Endocrine: Pituitary, Adrenal, and Multiple Endocrine Neoplasias Flashcards
Pituitary: Anatomy and Pathophysiology
- The pituitary gland is located at the base of the skull
within the sella turcica, a hollow in the sphenoid
bone. The optic chiasm lies anterior, the hypothala-
mus lies above, and cranial nerves III, IV, V, and VI
and the carotid arteries lie in proximity. These struc-
tures are all at risk for compression or invasion from
a pituitary tumor. Visual field defects can occur when
a tumor encroaches on the optic chiasm. This most
commonly presents as a bitemporal hemianopsia
(Fig. 15-1). The gland weighs less than 1 g and is divided
into an anterior lobe, or adenohypophysis (anterior-
adeno), and a posterior lobe, or neurohypophysis.
The anterior pituitary produces its own
hormones—prolactin, growth hormone (GH), follicle-
stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone, adrenocorti-
cotropin (ACTH), and thyrotropin—all under the con-
trol of hypothalamic hormones that travel directly
from the hypothalamus through a portal circulation
to the anterior pituitary (Fig. 15-2). The hormones of
the posterior pituitary, vasopressin and oxytocin, are
produced in the hypothalamus and are transported to
the posterior lobe (Fig. 15-3).
Prolactinoma: Pathology
- Most prolactin-secreting tumors are not malignant. Prolactin-secreting tumors are divided into macroadenomas (size greater than 10 mm) and microadenomas (size less than 10 mm). Macroadenomas are characterized by gland enlargement, whereas microadenomas do not cause gland enlargement.
Prolactinoma: Epidemiology
- is the most common type of pituitary
neoplasm. Macroadenomas are more common in men,
whereas microadenomas are 10 times more common
in women.
Prolactinoma: History
- Macroadenomas usually produce headache as the
tumor enlarges. Women may describe irregular menses,
amenorrhea, or galactorrhea.
Prolactinoma: Physical Examination
- Defects of extraocular movements occur in 5% to
10% of patients and reflect compromise of cranial
nerves III, IV, or VI. Women may have galactorrhea,
whereas only 15% of men have sexual dysfunction or
Prolactinoma: Diagnostic Evaluation
- A serum prolactin level of greater than 300 μg/L establishes a diagnosis of pituitary adenoma, whereas a level greater than 100 μg/L is suggestive. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) dif-ferentiates microadenomas from macroadenomas and allows characterization of local tumor growth (Fig. 15-4).
Prolactinoma: Treatment
- Asymptomatic patients with microadenomas can
be observed without treatment. When symptoms of
hyperprolactinemia occur, a trial of bromocriptine or
cabergoline should be initiated. In the event of fail-
ure, transsphenoidal resection provides an 80% short-
term cure rate, although long-term relapse rate may
be as high as 40%. For patients who desire children,
transsphenoidal resection provides a 40% success rate
for childbearing.
Management options for macroadenomas with
compressive symptoms include bromocriptine, which
may decrease the size of the tumor, and surgical resec-
tion, often in combination. Resection is associated with
high recurrence rates. Radiation therapy is effective for
long-term control but is associated with panhypopi-
Growth Hormone Hypersecretion: Pathogensis
- GH stimulates production of growth-promoting hor-
mones, including somatomedins and insulin-like GH.
Overproduction results in acromegaly, which is
almost exclusively due to a pituitary adenoma,
although abnormalities in hypothalamic production
of GH-releasing hormone can also occur.
Growth Hormone Hypersecretion: Epidemiology
- Acromegaly has a prevalence of 40 per million.
Growth Hormone Hypersecretion: History
- Patients may complain of sweating, fatigue, headaches,
voice changes, arthralgias, and jaw malocclusion. Symp-
toms usually develop over a period of years. The patient
may have a history of kidney stones.
Growth Hormone Hypersecretion: Physical Examination
- The hallmark of the disease is bony overgrowth of the
face and hands, with roughened facial features and
increased size of the nose, lips, and tongue (Fig. 15-5).
Signs of left ventricular hypertrophy occur in more
than half of all patients, and hypertension is common.
Growth Hormone Hypersecretion: Diagnostic Evaluation
- Serum GH levels are elevated, and GH is not sup-
pressed by insulin challenge. Insulin resistance may
be present. An MRI should be obtained to delineate
the extent of the lesion.
Growth Hormone Hypersecretion: Treatment
- Treatment options include resection, radiation, and
bromocriptine. Surgical cure rates are approximately
75% in patients with lower preoperative GH levels but
only 35% in patients with high preoperative GH
Radiation is effective but slow and may result in
panhypopituitarism. Bromocriptine can suppress GH
production in combination with other treatment
modalities; it is not usually effective as a single therapy.
Follicle- Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone Hypersecretion: Epidemiology
- These tumors comprise approximately 4% of all pitu-
itary adenomas.
Follicle- Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone Hypersecretion: History
- Patients usually complain of headache or visual field
changes from compression. Symptoms of panhypopi-
tuitarism may be present, as the tumors often grow to
large size. Women have no symptoms that are attribut-
able to oversecretion of FSH or LH. Men with FSH-
secreting tumors may complain of depressed libido.
Follicle- Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone Hypersecretion: Physical Examination
- The patient may have signs of compression of the struc-
tures surrounding the sella turcica.
Follicle- Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone Hypersecretion: Diagnostic Evaluation
- Hormone levels are elevated
Follicle- Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone Hypersecretion: Treatment
- Surgery is necessary to relieve compression if it occurs.
Adrenal Hypersecretion: Anatomy and Physiology (Part 1)
- The adrenal glands lie just above the kidneys, anterior
to the posterior portion of the diaphragm. The right
gland is lateral and just posterior to the inferior vena
cava, whereas the left gland is inferior to the stomach
and near the tail of the pancreas.
- The blood supply derives from the superior supra-adrenal, the middle supra-adrenal, and the inferior supra-adrenal coming from the inferior phrenic artery, the aorta, and the
renal artery, respectively. Venous drainage on the right
is to the inferior vena cava and on the left is to the
renal vein.
- The gland is divided into cortex and medulla. The
cortex secretes glucocorticoids (cortisol), mineralo-
corticoids (aldosterone), and sex steroids, whereas the
medulla secretes catecholamines (epinephrine, nor-
epinephrine, and dopamine; Fig. 15-6). Cholesterol is
the precursor for both glucocorticoids and mineralo-
corticoids through a variety of pathways, beginning
with the formation of pregnenolone, the rate-limiting
step for corticoid synthesis.