Gelderen, M. V., Brand, M., Praag, M. v., Bodewes, W., Poutsma, E., & Gils, A. v. (2008). Explaning Entrepreneurial Intentions by Means of the Theory of Planned Behavior. Career Development Flashcards
What are the two most important variables to explain entrepreneurial intention?
Entrepreneurial alertness and the importance attached to financial security
What are 2 developments for entrepreneurs?
- Individual work preferences are increasingly favouring self-direction
- Changes in the political and socio-economic environment have resulted in fewer opportunities for continuous organisational employment
What does econometric research show on a macro-level?
New and small business contribute significantly to job creation, innovation and economic growth. Success criteria are subjective (psychological success) and the person’s core value drives career decisions
What are 4 career concepts relevant to entrepreneurship?
- Protean career
- Boundaryless career
- Post-corporate career
- Employability
The perceived behavioural control component of the TPB was tested by which four variables?
- Entrepreneurial alertness
- Preseverance
- Preference for financial security
- Autonomy
- Social norms
How many business students would prefer self-employment over organisational (free to choose and with constraints)
Half would choose it when they are free to choose
Only 1/3 when consdering actual constraints
- Possibly to gain skills, knowledge and experience first
- Entrepreneurship education might have an impact