GB Channel Flashcards
GB 1
L: 0.5 cun lateral to the outer can thus, in the depression on the lateral side of the orbital margin.
A: clears heat, benefits the eyes
M: Puncture subcutaneously 0.3-0.5 inch posteriorly or toward Taiyang.
GB 2
L: Anterior to the intertragic notch, at the posterior border of the condyloid process of the mandible. This point is located with the mouth open.
A: Benefits the ears, clears heat
M: Puncture perpendicular 0.5-1.0 inch with the mouth open during insertion. Moxibustion not indicated. N: Facial nerve.
C: Superficial temporal artery and vein.
GB 3
L: Anterior to the ear, on the upper border of the zygomatic arch, in the depression directly superior to St 7.
A: benefits the ears, relieves pain.
M: Puncture perpendicular 0.3-0.5 inch.
GB 4
L: Within the hairline of the temporal region, at the junction of the upper 1/4 and lower 3/4 of the distance between St 8 and GB 7.
A: expels interior wind, relieves pain.
M: Puncture subcutaneously 0.5-1.5 inch.
GB 5
L: Within the hairline of the temporal region, midway on the line between St 8 and GB 7.
A: Subdues Liver Yang
M: Puncture subcutaneously 0.5-1.5 inch.
GB 6
L: Within the hairline, at the junction of the lower 1/4 and upper 3/4 of the distance between ST 8 and GB 7.
A: Benefits the ears, subdues Liver Yang
M: Puncture subcutaneously 0.5-1.5 inch.
GB 7
L: Within the hairline, about one finger-breadth anterior to TW 20.
A: Clears heat, relieves pain.
M: Puncture subcutaneously 0.5-1.5 inch.
GB 8
L: 1.5 cun superior to the apex of the ear, where a depression in palpable.
A: benefits the ears, relieves pain
M: Puncture subcutaneously 0.5-1.5 inch.
GB 9
L: 0.5 cun posterior to GB 8, where a depression is palpable.
A: Subdues Liver Yang, clears heat in the head.
M: Puncture subcutaneously 0.5-1.5 inch.
GB 10
L: Posterior and superior to the mastoid process, at the meeting of the upper 1/3 and lower 2/3 of the curved line drawn from GB 9 to GB 12. A: - M: Puncture subcutaneously 0.5-1.5 inch. C: Posterior auricular artery and vein.
GB 11
L: Posterior and superior to the mastoid process, at the meeting of the upper 2/3 and lower 1/3 of the
curved line drawn from GB 9 to GB 12.
A: Subdues Liver Yang, removes obstructions from the throat
M: Puncture subcutaneously 0.5-1.5 inch.
GB 12
L: In the depression posterior and inferior to the mastoid process.
A: calms the mind, and relieves pain.
M: Puncture oblique 0.5-1.0 inch inferiorly.
N: Lesser occipital nerve.
C: Posterior auricular artery and vein.
GB 13
L: 0.5 cun within the anterior hairline, 3 cun lateral to the midline (GV 24). This point is at the meeting of
the lateral 1/3 and medial 2/3 of the curved line from GV 24 to St 8.
A: Calms the mind, expels wind
M: Puncture subcutaneously 0.5-1.5 inch.
GB 14
L: On the forehead, 1 cun directly superior to the midpoint of the eyebrow or centre of the pupil.
A: Expels wind, benefits the eyes.
M: Puncture subcutaneously 0.5-0.8 inch inferiorly or connect with Yuyao.
GB 15
L: 0.5 cun within the hairline, directly superior to GB 14, midway between GV 24 and St 8.
A: benefits the eyes, calms the mind.
M: Puncture subcutaneously 0.5-1.5 inch.
C: Frontal artery and vein.
GB 16
L: 2 cun posterior to anterior hairline, on the curved line joining GB 15 and GB 20.
A: opens the nose.
M: Puncture subcutaneously 0.5-1.5 inch.
GB 17
L: 3.5 cun posterior to anterior hairline, on the curved line joining GB 15 and GB 20.
A: -
M: Puncture subcutaneously 0.5-1.5 inch.
GB 18
L: 5 cun posterior to anterior hairline,, on the curved line joining GB 15 and GB 20.
A: Calms the mind, benefits the nose
M: Puncture subcutaneously 0.5-1.5 inch.
GB 19
L: Directly superior to GB 20, on the lateral side of the external occipital protuberance, level with GV 17
A: subdues Liver Yang
M: Puncture subcutaneously 0.5-1.5 inch.
GB 20
L: In the depression between the upper portion of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the trapezius
muscle, level with GV 16, at the base of the skull.
A: clears heat, relieves pain.
M: Puncture perpendicular-oblique 0.5-1.0 inch toward the tip of the nose, contralateral eye, or Yintang.
C: Brain stem/spinal cord.
GB 21
L: Midway between the lower border of the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra (GV 14) and
the acromion. This point is at the highest point of the trapezius muscle.
A: descends Lung Qi, and relieves pain.
M: Puncture perpendicular 0.3-0.5 inch or oblique 0.5 – 1.0 inch posteriorly. N: Accessory nerve.
C: Apex of the lung (pneumothorax risk). Contraindicated in pregnancy.
GB 22
L: On the mid-axillary line when the arm is raised, 3 cun inferior to the axilla.
A: -
M: Puncture oblique 0.5-1.0 inch along the intercostal space.
C: Lung (pneumothorax risk).
GB 23
L: 1 cun anterior to GB 22, approximately at the level with the nipple.
A: opens the chest, stops asthma.
M: Puncture oblique 0.5-1.0 inch along the intercostal space.
C: Lung (pneumothorax risk).
GB 24
L: 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline, in the seventh intercostal space.
A: FRONT MU POINT OF THE GB, Resolves damp-heat
M: Puncture oblique 0.5-1.0 inch along the intercostal space.
C: Liver (right), lung (pneumothorax risk).
GB 25
L: On the lateral side of the abdomen, anterior and inferior to the free end of the twelfth rib.
M: Puncture perpendicular 0.5-1.0 inch.
C: Peritoneal cavity and kidney in thinner patients.
GB 26
L: Directly inferior to the free end of the eleventh rib (LV 13), level with the center of the umbilicus.
A: Regulates the uterus/ menses
M: Puncture perpendicular 0.5-1.0 inch.
C: Peritoneal cavity in thinner patients.
GB 27
L: On the lateral side of the abdomen, anterior to the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS), 3 cun inferior to
the center of the umbilicus, level with CV 4.
A: regulates the lower burner, and moves stagnation.
M: Puncture perpendicular 1.0-1.5 inch.
GB 28
L: Anterior and inferior to the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS), 0.5 cun anterior and inferior to GB 27.
A: regulates the lower burner, resolves damp-heat
M: Puncture perpendicular 1.0-1.5 inch.
GB 29
L: In the depression midway between the ASIS and the great trochanter.
A: benefits the hip, relieves pain.
M: Puncture perpendicular 1.0-2.0 inch or oblique 2.0-3.0 inch.
GB 30
L: At the junction of the lateral 1/3 and medial 2/3 of the distance between the great trochanter and the sacral hiatus (GV 2). This point is best located with the patient in the lateral recumbent position.
A: relieves pain, benefits hips.
M: Puncture perpendicular 2.0-4.0 inch.
N: Sciatic and inferior gluteal nerves.
GB 31
L: On the midline of the lateral aspect of the thigh, 7 cun proximal to the transverse popliteal crease. Traditionally located with the patient standing erect with the hands close to the sides, the point is where the tip of the middle finger touches.
A: Expels wind, relieves itching
M: Puncture perpendicular 1.0-2.0 inch or oblique 1.5-2.5 inch.
GB 32
L: On the lateral aspect of the thigh, 5 cun proximal to the transverse popliteal crease, between the vast us laterals and biceps femoris muscles.
A: dissipates cold
M: Puncture perpendicular 1.0-2.0 inch or oblique 1.5-2.5 inch.
GB 33
L: Lateral to the knee joint, between the biceps femurs tendon and the lateral epicondyle of the femur.
A: dissipates cold, relieves pain.
M: Puncture perpendicular 1.0-2.0 inch.
GB 34
L: In the depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula.
A: INFLUENTIAL POINT OF SINEWS AND TENDONS, benefits the tendons and sinews,
M: Puncture perpendicular 1.0-1.5 inch.
N: Where the common peroneal nerve bifurcates into the superficial and deep peroneal nerves.
GB 35
L: 7 cun proximal to the tip of the external malleolus, on the posterior border of the fibula.
A: Relieves pain
M: Puncture perpendicular 1.0-1.5 inch.
GB 36
L: 7 cun proximal to the tip of the external malleolus, on the anterior border of the fibula.
A: relieves pain, clears heat
M: Puncture perpendicular 1.0-1.5 inch.
N: Superficial peroneal nerve.
GB 37
L: 5 cun proximal to the tip of the external malleolus, on the anterior border of the fibula.
A: clears heat, relieves pain.
M: Puncture perpendicular 1.0-1.5 inch.
N: Superficial peroneal nerve.
GB 38
L: 4 cun proximal to the tip of the external malleolus, on the anterior border of the fibula.
A: clears heat, dissipates cold
M: Puncture perpendicular 0.5-1.0 inch.
N: Superficial peroneal nerve.
GB 39
L: 3 cun proximal to the tip of the external malleolus, in the depression between the posterior border of
the fibula and the peroneus longs and brevis tendons.
M: Puncture perpendicular 0.3-0.5 inch.
N: Superficial peroneal nerve.
GB 40
L: Anterior and inferior to the external malleolus, in the depression on the lateral side of the extensor
digitorum longus tendon.
A: SOURCE POINT, Promotes the smooth flow of Liver Qi,
M: Puncture perpendicular 0.5-1.5 inch.
N: Superficial peroneal nerve.
GB 41
L: In the depression distal to the junction of the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones, on the lateral side of the
extensor digit minimi tendon of the foot.
A: promotes the smooth flow of Liver Qi, subdues Liver Yang
M: Puncture perpendicular or obliquely 0.5-1.0 inch.
C: Dorsal arterial and venous network of foot.
GB 42
L: Between the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones, on the medial side of the extensor digit minimi tendon of foot.
A: Promotes the smooth flow of Liver Qi
M: Puncture perpendicular 0.5-0.8 inch.
C: Dorsal arterial and venous network of foot.
GB 43
L: On the dorsum of foot, between the fourth and fifth toe, proximal to the margin of the web.
A: clears heat, and relieves pain.
M: Puncture perpendicular 0.3-0.5 inch or oblique 0.5-1.0 inch.
GB 44
L: On the lateral side of the fourth toe, about 0.1 cun proximal to the corner of the nailed.
A: benefits the eyes, calms the mind
M: Puncture subcutaneously 0.1 inch, or prick to cause bleeding.