GCP CloudSQL Flashcards
When creating a Google ClousSQL database, can I have the instances created in more than a single zone?
No there is only a single instance of the database, so it will only be created in a single zone. But you can have a read replica or a fail-over node in a separate zone.
When creating a Google ClousSQL database, can I choose the instance size and memory?
Yes, this can be done when you are creating to ClousSQL database.
Why do you think the default drive type is SSD for CloudSQL?
It is because SQL required better random write performance.
When creating a Google ClousSQL database, can I decide the capacity of the disk storage?
Yes during deployment you can select the storage capacity.
When creating a Google ClousSQL database, I need to increase the performance of the read and write, I am already using SSD, what can I do?
Increase the storage capacity and this increases the amount of read; I, write throughput, and the W/R IOPS.
In CloudSQL what can I have CloudSQL automatically do when the disk storage is nearing its max?
You can have CloudSQL automatically increase storage for you, you can also set a cap of how much storage is added.
In CloudSQL I need to perform a backup, what options do I have?
CloudSQL comes with automatic backup, you can enable or disable it, by default;t is enabled.
In CloudSQL, when a backup is been created, do I get a performance hit?
No for Gen2 and Yest for Gen1
In CloudSQL, I want to ensure that maintenance performed by Google is only carried out on Sunday between1am and 6 AM, is this possible
Yes In CloudSQL there is an option in the configuration of the CloudSQL to set up maintenance window.
Is it possible for Cloud SQL to be configured for automatic failover?
Yes, this is a config option, it will ensure that if the zone was to fail the database would automatically failover to another zone
How can be enable backups for CloudSQL?
This is a config option, you can schedule the time
When using a replica, is it free as part of the service?
No, you are billed for the other instance of the database
Is it possible to configure the size of the instances service the database?
Yes, you get to chose the instance CPU and memory.
Can I replicate the database?
Yes, here are options,
- Read replica: A ClousSQL replica
- External read replica: External MySql replica
- External master: Where you want to migrate data form
What is the storage limit on GCP Cloud SQL?
Is data encrypted?
Yes, bot at rest and in transit.
How can I import and export a database from mysql?
You can use the inport and export featiure in CloudSQL to import or export database dumps. You cna also use the mysqldump cli command from any linux distro.
I need to preform some maintenance on the DB, can I back it manually?
Yes 100%, there is an option in console and also you can use gcloud.
How many backups are retained?
7 backups are retained,
Are backups incremental?
Yes for Gen2 and no for Gen 1
Where are backup stored?
Backup data is stored in two regions on same continent, except for austriala where data is stored also in Asia.
I need to export backup, can I do this?
When talking a backup of the database, will performance be affected?
No for Gen2 and Yes for Gen1
I need to increase the read performance of CloudSQL, what are my options?
Create read replicas.
I need to increase the read performance of CloudSQL, what are my options?
Create read replicas, I can do this in any of the zones in the region.
I need to ensure high availability for Cloud=SQL MySQL, what options do I have?
You can create a fail-over instance of the data base.
What is CloudSQL proxy?
It enables you to connect form your application to CloudSQL with out exposing a public IP.
How can make a copy of ClodSQL quickly?
Use DB cloning.
I have a read replica CloudSQL, is it possible to promote it to be a standalone R/W instance?
Yes, this is an option in the web console.
Can I have two fail-over replicas of CloudSQL?
No, only a single replica is allowed.
When fail-over occurs of the CloudSQL database, will I have to use a new IP to connect with the CloudSQL?
No, the IP is changed to the failed over instance.
I have an on-prem MySQL database and I want to migrate it to cloud, what options do I have?
CloudSQL can help by using Migration Data feature to migrate the database. You create a CloudSQL instance to be used and provide it with a see file form the database you want to migrate, you sldo ensure connectivity and then it will replicate, when finished it get promoted.