Gastroenterology Flashcards
Abdominal Migraine
Nausea, vomiting, migraine and abdo pain
Tx: triptans
Referral for diarrhoea?
> 4wks
No cause found
Treatment of diarrhoea with antidiarrhoeal (loperamide-opioid) agents should never be given to?
Children with diarrhoea and blood in stool?
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome
*May occur after gastroenteritits
Transient Lactose intolerance may occur?
Following GE in children
Constipation definition?
> /= 2 of the following >/= 3mnths;
- straining at defeacation for >/=25%
- = 2 bowel movements per week
- A sensation of incomplete evacuation (tenesmus) >/= 25%
- Lumpy +/- Hard stool >/= 25%
Constipation Referral?
> 6wks
Occult presentation of constipation
Common in Elderly;
Confsuion Urinary Retention Abdominal Pain Overflow Diarrhoea Loss of appettite and nausea
Which drugs predispose to constipation?
opioids Antacids- calcium or aluminium Antidepressants Iron Antiparkinsonian drugs Anticholinergics Anticonvulsants Antihistamines Calcium antagonists
Urgent Referral to GI team specializing in malignancy?
Upper GI Symptoms
- Dysphagia
- Unexplained upper abdo pain + weight loss +/- back pain
- Upper abdo mass w/t dyspepsia
- Obstructive Jaundice (narrowed bile/pancreatic duct)
- persistent vomiting and weight loss in the abscence of dyspepsia
- Unexplained worsening of dyspepesia and barretts oesophagus; known dysplasia, atrophic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia, or peptic ulcer surgery >20yr ago
Urgent specialist referral/ urgent endoscopy?
Upper GI Symptoms
> 55yr with unexplained cause, persistent, recent-onset dyspepsia alone
- don’t allow symptoms to persist >4-6wks
- H.pylori status should not affect decision to refer
Consider: Dyspepsia w/t;
- Chronic GI bleeding
- Dysphagia
- Progressive unintentional weight loss
- Persistent Vomiting
- Iron deficiency anameia
- Epigastric Mass
- Suspicious barium meal result
Refer urgently to a lower GI malignancy team if?
Lower GI Symptoms urgent referral <2wks
Any age;
- Right lower abdo mass consistent with large bowel involvement
- Palpable rectal mass
- Unexplained iron deficiency anaemia
> 40yrs;
Rectal Bleeding w/t change of bowel habit- looser or increased stool frequency >6wks
> 60yrs;
Rectal Bleeding >6wks without symptoms
-Change in bowel habit- looser or increased stool frequency > 6wks without rectal bleeding
Functional Dyspepsia
Non Ulcer Dyspepsia
Before Testing for H.Pylori you should?
Tests: Serology, Urea Breath test, Faecal Antigen Test
“wk washout PPI period before testing
Triple Therapy Includes?
PPI (Omeprazole) + Amoxicillin + Clarithyromycin/ Metronidazole