Gastrulation Flashcards
During week 2, how do the cells of the blastocyst further differentiate?
- cytotrophoblast - an inner layer of mononucleated cells
- syncitiotrophoblast - an outer layer of multinucleated cells that lack distinct cell boundaries
- Hypoblast - small cuboidal cells adjacent to the blastocyst cavity
- Epiblast - high columnar cells adjacent to the amniotic cavity

After further differentiation of the trophoblast and embryoblast, what structure is formed?
What cavity appears?
the flat bilaminar disc is formed from the hypoblast and epiblast
- at the same time that this disc is formed, the amniotic cavity appears within the epiblast
What are the 3 key roles of the syncytiotrophoblast?
- immune protection
- production of hCG
- formation of the placenta

What is meant by trilaminar disc formation?
Which cell type is responsible for this?
gastrulation involves the formation of a trilaminar disc which contains the 3 primary germ cell layers
- the epiblast will give rise to:
- ectoderm
- mesoderm
- endoderm

What is meant by gastrulation and when does it occur?
What other systems start to develop around the same time?
- gastrulation occurs during week 3
- it involves establishing 3 primary germ cell layers from which all body systems will develop
- the vascular system and neural plate / neural tube also start to develop during week 3
What else does gastrulation allow the establishment of?
- gastrulation allows the establishment of the 3 body axes:
- cranial-caudal axis
- right-left axis
- dorsal-ventral axis
What can cause disruption to gastrulation and what can this lead to?
- aberrant gastrulation can be caused by genetic mutations / abnormalities or maternal toxins
- at the start of gastrulation, epiblast cells are “fate-mapped”
- the cells have a set destination as to what type of cell they will differentiate into
- gastrulation is highly sensitive to insults, which can cause catastrophic coongenital abnormalities as body axes are being established during this process
What is the major change that takes place in the embryo between the 2nd and 3rd weeks?
During week 2:
- the ICM is separated into 2 layers - the epiblast and hypoblast
- these 2 layers together make up the bilaminar disc
During week 3:
- the bilaminar disc becomes a 3-layered trilaminar disc through the process of gastrulation

What are the 3 layers of the trilaminar disc?
- ectoderm
- mesoderm
- endoderm
- these 3 layers will give rise to all the tissues of the embryo
What structure marks the beginning of gastrulation?
Why is this important in laterality?
- gastrulation begins with the formation of the primitive streak on the surface of the epiblast
- this consists of the primitive pit, node and groove
- the primitive node is important in laterality as it contains cilia cells that sweep cells in certain directions

How does formation of the primitive streak establish body axes?
What happens following its formation?
- formation of the streak divides the embryo into right and left sides and establishes this body axis
- the epiblast cells detach and migrate through the primitive streak
- the first layer of epiblast cells to invaginate into the streak settle to form the endoderm
- the second wave of migrating cells form the mesoderm
- the remaining epiblast cells do not migrate and form the ectoderm

Which signalling factors are important in formation of the trilaminar disc?
- cell migration and specification is controlled by FGF8, synthesised by cells of the primitive streak
- FGF8 controls cell movement by downregulating E-cadherin, which usually binds the epiblast cells together
- FGF8 controls cell specification in the mesoderm by regulating BRACHYURY expression
When does the primitive streak regress?
What does it do during this process?
- it is a transient structure that begins to regress after the epiblast cells have migrated through
- it lays down cells beneath it as it regresses
- the cells located most dorsally will form the notochord

What are the 3 body axes and when do they start to be established?
- anteroposterior (craniocaudal)
- left-right
- dorsoventral
- establishment of the body axes occurs prior to gastrulation
- the A-P and D-V axes are established before the L-R and probably during the morula stage
Which axis is determined during the blastocyst stage?
Which region of the embryo is important in formation of this axis?
anteroposterior (A-P) axis
- cells destined to form the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) at the cranial end of the endoderm layer of the bilaminar disc migrate towards the head region
What genes are expressed by cells of the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE)?
- the cells of the AVE express genes that are essential for head formation, including transcription factors:
- OTX2
- LIM1
What secreted factors are produced by cells of the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) and what is their role?
- cerberus
- lefty1
- these factors (both part of the TGF-B family) inhibit nodal activity (TGF-B) in the cranial region of the embryo
How is the dorsal end of the embryo established during the blastocyst stage?
- the absence of cerberus and lefty1 at the caudal end allows nodal expression to continue
- nodal establishes and maintains the primitive streak
- once the streak has formed, nodal upregulates a number of genes responsible for formation of dorsal and ventral mesoderm and head / tail structures
What is the role of HNF-3B?
- it maintains the primitive node
- later it induces regional specificity in the forebrain and midbrain regions
- without HNF-3B, embryos fail to gastrulate properly and lack forebrain and midbrain structures
Where is BRACHYURY expressed?
What are its 2 main roles?
- expressed in the primitive node and notochord
- it controls formation of dorsal mesoderm in the middle and caudal regions of the embryo
- it is responsible for cell migration through the primitive streak
What can the absence of BRACHYURY result in?
caudal dysgenesis
- as BRACHYURY is important for mesoderm formation in the middle and caudal regions of the embryo, its absence results in shortening of the embryo
What other 3 factors rely on BRACHYURY expression?
- nodal
- lefty1
- lefty2
What is secreted by the primitive streak that is involved in establishing laterality (left-right sidedness)?
- when the streak appears, cells in the streak and node secrete FGF8
- FGF8 induces expression of nodal
- nodal expression is restricted to the left side by the accumulation of serotonin (5-HT) on the left side
What is the result of high concentrations of serotonin (5-HT) on the left?
- high concentrations of 5-HT activate the transcription factor MAD3
- MAD3 restricts nodal expression to the left side of the primitive streak

Why is serotonin concentrated on the left side of the primitive streak?
What happens if this balance is disturbed?
- it is concentrated on the left side as it is broken down by monoamine oxidase (MAO) on the right side
- abnormal / disturbed serotonin signalling can lead to laterality defects
What 3 midline genes are responsible for establishing laterality?
- ZIC3
- these are all involved in establishing the midline as well as _preventing *NODAL* expression from crossing over_ to the right side
What is the ultimate result of nodal protein being present in the left lateral plate mesoderm?
- nodal protein initiates a signalling cascade that includes activation of LEFTY2
- LEFTY2 then upregulates / induces PITX2
- PITX2 is a homeobox-containing transcription factor that acts as a “master gene” responsible for establishing left-sidedness
- PITX2 is expressed on the left side of the heart, stomach and gut primordia as they assume their normal asymmetric body positions

What can happen if there is ectopic expression of PITX2?
laterality defects
- if it is expressed on the right side, this results in conditions such as situs inversus and dextrocardia
Whilst genes regulating right-sided development are less well-defined, which one is known to be involved?
- this is a transcription factor that is restricted to the right lateral plate mesoderm
- it is thought to regulate effector genes responsible for establishing the right side
What is caudal dygenesis and why does it occur?
- also known as sirenomelia or “mermaid syndrome”
- insufficient mesoderm is formed in the caudalmost region of the embryo
- mesoderm contributes to formation of the lower limbs, urogenital system and lumbosacral vertebrae, so there are abnormalities in these structures
- a single fused lower limb is seen with an absent genitourinary system

Why does caudal dysgenesis occur?
What signalling factors could potentially be involved?
- abnormal cell migration occurs due to:
- premature regression of the primitive streak
- insufficient migration of epiblast cells
the germ layers are formed in a cranial-caudal fashion, so the head end is formed but the tail end is not
- NODAL and BRACHYURY are important in maintaining the streak, so it is likely to be a problem with one of these signalling factors
What is the treatment for sirenomelia?
- it is difficult to treat as you are trying to create systems / limbs out of tissue that has failed to form correctly
What is holoprosencephaly (HPE)?
How does a child with this condition present?
- HPE results from disruption and death/loss of cells in the midline during gastrulation
- the forebrain is small and the 2 lateral ventricles often fuse to form a single ventricle
- the eyes are close together or fused (hypotelorism)
- it affects the cranial region - tissue has formed but there has been excessive apoptosis of cells in the midline

What toxin is known to be associated with HPE?
What signalling factors could potentially be involved?
- high doses of alcohol during gastrulation (start of 3rd week) can disrupt the process and kill cells in the anterior midline of the trilaminar disc
- this produces a deficiency of the midline in craniofacial structures
- SHH and HNF-3B may be involved, but signalling factors are not necessarily involved
How can a teratoma result from abnormal gastrulation?
- remnants of the primitive streak persist in the sacrococcygeal region
- there is continuous migration of epiblast cells through the streak
- the epiblast cells are pluripotent so will proliferate and differentiate into structures formed from all 3 germ layers
- teratomas also formed by PGCs migrating to extragonadal sites

What is situs inversus?
How might someone present and what are the associated risks?
a condition where the positioning of all organs is reversed in a mirror image arrangement
- individuals with this condition are not at high risk for other congenital abnormalities
- their progeny is at higher risk of having a laterality defect and an even higher risk of a cardiac malformation
- 20% of patients have Kartagener syndrome (bronchiectasis and chronic sinusitis due to abnormal cilia)

What is situs ambiguous?
Why does it occur?
a condition in which one or more organs are abnormally reversed in position
- it is a laterality defect that results from failure to establish the L-R axis
How can you tell if someone with situs ambiguous is predominantly right or left-sided?
- those with left-sided bilaterality have polysplenia
- those with right-sided bilaterality have asplenia** or a **hypoplastic spleen
What risks are associated with having situs ambiguous?
- individuals are at a higher risk of having other birth defects, such as:
- midline malformations
- neural tube defects
- cleft palate
- anal atresia
- 90% will have a congenital heart defect
Why are SSRIs sometimes contraindicated in pregnancy?
- serotonin (5-HT) is important in establishing laterality
- disrupting 5-HT signalling can result in situs inversus, dextrocardia, situs ambiguous and many heart defects
- there is an increased risk of heart defects and other congenital malformations if SSRIs are taken during pregnancy