GCSE RS Unit 3.2 - Abortion Flashcards
What is abortion?
Abortion is “the deliberate termination of a foetus”
In the UK, how can a woman be authorised to have an abortion?
In the UK, a woman can have an abortion if two doctors agree it can be justified on 1 of 8 grounds in the 1967 Act
How many abortions occur a year and under what condition is the majority due to?
150,000 – 200,000 Abortions a year
o 98% is done due to Ground C – continuing would involve a risk to the physical or mental health of the woman
What are the moral arguments FOR an abortion?
- It is a woman’s right to choose what she does with her body
- It is a medical decision not a political decision
- If abortion is illegal, people will still go to Backstreet Abortionists
- Abortion is often the lesser of two evils
What are the moral arguments AGAINST an abortion?
- If the foetus is a human being, killing it deliberately is wrong (murder)
> If life begins at conception, the foetus has the same rights as us - Relaxed abortion laws mean some people use abortion as contraception
- Abortion discriminates against people with disabilities and devalues them
Which Christian groups are Pro Life and what are their arguments?
Catholic and Evangelical Christians
- The Bible teaches the Sanctity of Life
> Genesis teaches that all human beings are made in the image of God - Psalm 139 teaches that life begins in the womb at conception
- The Commandments say taking life is wrong; God is the Lord of life
> Only one who can take and give life
Which Christian groups re Pro Choice and what are their arguments?
Liberal Protestant Christians
- Abortions should be reduced but never outlawed. Ultimately, woman should have the choice if they need it - Obama
- “Love your neighbour as yourself” - Gospels, Jesus said
> Sometimes allowing an abortion is more loving than not allowing one