Gastrulation Flashcards
Poultry when and where hastrulation take place?
1st day in the infundibulum
Poultry It is the formation of
Primitive streak
3 blastodermic layers (ectodern, mesoderm, endoderm)
Mammals When does it take place
16 day old
Mammals what happen
Formation of primitive streak
Epiblast and hypoblast cells migrate to the middle to give rise to the mesoderm
Derivation of the ectoderm
Nervous system
Ectodermis layers
-Neural plate
-Neural groove
-Neural Tube
-Neural crest
Neural tube=
Neural Crest
Embryonary Ectoderm
Epidermis, hair, feathers, sense organs
Extraembryonary ectoderm
Chorion (external part placenta)
Amnios (fluid inside placenta)
4 part of the derivation of the mesoderm
Lateral Plate
Inductor, Intervertebral disc
Paraxial mesoderm
-sclerotome: bone and cartilage
-dermatome: dermis
-myotome: skeletal muscle
Intermediate Mesoderm
Nephrotome: kidney urinary system
Gonadal cells: genital system
Lateral plates mesoderm
-Somatopleura: body cavity + Chorion and amnios
-Splachnopleura: Circulation system (blood)
Derivation Endoderm
Respiratory system + digestive system and annex gland
Body Shape
- Lengthening of the body (allongement)
- Body folding (separation)
- Embryo and annexes separation
- Tail formation
- Division of the body in head and trunk
- Development of the limb