooke
Observed living cells in pond water, which he called “animalcules”
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
The Father of Microbiology
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
zoologist who observed tissues of animals hadcells
Theodore Schwann
botanist, observed tissues of plants contained cells
Mattias Schleiden
He also reported that every living thing is made of up vital units, known as cells. He predicted that cells come from other cells.
Rudolf Virchow
The Father of Modern Pathology
Rudolf Virchow
What are the 3 cell theories?
- Every living organism is made of one or more cells.
- The cell is the basic unit of structure and function.
- All cells arise from pre-existing cells.
A cell that contains a nucleus
Eukaryotic Cell
Composed of a bilayerof phospholipids withproteins and short carbohydrate chains
Regulates what entersor exits the cell
Contains a cytosol which is a thick, aqueous solution of salts surrounding the organelles inside the cell membrane
All parts of the cell inside the membrane but outside the nucleus.
Control center of cell activities
the hereditary material of the cell
DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid)
Makes ribosomes that make proteins
Double membrane surrounding the nucleus
Nuclear membrane
the process of selectively permeable nuclear envelope separates the contents of the nucleus from that of the cytoplasm.
Cell compartmentalization
Network of hollow membrane tubules that functions in Synthesis & Transport of cell products
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Has ribosomes on its surface and makes membrane proteins and proteins for EXPORT out of cell
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum(Rough ER)
“Protein factories” of the cell
They join amino acids together by a process called protein synthesis
Makes cell products that are USEDINSIDE the cell and it lacks ribosomes on its surface
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
The functions of this organelle are:
*Makes membrane lipids (steroids)
*Storesand regulates calcium ions (muscle cells) *Detoxifiesdrugs and poisons (Liver)
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Modify, sort & package ER products for storage OR transport out of cell
Golgi Apparatus
It breaks down food, bacteria, and worn out cell parts and it is programmed for cell death (AUTOLYSIS)
Fluid filled sacs for storage of sugars, proteins, minerals, lipids, wastes, salts, water, and enzymes
“Powerhouse” of the cell
The site of CELLULAR RESPIRATION (burning of glucose) and generates biologically available energy (ATP)
Found only in photosynthetic organisms and uses energy from sunlight to make own food(glucose)
a gel-like material surrounding thylakoids
Inner membrane modified into sacs
Thylakoids in stacks
Found in plants, fungi, & bacteria
Cell Wall
The cell wall in plants is made of ______
The cell wall in bacteria is made of ______
The cell wall in fungi is made of ______
What are the 3 nonmembrane-bound cytoplasmic organelles?
Helps cell maintain cell shape and help move organelles around
are threadlike & made of ACTIN
are tubelike & made of TUBULIN
It is an organelle that helps cells divide or make copies of themselves during cell division.
The ________ is considered a “microtubule-organizing center”. It contains a pair of centrioles.
Membrane-bound vesicles containing oxidative enzymes that produce hydrogen peroxide and convert it to water.
Single membrane-bound vesicle that synthesizes and stores lipids, also produces cutin and wax
Specialized peroxisomes that are present in post germinative seedlings of oil seeds and senescent organs of plants
A specific structure that forms in plant cells during cytokinesis. It builds a cell wall (called as “cell plate”) between daughter cells.
Narrow channels that act as intercellular cytoplasmic bridges to facilitate intercellular communication and transport of materials between plant cells.