(GED) social study Flashcards
executive order 9066
japanese internment
-authority order to forcefully relocate n correl
-whom?japanese decent to ‘interment’ camps
-response to pearl harbor bombing
-p.h. bombing December 7 1941
17th amendment
“political graft”
-direct election of senators unlike before by state legislatures
-reminding electors of senators to sit the office for 6 years
-in case of sudden lost of the senator, state legislatures can temporary fill a senator until direct(special) election is done again
18th amendment
-outlawed alcohol
-form in response to Progressive movement (Temperance movement)
-women led this which also results them getting voting rights later
19th amendment
“declaration of rights and sentiments”
-(mainly known as declaration of women’s independence)
-seneca falls convention
-some women can vote even before this but
most are selectively allowed by states (most states & W of mississippi) so no real freedom
neutrality act of 1935
-characteristic of “isolationism”
-prohibit the export of arms to belligerent
-by both citizens & government, due to WWI
22nd amendment
-to limit a president serving terms to 2
-franklin d. roosevelt (1933-1945)
-one who broke the tradition of 2 terms (8years) for presidency led to the creation of this amendment at 1951
-or max of 10 years for condition in which sudden lost of a president occur to fill in
1st n 2nd amendments
-freedom of (5) speech, religion, press, assembly, petition
-rights to bear arms
4th n 13th amendments
-protection against unreasonable searches and seizures
-abolition of slavery
5th, 14th n 6th amendments
-5: due process: government to respect legal rights before doing “deprive someone of life, liberty or property”
-protection against self-incrimination & double-jeopardy (trial twice on same crime)
-14: 5th must also include state government level instead of just federal one
-6: right to speed n public trial, counsel (defend themselves adequately in court)
Wade-Davis Bill
-1864 by radical republicans but vetoed by abraham lincoln
-to make readmittance to Union very challenging and humiliating for former Confederates
-Confederates entering must swear complete royalty and never been culpable of encouraging rebellion during Civil War
completion of first continental railroad
-built from 1863 to 1869
-to san francisco
-names of land offers by many rulers to nobilities after Rome’s empire fall due to instability by power contending groups
-violent time ware those time
John Locke
-wrote the two treaties of government
-impact generations of constiution framers to establish government of US
ecomienda system
-by spanish to abuse native american population as source of labor
-a spanish official has right to own a portion of n.a. to do anything at the expense of millions of n.a. lives
-in return, they were supposed to indoctrinate them in christian faith
european colonialism to redistribute wealth n resort back to mother country
-is used in 18th century and known as ‘mercantilism’
-very influential in histories of dutch, english, french, spanish empires
-later gradually replaced by free market capitalism at late 18th n 19th centuries
english east india company
-initially known as ‘joint stock company’
-due to it was a combined venture of several investors who pooled in resources and shared in the profits
-like modern corporation system, so can see it as the historic start of corporation
18th century of europe
-advances in agricultural and fewer plagues
-dramatically increase (100mil to 180mil) in population help with
-industrial revolution started n took place main in 19th century
the iron law of wages
-the money paid to workers will always reduce to minimal for the workers to keep alive and working
-due to massive competition in labor market
-employers not worry they won’t like it bcuz someone is always there to take the position when not rejected
-established during 18th/19th century but not know of who started
adam smith
-often referred to as ‘father of modern economics’
-the book was ‘the wealth of nations’
-main idea is for government not to try and interfering in the economy n it should be completely unregulated
upper class, working class
bourgeoise, proletariat
-by karl marx