GE2 Flashcards
These sources are considered as contemporary accounts of an event, personally written, or narrated by an individual person who directly experienced or participated in the said event.
These resources serve as interpretations or readings of primary sources. Usually, the author of a piece incorporates his or her personal insights and interpretations, thus, detaching the original value of the component of the subject being discussed.
Secondary Sources
He identified six points of inquiries to evaluate the authenticity of a primary source:
a. Date
b. Localization
c. Authorship
d. Analysis
e. Integrity
f. Credibility
Garraghan (1950)
emphasized that is impossible for historians to avoid using secondary sources due to difficulty in accessing primary sources
Louis Gottschalk (1969)
he stated that before any source can be considered as an evidence in a historical argument, it must satisfy three preconditions.h
Martha Howell and Walter Prevenier (2001)
are common in Philippine historiography.
Cases of forgery and mislabeling
Internal criteria set by Howell and Prevenier (2001):
1) The genealogy of the document
2) The genesis of the document
3) The originality of the document
4) The interpretation of the document
5) The authority of the document
6) The competence of the observer
7) The trustworthiness of the observer
How these sources are directly related and closely connected to the time of the events they pertain to.
Primary sources
Depends on the elapsed time from the date of the event to the date of their creation.
Secondary sources
also known as his real name, Joan de Portocarrero.
Fray Juan de Plasencia
were submitted by some friars while others who were good observers and gifted in writing wrote longer messages.
Short letters
came in the Philippines in 1595 and wrote “Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas (latter part of the 16th century)
❑ Antonio de Morga
➢ tribal gathering ruled by chiefs
➢ sometimes as many as a hundred houses, sometimes even less than thirty
➢ the land area was divided among the whole barangay
➢ no one from a different barangay could cultivate land
➢ lands on the mountain ridges, are not divided
➢ fisheries of chiefs had established limits
➢ chief of the village
➢ he governed the people as captain even in wars
➢ was obeyed and revered