Gastroenterology Flashcards
Define Achalasia.
Condition in which normal muscular activity of the oesophagus is disturbed (absent or un-cordinated) due to failure or incomplete relaxation of the lower oesophageal sphincter.
What are the presenting symptoms of achalasia?
o Insidious onset with gradual progression of:
- intermittent dysphagia
- difficulty breathing
- regurgitation and heartburn - particularly at night
- chest pain
- weight loss - due to eating less
What are the signs of achalasia on examination?
Signs are signs of complications
- Aspiration pneumonia
- Malnutrition
- Weight loss
What are the appropriate investigations for achalasia?
o CXR may show widened mediastinum, double right heart border (dilated oesophagus), air-fluid level in the upper chest, absence of the normal gastric air bubble
o Barium swallow may show dilated oesophagus which smoothly tapers down to the sphincter (beak-shaped)
o Endoscopy to exclude malignancy (which could mimic achalasia)
o Manometry (used to assess pressure at the LOS)
Define Acute Cholangitis.
Infection of the bile duct.
What are the causes of acute cholangitis?
Obstruction of the gallbladder or bile duct due to stones
Tumours (e.g. pancreatic, cholangiocarcinoma)
Bile duct stricture or stenosis
Parasitic infection (e.g. ascariasis)
What are the presenting symptoms of acute cholangitis?
- Charcot’s Triad = RUQ pain, jaundice and fever with rigors
- Extended with 2 more symptoms to create Reynolds’ Pentad = mental confusion and septic shock
- pruritus
What are the signs of acute cholangitis on examination?
RUQ tenderness
Mild hepatomegaly
Mental status changes
Peritonitis (uncommon - check for alternative diagnosis)
What are the appropriate investigations for acute cholangitis?
o Bloods = high WCC, possibly raised CRP/ESR, raised ALP + GGT, U&Es may show signs of renal dysfunction, check for sepsis, raised amylase if the lower part of the common bile duct is involved
o Imaging
- X-ray KUB: look for stones
- Abdominal ultrasound: look for stones and dilation of the common bile duct
- Contrast-enhanced CT/MRI: good for diagnosing cholangitis
- MRCP: may be necessary to detect non-calcified stones
What is the management of acute cholangitis?
- Broad-spectrum antibiotics once cultures have been taken
- Endoscopic biliary drainage is usually required to clear the underlying blockage
- Resuscitation?Ventilation if the patient becomes septic
What are the possible complications of acute cholangitis?
Liver abscesses
Liver failure
Gram-negative sepsis
Septic shock
Organ dysfunction
Percutaneous or endoscopic drainage can cause - intra-abdominal bleeding, sepsis, fistulae, bile leakage
Mortality = 17-40%
Define Alcoholic Hepatitis.
Inflammatory liver injury caused by chronic heavy intake of alcohol.
What are the presenting symptoms of alcoholic hepatitis?
May remain asymptomatic and undetected
May be mild illness with symptoms = nausea, malaise, epigastric pain, right hypochondrial pain, low-grade fever
More severe presenting symptoms = jaundice, abdominal discomfort or swelling, swollen ankles, GI bleeding
There may be events that trigger the disease (e.g. aspiration pneumonia, injury)
What are the signs of alcohol excess on examination?
Palmar erythema
Dupuytren’s contracture
Facial telangiectasia
Parotid enlargement
Spider naevi
Testicular atrophy
Easy bruising
What are the signs of severe alcoholic hepatitis on examination?
Encephalopathy (e.g. liver flap, drowsiness, disorientation)
What are the appropriate investigations for alcoholic hepatitis?
o Bloods
- FBC = Low Hb, High MCV, High WCC, Low platelets
- LFTs = High AST + ALT, High bilirubin, High ALP + GGT, Low albumin
- U&Es = Urea and K+ tend to be low
- Clotting = prolonged PT is a sensitive marker for significant liver damage
o Ultrasound - check for other causes of liver impairment (e.g. malignancy)
o Upper GI Endoscopy - investigate varices
o Liver Biopsy - can help distinguish from other causes of hepatitis
o EEG - slow-wave activity indicates encephalopathy
What is the management of acute alcoholic hepatitis?
Thiamine, Vitamin C and other multivitamins (Pabrinex)
Monitor and correct K+, Mg2+ and glucose
Ensure adequate urine output
Treat encephalopathy with oral lactulose or phosphate enemas
Ascites - manage with diuretics (spironolactone with/without furosemide)
Therapeutic paracentesis
Glypressin and N-acetylcysteine for hepatorenal syndrome
What are the possible complication of alcoholic hepatitis?
Acute liver decompensation
Hepatorenal syndrome
- 40% 1-year mortality and 10% 1-month mortality
Define Anal Fissure.
A painful tear in the squamous lining of the lower anal canal.
What are the causes of anal fissures?
- Most are caused by hard faeces
- Anal sphincter spasm can constrict the inferior rectal artery, causing ischaemia and impairing the healing process
- Rare causes = syphilis, herpes, trauma, Crohn’s, anal cancer, psoriasis
What are the presenting symptoms of anal fissures?
Tearing pain when passing stools
There may be a little bit of blood in the faeces or on the paper
Anal itching (pruritus ani)
What are the signs of anal fissures on examination?
Tears in the squamous lining of the anus on examination.
What is the management of anal fissures?
o Conservative - high-fibre diet, softening the stools (laxatives), good hydration
o Medical - lidocaine ointment (LA), GTN ointment (relaxes the anal sphincter and promoted healing), diltiazem (relaxes the anal sphincter and promotes healing), botulinum toxin injection
o Surgical - lateral sphincterotomy
What are the possible complication of anal fissures?
Chronic anal fissures
Define appendicitis.
Inflammation of the appendix.
What are the presenting symptoms of appendicitis?
Periumbilical pain that moves to the right iliac fossa
Anorexia is an important feature
Vomiting (may occur after pain)
What are the signs of appendicitis on examination?
o General Signs = tachycardia, fever, furred tongue, lying still, coughing hurts, foetor with/without flushing, shallow breaths
o RIF Signs = Guarding, Rebound and percussion tenderness, PR pain on the right side (sign of low-lying pelvic appendix)
o Special Signs
- Rovsing’s Sign - palpation of the left iliac fossa causes more pain in the right iliac fossa than the left
- Psoas Sign - pain on extending the hip (caused by retrocaecal appendix)
- Cope Sign - pain on flexion and internal rotation of the hip (occurs if the appendix is in close proximity to the obturator internus)
What are the appropriate investigations for appendicitis?
- Bloods = High WCC (mainly neutrophils) and High CRP
- Ultrasound may help
- CT - high diagnostic accuracy
What is the management of appendicitis?
- Prompt appendicectomy
- Antibiotics = broad-spectrum -> cefuroxime, metronidazole
- Laparoscopy - diagnostic and therapeutic advantages
What are the possible complication of appendicitis?
- Perforation
- Appendix mass = occurs when the inflamed appendix becomes covered with omentum
- Appendix abscess = may occur if appendix mass fails to resolve -> treatment involves drainage and antibiotics
Define autoimmune hepatitis.
Chronic hepatitis of unknown aetiology, characterised by autoimmune features, hyperglobulinaemia and the presence of circulating autoantibodies.
What are the presenting symptoms of autoimmune hepatitis?
May be asymptomatic and discovered incidentally through abnormal LFT
Insidiously present with:
Weight loss
- 25% with acute hepatits = fever, anorexia, juandice, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, RUQ pain, serum sickness
What are the signs of autoimmune hepatitis on examination?
- Stigmata of chronic liver disease - spider naevi etc
- Ascites, oedema and hepatic encephalopathy are late features
- Cushingoid features
What are the appropriate investigations for autoimmune hepatitis?
o Bloods
- LFTs = High: AST, ALT, GGT, ALP and bilirubin with Low: albumin
- Clotting = High PT (in severe disease)
- FBC = Low Hb, platelets and WCC (if hypersplenism from portal hypertension)
- Hypergammaglobulinaemia = presence of ANA, ASMA and Anti-LKM antibodies
o Liver Biopsy = check whether hepatitis or cirrhosis
o US, CT or MRI of liver and abdomen
o ERCP - rule out primary sclerosing cholangitis
Define Barrett’s oseophagus.
Prolonged exposure of the normal squamous epithelium to refluxate of GORD leads to mucosal inflammation and erosion, leading to replacement of the mucosa with metaplastic columnar epithelium.
What are the presenting symptoms of Barrett’s oesophagus?
Patients are likely to experience symptoms of GORD = Heartburn, Nausea, Water-brash (sour taste in the mouth), Bloating, Belching, Burning pain when swallowing
What are the appropriate investigations for Barrett’s oesophagus?
OGD and biopsy
What are the possible complications of Barrett’s oesophagus?
Oesophageal adenocarcinoma = 5-10% over 10-20 years
Define cholecystitis.
Inflammation of the gallbladder.
What are the causes/risk factors of cholecystitis?
o Causes = Stones
o Riks factors = age, female, obese, DM, drugs (OCP, octreotide), family history, Caucasian, haemolytic disorder (or other irsk factor for pigment stone)
What are the presenting symptoms of cholecystitis?
o Systemically unwell
o Fever
o Prolonged abdominal pain
o Pain referred to the right shoulder
What are the clinical signs of cholecystitis on examination?
o Tachycardia
o Pyrexia
o RUQ/epigastrium pain/tenderness
o Guarding or rebound tenderness
o Positive Murphys sign = when hands place under costal margin and patient inspires they will stop and wince
What are the appropriate investigations for cholecystitis?
o Bloods = FBC (high WBCC), LFT (high ALP and GGT in ascending cholangitis), blood cultures, amylase (exclude pancreatitis
o Imaging = USS, AXR
What is the management plan for cholecystitis?
o Conservative (only mild biliary colic) = follow a low-fat diet
o Medical = NBM, IV fluids, Analgesia, Anti-emetics, Antibiotics (if infection is present) - If there is an obstruction, urgent biliary drainage by ERCP or via a percutaneous route is necessary
o Surgical = Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
What are the possible complications of cholecystitis?
o Stones within the gallbladder = Biliary colic, Cholecystitis, Gallbladder empyema, Gallbladder cancer (RARE)
o Stones outside the gallbladder = Obstructive jaundice, Pancreatitis, Ascending cholangitis, Cholecystoduodenal fistula, Gallstone ileus, Bouveret syndrome (gallstones cause gastric outlet obstruction), Mirizzi syndrome
o Complications of cholecystectomy = Bleeding, Infection, Bile leak, Post-cholecystectomy syndrome, Port-site hernia
Define cirrhosis.
End-stage of chronic liver damage with replacement of normal liver architecture with diffuse fibrosis and nodules of regenerating hepatocytes.
o Cirrhosis is considered DECOMPENSATED if it becomes complicated by any of:
- Ascites
- Jaundice
- Encephalopathy
- GI bleed
What are the risk factors for cirrhosis?
o Chronic alcohol misuse (most common in the UK)
o Chronic viral hepatitis (hep B/C - most common worldwide)
o Autoimmune hepatitis
o Drugs (e.g. methotrexate, hepatotoxic drugs)
o Inherited = Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency, Haemochromatosis, Wilson’s disease, Galactosaemia, Cystic Fibrosis
o Vascular = Budd-Chiari Syndrome, Hepatic Venous Congestion
Chronic Biliary Diseases
o Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)
o Associated with obesity, diabetes, total parenteral nutrition, short bowel syndromes, hyperlipidaemia and drugs (e.g. amiodarone, tamoxifen)
What are the presenting symptoms of cirrhosis?
o Non-specific early symptoms = Anorexia, Nausea, Fatigue, Weakness, Weight loss
o Decreased liver function = Bruising, Abnormal swelling, Ankle oedema
o Reduced detoxicification function = Jaundice, Personality change, Altered sleep, Amenorrhoea, Galactorrhoea
o Portal Hypertension = Abdominal swelling/Ascites, Haematemesis, PR bleeding/malaena
What are the clinical signs of cirrhosis on examination?
Dupuytren’s contracture
Palmar erythema
Parotid enlargement
Spider naevi
Scratch mark (from cholestatic pruritis)
Enlarged liver (may be shrunken in the later stages)
Testicular atrophy
Caput medusae
What are the appropriate investigations for cirrhosis?
Bloods = FBC (low platelets + Hb - due to hypersplenism because of portal hypertension), LFTs (normal sometimes but often = High AST, ALT, ALP, GGT and bilirubin and Low albumin), Clotting ( prolonged PT) Serum alpha-fetoprotein (Tumour marker for liver cancer and Raised in chronic liver disease)
o Investigations to determine CAUSE = Viral serology, alpha1-antitrypsin, Caeruloplasmin (copper-carrying complex that is LOW in Wilson’s disease), Iron studies, Anti-mitochondrial antibody, ANA, ASMA (autoimmune hepatitis)
o Ascitic Tap = MC&S (ascitic tap with neutrophils > 250/mm3 = spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP)), Biochemistry, Cytology
o Liver Biopsy = Grading (Child-Pugh) and Staging
o Imaging = USS, CT or MRI - to detect complications such as: acites, HCC, hepatic or portal vein thrombosis, exclude biliary obstruction, MRCP
o Endoscopy = examine varices
What is the management plan for cirrhosis?
o Treat the CAUSE if possible
o Avoid alcohol, sedatives, opiates, NSAIDs and drugs that affect the liver
o Nutrition is important - enteral supplements should be given -> NG feeding may be indicated
o Treating Complications
- Encephalopathy = Treat infections, Exclude GI bleed, Use lactulose and phosphate enemas, Avoid sedation
- Ascites = Diuretics (spironolactone with/without furosemide), Sodium restriction, Therapeutic paracentesis, Monitor weight, Fluid restrict if plasma sodium < 120 mmol/L, Avoid alcohol and NSAIDs
o Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis = Antibiotics, Prophylaxis against recurrent SBP with ciprofloxacin
What are the possible complications of cirrhosis?
Portal hypertension with ascites
Hepatic encephalopathy
Variceal haemorrhage
Renal failure (hepatorenal syndrome)
Pulmonary hypertension (hepatopulmonary syndrome)
What are the indications for an appendectomy?
o Appendicitis
What are the possible complications of an appendectomy?
Wound infection
Infection and redness and swelling (inflammation) of the belly that can occur if the appendix bursts during surgery (peritonitis)
Blocked bowels
Injury to nearby organs
What are the indications for a cholecystectomy?
o Acute cholecystitis
O gallstone complications - pancreatitis, jaundice
o Gallbladder trauma
What are the possible complications of a cholecystectomy?
Bile leak
Injury to nearby structures, such as the bile duct, liver and small intestine
Risks of general anesthesia
Define coeliac disease.
An inflammatory disease caused by intolerance to gluten, causing chronic intestinal malabsorption.
What are the risk factors for coeliac disease?
o Sensitivity to gliadin (compenent of gluten)
o Genetics = HLA-B8, HLA-DR3 and HLA-DQW2 haplotypes
What are the presenting symptoms of coeliac disease?
May be asymptomatic
Abdominal discomfort, pain and distention
Tiredness, malaise, weight loss (despite normal diet)
Failure to ‘thrive’ in children
Amenorrhoea in young adults
What are the clinical signs of coeliac disease on examination?
o Signs of anaemia = pallor
o Signs of malnutrition = Short stature, Abdominal distension, Wasted buttocks in children (Triceps skinfold thickness gives indication of fat stores)
o Signs of vitamin/mineral deficiencies = Osteomalacia, Easy bruising
o Dermatitis herpetiformis = Intense, Itchy blisters on elbows, Knees or Buttocks
What are the appropriate investigations for coeliac disease?
o Blood = FBC (low Hb, iron and folate), U&E, Albumin, Calcium, Phosphate
o Serology = IgG anti-gliadin antibodies, IgA and IgG anti-endomysial tranglutaminase antibodies can be diagnostic
o Stool = Culture to exclude infection, Faecal fat tests for steatorrhoea
o D-xylose test = Reduced urinary excretion after oral xylose indicates small bowel malabsorption
o Endoscopy = Allows direct visualisation of villous atrophy in the small intestine (mucosa appears flat and smooth)
o Biopsy will show villous atrophy and crypt hyperplasia in the duodenum
What is the management plan for coeliac disease?
o Advice = Avoid gluten (wheat, rye and barley products)
o Medical = Vitamin and mineral supplements, Oral corticosteroids if disease does not subside with avoidance of gluten
What are the possible complications of coeliac disease?
Iron, folate and B12 deficiency
Ulcerative jejunoileitis
GI lymphoma (particularly T cell)
Bacterial overgrowth
Cerebellar ataxia (rarely)
What are the indications for a colonoscopy?
o Lower GI bleeding
o Suspicion of cancer
History of colonic polyps
o Suspicion of inflammation - IBD (Crohn,s UC), diverticulitis
o Therapeutic indications
What are the possible complications of a colonoscopy?
o PR bleeding
o Infection
o Bloating, nausea, pain and cramping
o Anaesthetic risks
Define Crohn’s disease.
Chronic granulomatous inflammatory disease that can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract.
What are the presenting symptoms of Crohn’s disease?
Crampy abdominal pain (due to inflammation, fibrosis or bowel obstruction)
Diarrhoea (may be bloody or steatorrhoea)
Fever, malaise, weight loss
Symptoms of complications
Sometimes right iliac fossa pain due to inflammation of terminal ileum
What are the clinical signs of Crohn’s disease on examination?
Weight loss
Signs of anaemia
Aphthous ulcers in mouth
Perianal skin tags, fistulae and abscesses
Uveitis, erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum
What are the appropriate investigations for Crohn’s disease?
o Blood = FBC (low Hb, high platelets, high WCC), U&Es, LFTs (low albumin) High ESR, Normal or raised CRP
o Stool microscopy and culture = Exclude infective colitis
o AXR = Could show evidence of toxic megacolon
o Erect CXR = If there is a risk of perforation
o Small bowel barium follow-through could show = Fibrosis/strictures, Deep ulceration (rose thorn ulcers), Cobblestone mucosa
o Endoscopy (OGD, colonoscopy) and Biopsy = Differentiate UC and CD, Useful for monitoring malignancy and disease progression, Can show mucosal oedema and ulceration with ‘rose thorn fissures’, Fistulae and abscesses, Transmural chronic inflammation with infiltration of macrophages, lymphocytes and plasma cells, Granulomas with epithelioid giant cells may be seen in blood vessels and lymphatics
o Radionucide-labelled neutrophil scan = Localise the inflammation
What is the management plan for Crohn’s disease?
o Acute Exacerbation = Fluid resuscitation, IV/oral corticosteroids, 5-ASA analogues, Analgesia, Parenteral nutrition if necessary, Monitor markers of disease activity e.g. fluid balance, ESR, CRP, platelets, Hb
o Long-Term = 5-ASA analogues (more commonly used in UC), Immunosuppression (using steroid-sparing agents), Anti-TNF agents
o General Advice = Stop smoking, Dietician referral (low fibre diet necessary if there are stricture present)
o Surgery indicated if = Medical treatment fails, Failure to thrive in children in the presence of complications
- Involves resection of affected bowel and stoma formation
What are the possible complications of Crohn’s disease?
o GI = Haemorrhage, Strictures, Perforation, Fistulae, Perianal fistulae and Abscesses, GI cancer, Malabsorption
o Extraintestinal Features = Uveitis, Episcleritis, Gallstones, Kidney stones, Arthropathy, Sacroiliitis, Ankylosing spondylitis, Erythema nodosum, Pyoderma gangrenosum, Amyloidosis
Define diverticulosis disease.
The presence of diverticulae outpouchings of the colonic mucosa and submucosa through the muscular wall of the large bowel.
Define diverticular disease.
Diverticulosis associated with complications.
- e.g. haemorrhage, infection, fistulae
Define diverticulitis.
Acute inflammation and infection of colonic diverticulae.
What are the risk factors for diverticular disease?
o low-fibre diet -> loss of stool bulk -> high colonic intrluminal pressure in order to propel stool out -> herniation of the mucosa and submucosa through muscularis
What are the presenting symptoms of diverticular disease?
o Often ASYMPTOMATIC (80-90%)
o Complications can lead to symptoms such as:
- PR bleeding
- Diverticulitis (causing LIF and lower abdominal pain and fever)
- Diverticular fistulation (causing pneumaturia, faecaluria and recurrent UTI)
What are the clinical signs of diverticular disease on examination?
o Diverticulitis - tender abdomen and signs of local or generalised peritonitis if a diverticulum has perforated
What are the appropriate investigations for diverticular disease?
o Bloods = FBC (increased WCC, increased CRP), Clotting and cross-match if bleeding
o Barium Enema (with or without air contrast) = Saw-tooth appearance of lumen
o Flexible Sigmoidoscopy and Colonoscopy = Diverticulae can be visualised and other pathology (e.g. polyps and tumours) can be excluded
- Barium enema and colonoscopy shouldn’t be performed in the acute setting because there is a high risk of perforation -> in acute setting = CT scan
What is the appropriate management for diverticular disease?
o Asymptomatic = soluble high-fibre diet (20-30 g/day)
o GI Bleed = IV rehydration, antibiotics and blood transfusion if necessary, angiography and embolisation or surgery if severe
o Diverticulitis = IV antibiotics, IV fluid rehydration, Bowel rest, Abscesses may be drained by radiologically sited drains
o Surgery = Patients with recurrent attacks or complications (e.g. perforation and peritonitis), Open surgery (Hartmann’s procedure (proctosigmoidectomy leaving a stoma), One-stage resection and anastomosis (with or without defunctioning stoma)), Laparoscopic drainage, peritoneal lavage and drain placement can be effective
What are the possible complications of diverticular disease?
Pericolic abscess
Faecal peritonitis
Colonic obstruction
Fistula formation (bladder, small intestine, vagina)
Define gastroenteritis.
Acute inflammation of the lining of the GI tract, manifested by nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal discomfort.
What are the cuases of gastroenteritis?
o Viral = Rotavirus, Adenovirus, Astrovirus, Calcivirus, Norwalk virus, Small round structures viruses
o Bacterial = Campylobacter jejuni, , E coli (particularly O157), Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio cholerae, Listeria, Yersinia enterocolitica
o Protozoal = Entamoeba histolytica, Cryptosporidium parvum, Giardia lamblia
o Toxins (from) = Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium botulinum, Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus cereus, Mushrooms, Heavy metals, Seafood
o Commonly contaminated foods = Improperly cooked meat, Old rice, Eggs and poultry, Milk and cheeses, Canned food
What are the presenting symptoms of gastroenteritis?
o Sudden onset nausea, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhoea (bloody or watery)
o Abdominal pain or discomfort
o Fever and malaise
o Recent travel, antibiotic use and recent food intake, anyone else is ill?
o Time of Onset: Toxins = early (1-24 hours), Bacterial/viral/protozoal = 12+ hours
- Botulinum causes paralysis and Mushrooms can cause fits, renal or liver failure
What are the clinical signs of gastroenteritis on examination?
o Diffuse abdominal tenderness
o Abdominal distension
o Bowel sounds are often INCREASED
o In SEVERE gastroenteritis = pyrexia, dehydration (due to diarrhoea), hypotension and peripheral shutdown
What are the appropriate investigations for gastroenteritis?
o Bloods = FBC, blood culture (identify bacteraemia), U&Es (dehydration)
o Stool = Faecal microscopy and analysis for toxins (particularly for the toxin causing pseudomembranous colitis (C. difficile toxin)
o AXR or ultrasound = exclude other causes of abdominal pain (e.g. bowel perforation)
- Sigmoidoscopy: usually unnecessary unless inflammatory bowel disease needs to be excluded
What is the appropriate management of gastroenteritis?
o Bed rest
o Fluid and electrolyte replacement with oral rehydration solution
o IV rehydration may be necessary in those with severe vomiting
o Antibiotic treatment is only used if severe or if infective agent has been identified
- If botulism is present treat with botulinum antitoxin (IM) and manage in ITU (often a notifiable disease and is an important public health issue)
What are the indications for ERCP?
o Obstructive jaundice
o Pancreatitis
o Cholangitis
o Recurrent biliary colic
o Post-liver injury bile lead
o Post-laproscopic cholecystectomy with bile leak
What are the possible complications of ERCP?
o Prancreatitis
o Vein irritation leading to a tender lump for a couple of days
o Cholangitis
o Infection
o Perforation
o Sedation risks
o Pneumonia is very frail patients
What are the indications for endoscopy?
o Dyspepsia/indigestion
o Haematemesis/malaena
o Vomiting
o Anaemia
o History of peptic ulcers
o Dysphagia
o Epigastric mass
o Weight loss
What are the possible complications of endoscopy
o Infection
o Perforation
o Sedation risks
Define biliary colic.
Very severe, RUQ pain resulting from obstruction of the gallbladder or common bile duct, usually by a stone - can be poorly localised due to its visceral nature.
What are the risk facts for biliary colic?
o Caucasian
o Fat
o Fertile
o Forty
o Female
What are the presenting symptoms of biliary colic?
o Severe, crampy RUQ pain - can also be poorly localised due to its visceral nature -> doesn’t fluctuate and has a tendency to persist
- Pain may radiate to the right scapula
o Nausea and vomiting
o Individuals may present with pain following ingestion of a fatty meal
What are the clinical signs of biliary colic on examination?
o RUQ/epigastric pain/tenderness
o Jaundice
What are the approrpiate investigations for biliary colic?
o Urinalysis, CXR and ECG to exclude other causes (e.g. basal pneumonia, inferior MI)
o Ultrasound - dilatation of the CBD, gallbladder wall may be thickened
o ERCP - useful diagnostically and therapeutically
o CT - may be useful if other forms of imaging have been insufficient
What are the possible complications biliary colic?
o Complications of surgery
- Injury to the bile duct
- Fat intolerance - due to inability to secrete a large amount of bile into the intestine because the patient no longer has a gallbladder
- Post-cholecystectomy syndrome - presence of abdominal symptoms (e.g. dyspepsia, nausea/vomiting, RUQ pain) after the removal of the gallbladder
What is the management plan for biliary colic?
o Analgesia
o IV fluids
o Laparoscopic cholecystectomy - ERCP can also be used to help remove stones or stent a blocked bile duct
Define IBS.
A functional bowel disorder defined as recurrent episodes of abdominal pain/discomfort (in the absence of detectable organic pathology) for > 6 months of the previous year, associated with two of the following:
o Altered stool passage
o Abdominal bloating
o Symptoms made worse by eating
o Passage of mucous
What are the risk factors for IBS?
o Visceral sensory abnormalities
o Gut motility abnormalities
o Psychosocial factors (e.g. stress)
o Food intolerance (e.g. lactose)
o Many more…..
What are the presenting symptoms of IBS?
o 6+ months history of abdominal pain - pain is often colicky, in the lower abdomen
o Pain relieved by defecation or passing of flatus
o Altered bowel frequency (> 3 motions per day or < 3 motions per week)
o Abdominal bloating
o Change in stool consistency
o Passage with urgency or straining
o Tenesmus
What are the clinical signs of IBS on examination?
o Normal
- May show a slightly distended abdomen which is mildly tender on palpation of the iliac fossae
What are the appropriate investigations for IBS?
o Diagnosis is mainly from the history but organic pathology must be excluded
- Blood = FBC (anaemia), LFT, ESR, CRP, TFT, anti-endomysial/anti-tranglutaminase antibodies (coeliac disease)
- Stool examination = microscopy and culture for infective cause
- Ultrasound = exclude gallstone disease
- Urease breath test = exclude dyspepsia due to Helicobacter pylori
- Endoscopy = if other pathologies suspected
What is the management plan for IBS?
o Advice = Dietary modification
o Medical = Depends on the main symptoms affecting the patient
- Antispasmodics (e.g. buscopan)
- Prokinetic agents (e.g. domperidone, metaclopramide)
- Anti-diarrhoeals (e.g. loperamide)
- Laxatives (e.g. senna, movicol, lactulose)
- Low-dose tricyclic antidepressants (may reduce visceral awareness)
- Psychological therapy (CBT, relaxation and psychotherapy)
What are the possible complications of IBS?
Physical and psychological morbidity
Increased incidence of colonic diverticulosis
Define gastrointestinal perforation.
Perforation of the wall of the GI tract with spillage of bowel contents.
What are the risk factors for GI perforation?
o Large Bowel = Diverticulitis, Colorectal cancer, Appendicitis, Volvulus, UC (toxic megacolon)
o Gastroduodenal = Perforated duodenal or gastric ulcer, Gastric cancer
o Small Bowel (RARE) = Trauma, Infection (e.g. TB), Crohn’s disease
o Oesophagus = Boerhaave’s perforation - rupture of the oesophagus following forceful vomiting
o Risk factors of cause (e.g. gastroduodenal - NSAIDs, steroids, bisphosphonates)
What are the presenting symptoms of large bowel perforation?
o Peritonitic abdominal pain
- Make sure you rule out ruptured AAA
What are the presenting symptoms of gastroduodenal perforation?
o Sudden onset sever epigastric pain - worse on movement -> pain then become generalised
o Gastric cancer red flags as clue for cause - weight loss, vomiting/nausea
What are the presenting symptoms of oesophageal perforation?
Severe pain following an episode of violent vomiting
Neck/chest pain and dysphagia develop soon afterwards
WHat are the signs of GI perforation on examination?
o Signs of shock
o Pyrexia
o Pallor
o Dehydration
o Signs of peritonitis (guarding, rigidity, rebound tenderness, absent bowel sounds)
o Loss of liver dullness (due to overlying gas)
What are the appropriate investigations for GI perforation?
o Bloods = FBC, U&E, LFTs, Amylase (slightly aised with perforation)
o Erect CXR = Air under the diaphragm
o AXR = Abnormal gas shadowing
o Gastrograffin Swallow = For suspected oesophageal perforations
What is the management plan for GI perforation?
o Resuscitation = Correct fluid and electrolytes, IV antibiotics
o Large Bowel = Peritoneal lavage, Resection of perforated section (usually as part of a Hartmann’s procedure)
o Gastroduodenal = Laparotomy, Peritoneal lavage, Perforation is closed with an omental patch, Gastric ulcers are biopsied for H. pylori
o Oesophageal = Pleural lavage, Repair of ruptured oesophagus
What are the possible complications of GI perforation?
o Large and Small Bowel = Peritonitis -> sepsis and multiorgan failure
o Oesophagus =Mediastinitis, Shock, Sepsis, Death