GCSE - Data Represenation Flashcards
A sequence of logical instructions for carrying out a task. In computing, algorithms are needed to design computer programs.
What is ASCII?
American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A 7-bit character set used for representing English keyboard characters.
What is base 2?
A number system that contains two digits, 0 and 1. Also known as binary.
What is binary?
A number system that contains two symbols, 0 and 1. Also known as base 2.
What is a binary tree?
A data structure in which each node has a maximum of two child nodes.
What is a bit?
A 1 or a 0.
What is bit depth?
The number of bits available to store an audio sample.
What is a bit pattern?
A number of bits that together represent something, for example a character.
What is bit rate?
In computing, the number of bits processed per second.
What is a byte?
A unit of data containing 8 bits.
What is a charachter set?
A table of data that links a character to a number. This allows the computer system to convert text into binary. Examples are ASCII and Unicode.
What is color depth?
The amount of bits available for colours in an image.
What is compresion?
A method of reducing file sizes, particularly in digital media such as photos, audio and video.
What is Data?
Units of information. In computing there can be different data types, including integers, characters and Boolean. Data is often acted on by instructions.
What are decimals?
Another name for the number system that contains the digits 0 to 9. Also known as denary or base 10. Decimal fractions are numbers where the fraction is indicated by the use of a full stop, eg 4.1 or 6.3.