Gastrointestinal and Abdominal: Pancreas Flashcards




The pancreas is a key regulator of digestion and

metabolism through both endocrine and exocrine

functions. Disorders of surgical importance include

acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis, and pancre-

atic cancer

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Pancreas: Embryology


Formation of the pancreas begins during the first few

weeks of gestation, with the development of the ventral

and dorsal pancreatic buds. Clockwise migration of the

ventral bud allows fusion with the larger dorsal bud,

creating the duct of Wirsung, which is the main pan-

creatic duct. Failure of this process results in pancreas

divisum, wherein the duct of Santorini drains a portion

of the exocrine pancreas through a separate minor duo-

denal papilla (Fig. 9-1). This anatomic variant is associ-

ated with pancreatitis. Annular pancreas occurs when

the ventral bud fails to rotate, resulting in pancreatic tis-

sue completely or partially encircling the second por-

tion of the duodenum. This situation may result in duo-

denal obstruction, requiring duodenojejunostomy or

gastrojejunostomy in some cases.

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Pancreas: Anatomy & Physiology


The pancreas is a retroperitoneal structure located

posterior to the stomach and anterior to the inferior

vena cava and aorta. This yellowish, multilobed gland

is divided into four portions: head, which includes

the uncinate process; neck; body; and tail (Fig. 9-2). It

lies in a transverse orientation, with the pancreatic

head in intimate association with the C loop of the

duodenum, the body draped over the spine, and the

tail nestled in the splenic hilum.

The arterial blood supply to the pancreatic head is

derived from the anterior and posterior pancreatico-

duodenal arteries (Fig. 9-3). These arteries arise from

the superior pancreaticoduodenal artery, which is a

continuation of the gastroduodenal artery, and from

the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery, which arises

from the superior mesenteric artery. The body and

tail are supplied from branches of the splenic and left

gastroepiploic arteries. Venous drainage follows arte-

rial anatomy and enters the portal circulation.

Sympathetic innervation is responsible for trans-

mitting pain of pancreatic origin, whereas efferent

postganglionic parasympathetic fibers innervate islet,

acini, and ductal systems. In patients with intractable

pain from chronic pancreatitis who have failed oper-

ative drainage or resection, splanchnicectomy (sym-

pathectomy) can be performed to interrupt sympa-

thetic nerve fibers.

The functional units of the endocrine pancreas

are the islets of Langerhans, which are multiple small

endocrine glands scattered throughout the pancreas

that make up only 1% to 2% of the total pancreatic

cell mass. The bulk of the pancreatic parenchyma is

exocrine tissue. Four islet cell types have been identi-

fied: A cells (alpha), B cells (beta), D cells (delta), and

F cells (pancreatic polypeptide [PP] cells).

Alpha cells produce glucagon, which is secreted

in response to stimulation by amino acids, cholecys-

tokinin, gastrin, catecholamines, and sympathetic and

parasympathetic nerves. The role of alpha cells is to

ensure an ample supply of circulating nutritional fuel

during periods of fasting. It promotes hepatic gluco-

neogenesis and glycogenolysis and inhibits gastroin-

testinal motility and gastric acid secretion.

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Pancreas: Anatomy & Physiology: Part 2


The largest percentage of islet volume is occupied by

the insulin-producing beta cells. The main function of

insulin is to promote the storage of ingested nutrients.

Insulin is released into the portal circulation in response

to glucose, amino acids, and vagal stimulation. Insulin

has both local and distant anabolic and anticatabolic

activity. Local paracrine function is the inhibition of

glucagon secretion by alpha cells. In the liver, insulin

inhibits gluconeogenesis, promotes the synthesis and

storage of glycogen, and prevents glycogen breakdown.

In adipose tissue, insulin increases glucose uptake by

adipocytes, promotes triglyceride storage, and inhibits

lipolysis. In muscle, it promotes the synthesis of glyco-

gen and protein.

Somatostatin is secreted by islet delta cells in

response to the same stimuli that promote insulin

release. Pancreatic somatostatin slows the movement

of nutrients from the intestine into the circulation by

decreasing pancreatic exocrine function, reducing

splanchnic blood flow, decreasing gastrin and gastric

acid production, and reducing gastric emptying time.

Somatostatin also has paracrine-inhibitory effects on

insulin, glucagon, and PP secretion.

F cells secrete PP after ingestion of a mixed meal.

The function of PP is unknown; however, it may be

important in priming hepatocytes for gluconeogene-

sis. Patients with pancreatic endocrine tumors have

been noted to have elevated levels of circulating PP.

The basic functional unit of the exocrine pancreas is

the acinus. Acinar cells contain zymogen granules in the

apical region of the cytoplasm. Acini are drained by a

converging ductal system that terminates in the main

pancreatic excretory duct. The centroacinar cells of

individual acini form the origins of the ducts, with

intercalated duct cells lining the remainder.

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Pancreas: Anatomy & Physiology: Part 3


Exocrine pancreatic secretions are products of

both ductal and acinar cells. Ductal cells contribute a

clear, basic-pH, isotonic solution of water and elec-

trolytes, rich in bicarbonate ions. Secretion of pancre-

atic fluid is principally controlled by secretin, a hor-

mone produced in the mucosal S cells of the crypts of

Lieberkühn in the proximal small bowel. The pres-

ence of intraluminal acid and bile stimulates secretin

release, which binds pancreatic ductal cell receptors,

causing fluid secretion.

Pancreatic digestive enzymes are synthesized by

and excreted from acinar cells after stimulation by sec-

retagogues (cholecystokinin, acetylcholine). Excreted

enzymes include endopeptidases (trypsinogen, chy-

motrypsinogen, and proelastase) and exopeptidases

(procarboxypeptidase A and B). Other enzymes pro-

duced are amylase, lipase, and colipase. All peptidases

are excreted into the ductal system as inactive precur-

sors. Once in the duodenum, trypsinogen is converted

to the active form, trypsin, by interaction with duode-

nal mucosal enterokinase. Trypsin, in turn, serves to

activate the other excreted peptidases. In contrast to

the peptidases, the enzymes amylase and lipase are

excreted into the ductal system in their active forms.

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Acute Pancreatitis: Pathogenesis


Acute pancreatitis is a disease of glandular enzymatic

autodigestion that has varying presentations, ranging

from mild parenchymal edema to life-threatening hem-

orrhagic pancreatitis. Multiple causes have been identi-

fied, with alcoholism and gallstone disease accounting

for 80% to 90% of cases among Western populations.

The remaining cases are attributed to hyperlipidemia,

hypercalcemia, trauma, infection, ischemia, trauma

from endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography

(ERCP), and cardiopulmonary bypass (Table 9-1). The

exact pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis remains unclear.

One possibility is that obstruction of the ampulla of

Vater by gallstones, spasm, or edema causes elevated

intraductal pressure and bile reflux into the pancreatic

duct. Activation and extravasation of intraparenchymal

enzymes results in tissue destruction and ischemic

necrosis of the pancreas and retroperitoneal tissues.

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Acute Pancreatitis: History


Because of the different degrees of pancreatic tissue

destruction seen in cases of pancreatitis, the presentation

of acute disease is varied, and diagnosis may be difficult.

Important past medical history includes information

regarding prior episodes of pancreatitis, alcoholism, and

biliary colic. Patients present with upper abdominal pain

(often radiating to the back), nausea, vomiting, and a

low-grade fever. A severe attack of pancreatitis is mani-

fested by hypotension, sepsis, and multiorgan failure.

Patients with an alcoholic cause usually experience pain

12 to 48 hours after alcohol ingestion.

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Acute Pancreatitis: Physical Examination


Patients have upper abdominal tenderness, usually

without peritoneal signs. The abdomen may be

slightly distended secondary to a paralytic ileus. Low-

grade fever and tachycardia are common

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Acute Pancreatitis: Differential Diagnosis


Acute pancreatitis is often difficult to differentiate

from other causes of upper abdominal pain. The clin-

ical presentation may mimic that of a perforated pep-

tic ulcer or acute biliary tract disease. Other condi-

tions that may have similar presentations are acute

intestinal obstruction, acute mesenteric thrombosis,

and a leaking abdominal aortic aneurysm.

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Acute Pancreatitis: Diagnostic Evaluation


More than 90% of patients who present with acute

pancreatitis have an elevated serum amylase. However

amylase levels are relatively nonspecific, because many

other intra-abdominal conditions, including intestinal

obstruction and perforated peptic ulcer, may cause

amylase elevation. If the diagnosis is unclear, a lipase

level should also be measured, because it is solely of

pancreatic origin.


greater than

10,000/mL is common, and hemo-

concentration with azotemia may also be present

because of intravascular depletion secondary to signif-

icant third-space fluid sequestration. Hyperglycemia

frequently occurs as a result of hypoinsulinemia, and

hypocalcemia occurs from calcium deposition in areas

of fat necrosis.

Routine chest x-ray may reveal a left pleural effu-

sion, known as a sympathetic effusion, secondary to

peripancreatic inflammation. Air under the


indicates perforation of a hollow viscus, such as a

perforated peptic ulcer.

The classic radiographic finding on abdominal

x-ray is a sentinel loop of dilated mid- to distal duo-

denum or proximal jejunum located in the left upper

quadrant, adjacent to the inflamed pancreas. In cases

of gallstone pancreatitis, radiopaque densities (gall-

stones) may be seen in the right upper quadrant.

Ultrasonography is the preferred modality for

imaging the gallbladder and biliary ductal system,

because it is more sensitive as compared with com-

puted tomography (CT) scan. Ultrasound is the study

of choice for the detection of cholelithiasis during the

workup of gallstone pancreatitis.

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Acute Pancreatitis: Diagnostic Evaluation: Part 2


CT is the most sensitive radiologic study for con-

firming the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. Virtually

all patients show evidence of either parenchymal or

peripancreatic edema and inflammation. CT is also

valuable in defining parenchymal changes associated

with pancreatitis, such as pancreatic necrosis and

pseudocyst formation. For severe cases, CT scanning

with intravenous contrast is important for determin-

ing the percentage of pancreatic necrosis, which is

a predictor of infectious complications. CT-guided

interventional techniques can also be performed

to tap peripancreatic fluid collections to rule out


ERCP is useful for imaging the biliary ductal system

and can be a diagnostic, as well as a therapeutic, modality.

In the case of gallstone pancreatitis, the presence of

common bile duct stones (choledocholithiasis) can be

confirmed and the stones extracted endoscopically.

Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography is a newer

noninvasive technique that is a diagnostic, but not thera-

peutic, modality.

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Acute Pancreatitis: Disease Severity Scores


Because the clinical course of pancreatitis can vary from

mild inflammation to fatal hemorrhagic disease, prompt

identification of patients at risk for development of

complications may improve final outcomes. The Ranson

criteria are well-known prognostic signs used for pre-

dicting the severity of disease on the basis of clinical and

laboratory results (Table 9-2). The ability to predict a

patient’s risk of infectious complications and mortality

at the time of admission and during the initial 48 hours

allows appropriate therapy to be instituted early in

hospitalization. Mortality is correlated with the number

of criteria present at admission and during the initial 48

hours after admission: 0 to two criteria, 1% mortality;

three to four criteria, 16%; five to six criteria, 40%; and

seven to eight criteria, 100%. Since the publication of

the Ranson criteria in 1974, newer severity scores have

been developed (Acute Physiology and Chronic Health

Evaluation II score) to estimate mortality risk in criti-

cally ill patients. This calculation uses 12 variables in

intensive care unit patients to predict mortality.

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Acute Pancreatitis: Treatment


Medical treatment of pancreatitis involves supportive

care of the patient and treatment of complications as

they arise. No effective agent exists to reverse the

inflammatory response initiated by the activated

zymogens. With adequate care, however, most cases

are self-limited and resolve spontaneously.

Hydration is the most important early intervention

in treating acute pancreatitis, because significant third-

spacing occurs secondary to parenchymal and retroperi-

toneal inflammation. Hypovolemia must be avoided

because pancreatic ischemia may quickly develop sec-

ondary to inadequate splanchnic blood flow.

Traditional treatment calls for putting the pancreas

“to rest” by not feeding the patient (NPO). The goal is

to decrease pancreatic stimulation, thereby suppressing

pancreatic exocrine function. Nasogastric suction can

be instituted to treat symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

Antibiotics should be initiated if there is infected

pancreatic necrosis, as confirmed by biopsy. In the

absence of this, antibiotics are widely used for pan-

creatitis, but their efficacy is controversial.

If the severity of disease necessitates a prolonged

period of remaining NPO, an alternative method of

administering nutrition must be instituted. Intravenous

nutrition (total parenteral nutrition/hyperalimentation)

is commonly initiated. Once pancreatic inflammation

resolves, gradual advancement of oral intake proceeds,

beginning with low-fat, high-carbohydrate liquids to

avoid pancreatic stimulation.

Oxygen therapy may be necessary for treatment of

hypoxia, which often occurs secondary to pulmonary

changes thought to be due to circulating mediators.

Evidence of atelectasis, pleural effusion, pulmonary

edema, and adult respiratory distress syndrome may

be seen on chest radiograph.

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Acute Pancreatitis: Treatment: Part 2


Surgical treatment of acute pancreatitis is directed at

complications that develop secondary to the underlying

disease process. During the early phase of pancreatitis,

areas of necrosis may form because of tissue ischemia

from enzyme activation, inflammation, and edema.

Necrotic areas eventually liquefy and may become

infected if they are unable to reabsorb and heal. CT scan-

ning with intravenous contrast is the key test for defin-

ing the extent of pancreatic necrosis. Nonenhancement

of 50% or more of the pancreas on CT scan is a strong

predictor for the development of infectious complica-

tions. Infected collections require surgical debridement

and drainage to avoid fatal septic complications.

Initially, collections around the pancreas during

episodes of pancreatitis are termed acute pancreatic

fluid collections. Peripancreatic collections that per-

sist after the inflammatory phase has subsided may

develop a thickened wall, or “rind.” Such collections

are called pancreatic pseudocysts. To alleviate symp-

toms or prevent major complications, surgical drainage

is usually required for cysts

greater than

6 cm in diameter that

have persisted for more than 6 weeks. Standard therapy

is internal drainage into the stomach, duodenum, or

small intestine.

During the later stage of disease, abscess formation

may occur. The pathogenesis is a progression: an

ischemic parenchyma progresses to necrosis and is

seeded by bacteria, with eventual abscess formation.

Most bacteria are of enteric origin, and standard

antibiotic therapy is insufficient treatment. If surgical

drainage and debridement are not performed, the

mortality nears 100%. Percutaneous drainage is usu-

ally inadequate, because only the fluid component is

removed and the necrotic infected tissue remains.

These patients are often remarkably sick. Multiple

debridements may be required when the episode is

severe. It is not uncommon for anasarca to result from

massive volume resuscitation, and it may be difficult

to close the abdomen. In this case, a temporary clo-

sure should be used. Definitive closure is performed

as early as possible after the infection is controlled

and the edema has improved. Operations to remove

infected pancreatic tissue can be extremely bloody

and adequate access and blood should be available.

Hemorrhage secondary to erosion of blood vessels

by activated proteases can be a life-threatening com-

plication. Often it is the main hepatic, gastroduode-

nal, or splenic artery that bleeds. All efforts should be

made to control this with angiography, because it can

be exceedingly difficult to control this lesion in the

operating room

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Chronic Pancreatitis


Of patients with acute pancreatitis, a small number

progress to chronic pancreatitis. The chronic form of

disease is characterized by persistent inflammation

that causes destructive fibrosis of the gland. The clin-

ical picture is of recurring or persistent upper abdom-

inal pain with evidence of malabsorption, steator-

rhea, and diabetes.

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Chronic Pancreatitis: Pathogenesis


Chronic pancreatitis can be categorized into two

forms: calcific pancreatitis, usually associated with

persistent alcohol abuse, and obstructive pancreatitis,

secondary to pancreatic duct obstruction. Alcohol-

induced calcific pancreatitis is the most common

form of disease in Western populations. Proposed

mechanisms of disease include ductal plugging

and occlusion by protein and mineral precipitates.

The resulting inflammation and patchy fibrosis

subsequently lead to parenchymal destruction and

eventual atrophy of the gland. Obstructive chronic

pancreatitis is due to ductal blockage secondary to

scarring from acute pancreatitis or trauma, papillary

stenosis, pseudocyst, or tumor. This blockage results in

upstream duct dilatation and inflammation.


Chronic Pancreatitis: History


Abdominal pain is the principal presenting complaint

and the most frequent indication for surgery. The pain

is upper abdominal, is either intermittent or persistent,

and frequently radiates to the back. Patients are often

addicted to narcotic pain relievers. Other symptoms

result from exocrine insufficiency (malabsorption) and

endocrine insufficiency (diabetes mellitus).


Chronic Pancreatitis: Diagnostic Evaluation


Given the functional reserve of the pancreas, the

diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis is best made using

imaging techniques that detect pancreatic morpho-

logic changes rather than tests of glandular function.

Exocrine function may be evaluated by the secretin

cholecystokinin test, which is now rarely used.

The radiologic signs of chronic pancreatitis include a

heterogeneously inflamed or atrophied gland, a dilated

and strictured pancreatic duct, and the presence of cal-

culi. Ultrasonography and CT are useful initial imaging

procedures; however, ERCP is the most accurate means

of diagnosing chronic pancreatitis, because it clearly

defines the pathologic changes of the pancreatic ductal

system and the biliary tree.


Chronic Pancreatitis: Treatment


Effective treatment of chronic abdominal pain is

often the focus of care for patients with chronic pan-

creatitis. Opiates are useful for controlling visceral

pain; however, many patients become opiate depen-

dent over the long term. Alcohol nerve blocks of the

celiac plexus have only moderate success.

Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency is treated with oral

pancreatic enzymes, and insulin is used to treat diabetes

mellitus. Ethanol intake by the patient must cease.

Surgical intervention is undertaken only if medical

therapy has proved unsuccessful in relieving chronic

intractable pain. Functional drainage of the pancreatic

duct and the resection of diseased tissue are the goals

of any procedure. Given ERCP and CT findings, the

correct operation can be planned.

For patients with a “chain of lakes”–appearing

pancreatic duct, caused by sequential ductal scarring

and dilatation, a longitudinal pancreaticojejunostomy

(Puestow procedure) is indicated to achieve adequate

drainage. A Roux-en-Y segment of proximal jejunum

is anastomosed side-to-side with the opened pancre-

atic duct, facilitating drainage (Fig. 9-4). Distal pan-

creatic duct obstruction causing localized distal

parenchymal disease is best treated by performing a

distal pancreatectomy.


Adenocarcinoma of the Pancreas: Epidemiology


Pancreatic adenocarcinoma is a leading cause of cancer

death, trailing other cancers such as lung and colon. Men

are affected more than women by a two

-to-one ratio.

Risk factors for development of pancreatic cancer are

increasing age and cigarette smoking. The peak inci-

dence is in the fifth and sixth decades. Ductal adeno-

carcinoma accounts for 80% of the cancer types and is

usually found in the head of the gland. Local spread to

contiguous structures occurs early, and metastases to

regional lymph nodes and liver follow.


Adenocarcinomas of the Pancreas: History


The signs and symptoms of carcinoma of the head of the

pancreas are intrinsically related to the regional anatomy

of the gland. Patients classically complain of obstructive

jaundice, weight loss, and constant deep abdominal pain

owing to peripancreatic tumor infiltration. Patients may

present with jaundice and a palpable nontender gall-

bladder, indicating tumor obstruction of the distal com-

mon bile duct (Courvoisier sign). Pruritus often accom-

panies the development of jaundice.


Adenocarcinomas of the Pancreas: Differential Diagnosis


The differential diagnosis of malignant obstructive jaun-

dice includes carcinomas of the ampulla of Vater, pan-

creatic head, distal common bile duct, or duodenum.


Adenocarcinomas of the Pancreas: Diagnostic Evaluation


The most common laboratory abnormalities are ele-

vated alkaline phosphatase and direct bilirubin levels,

indicating obstructive jaundice. The average bilirubin

level in neoplastic obstruction is typically higher than

that seen in bile duct obstruction from gallstone


CT and ERCP are the modalities of choice for evalu-

ating pancreatic cancer. CT reveals the location of the

mass, the extent of tumor invasion or metastasis, and the

degree of ductal dilatation (Fig. 9-5). ERCP defines

the ductal anatomy and the extent of ductal obstruction

and provides biopsy specimens for tissue diagnosis.

Drainage stents can be placed into the common bile

duct during ERCP for biliary tree decompression.

Imaging information suggesting unresectability includes

local tumor extension, contiguous organ invasion, supe-

rior mesenteric vein or portal vein invasion, ascites, and

distant metastases.


Adenocarcinomas of the Pancreas: Treatment


The operation for resectable tumors in the head of

the pancreas is pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple

procedure; Fig. 9-6). This major operation entails the

en bloc resection of the antrum, duodenum, proximal

jejunum, head of pancreas, gallbladder, and distal

common bile duct.


Adenocarcinomas of the Pancreas: Prognosis


Long-term survival for pancreatic cancer remains

dismal, and most patients die within 1 year of diagnosis.

The 5-year survival rate for all patients with tumors of

the head of the pancreas is approximately 3%. For indi-

viduals with tumors amenable to Whipple resection, the

5-year survival rate is only 10% to 20%. Tumors of the

body and tail are invariably fatal, because diagnosis is

usually made at a more advanced stage as a result of the

lack of early obstructive findings.


Other Pancreatic Neoplasms


Approximately 20% of all pancreatic cystic lesions

will not be pseudocysts. These lesions may be benign

or malignant, but even the malignant ones carry bet-

ter prognosis than adenocarcinoma. Simple cysts are

usually congenital. When they appear in children, no

treatment is necessary. In patients with polycystic

kidney disease, 10% will also have pancreatic cysts.

They do not require treatment.

More complicated cystic disease of the pancreas

includes serous cystadenoma and mucinous cystic

neoplasms. Serous cystadenomas most often occur

in women between 30 and 50 years of age. They

are generally asymptomatic. Ultrasound reveals a

complex low-density mass with fine septae. The fluid

is generally clear. Resection is generally curative.

Mucinous cystic neoplasms have malignant potential

and should be resected with a margin, usually requir-

ing formal partial pancreatectomy. Survival is excel-

lent at 5 years at approximately 70%.

Solid and cystic papillary neoplasms tend to pre-

sent as large lesions in young women. Resection is

often curative.

Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms are dis-

tinguished from the other cystic lesions of the pan-

creas in that the pancreatic duct is enlarged because

of mucin deposition. ERCP demonstrates mucin in

the duct. These lesions have malignant potential and

require resection. Long-term prognosis is excellent

with resection.


Insulinoma (Functional Tumors of the Pancreas)


This is the most common tumor of pancreatic islet cells.

It is more common in women than men and commonly

affects middle-aged patients. Hypersecretion of insulin

causes symptoms. Diagnosis is made from the classic

Whipple triad of low fasting blood sugars (less than

45 mg/dL); symptoms of hypoglycemia, including pal-

pitations, tachycardia, and shaking; and resolution by

administration of exogenous glucose. Patients can lose

consciousness or experience seizures. Although most are

sporadic, any patient with this syndrome should be sus-

pected of having multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN)

type I, especially if the lesions are multiple. Patients will

have an immunoreactive insulin-to-glucose ratio of

greater than 0.3 and elevated proinsulin and C-peptide

levels. These lesions may be difficult to find because of

their small size. Workup includes CT or magnetic reso-

nance imaging to localize the lesion and determine

whether metastases are present. Somatostatin receptor

scintigraphy may be useful but often fails to localize the

lesion. Even if the lesion is not localized, surgical explo-

ration is indicated to try to locate and resect the tumor.

Intraoperative ultrasound should be used in this case.

Even when metastatic disease is present, resection may

be indicated for symptomatic relief.


Gastrinoma (Functional Tumors of the Pancreas)


This tumor is defined by gastrin hypersecretion, caus-

ing the severe peptic ulcer disease of Zollinger-Ellison

syndrome. The syndrome is slightly more common in

men than in women and generally affects patients in

middle age. Eighty percent of cases are sporadic,

whereas 20% will occur in association with MEN

type I. These lesions most commonly occur in the

pancreas or duodenum, but can also occur in other

areas. Patients present with symptoms of acid hyper-

secretion, ulcers, and secretory diarrhea. This lesion

accounts for less than 1% of all ulcer disease. Patients

will have elevated gastrin levels and basal acid out-

put. Secretin stimulation test is used to confirm the
diagnosis. CT, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultra-

sound all have some utility in localizing the tumor,

but somatostatin scintigraphy is the test of choice. In

sporadic cases not associated with MEN type I, treat-

ment is medical management of gastric hypersecre-

tion and then resection, given the malignant potential

of the lesion. In patients with MEN type I, manage-

ment must be coordinated with treatment of the

other abnormalities.


Other tumors (Functional tumors of the Pancreas)


Other, rarer types of neuroendocrine tumors that may

affect the pancreas may elaborate vasoactive intestinal

peptide, pancreatic polypeptide, adrenocorticotropic

hormone, and growth hormone–releasing factor.


Key Points: Pancreas


The pancreas is a retroperitoneal structure consist-

ing of a head, neck, body, and tail.

The duct of Wirsung drains the mature pancreas.

Occasionally, a duct of Santorini drains through a

separate minor papilla.

Congenital variants arise from aberrant pancreatic

bud migration.

The islets of Langerhans of the endocrine pancreas

include alpha cells (glucagon), beta cells (insulin),

delta cells (somatostatin), and pancreatic polypep-

tide cells.

In Western populations, alcohol ingestion and gall-

stone disease are primarily responsible for acute

pancreatitis, and alcohol use is primarily responsi-

ble for chronic pancreatitis.

Ranson criteria are used to predict the severity of

the disease and to estimate mortality.

Pancreatitis is usually self-limiting and resolves with

supportive care; however, complications such as

chronic pseudocyst, abscess, necrosis, or hemor-

rhage are treated surgically.

Surgical treatment includes drainage procedures

(longitudinal pancreaticojejunostomy [Puestow

procedure]) or pancreatic resection (distal pancrea-


In pancreatic cancer, obstructive jaundice, weight

loss, and abdominal pain are common findings.

The Courvoisier sign is jaundice and a nontender

palpable gallbladder, indicating tumor obstruction

of the distal common bile duct.

Computed tomography and endoscopic retrograde

cholangiopancreatography are used to determine

tumor resectability.

Resectable tumors of the head of the pancreas are

removed by pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple

procedure). Prognosis is generally poor.