gastroenterology Flashcards
ulcerative colitis on barium enema
colon has irregular mucosa loss of haustral markings continuous - no skip lesions pseudopolyps longstanding disease - drainpipe colon - colon narrow + short
where is inflammation in UC?
starts at rectum (commonest site)
never spreads beyond ileocaecal valve
initial presentation of UC
insidious + intermittent bloody diarrhoea urgency tenesmus LLQ pain extra-intestinal features
peak incidence of UC (age)
extra-intestinal features of IBD
arthritis - esp sacroiliitis in UC
what type of oesophageal cancer is associated with GORD + barrett’s?
adenocarcinoma (commonest type of OC)
where in the oesophagus are tumours most likely to lie?
middle 1/3
diagnosis + staging of oesophageal cancer
upper GI endoscopy
staging - CT TAP
if CT doesn’t show mets - endoscopic USS
management of oesophageal cancer
surgical removal + adjuvant chemo
risk of surgery for oesophageal cancer
anastomotic leak - can cause mediastinitis
chrons - where affected + whats it like?
mouth-anus - terminal ileum + colon most affected
skip lesions
what acute complication can occur in UC?
toxic megacolon
what acute complication can occur in chron’s?
caecal volvulus
what are the RFs for caecal volvulus in chron’s?
adhesions secondary to chron’s
previous surgery
how does volvulus present + show on xray?
abdo pain + distension
large dilated loop of bowel
what are 3 associations of sigmoid volvulus?
chronic constipation
neuro or psych conditions
old age
2 associations of caecal volvulus
(all ages)
how does sigmoid volvulus look on xray?
LBO: large dilated loop of colon
air + fluid levels
coffee bean sign
how does caecal volvulus look on xray?
small bowel obstruction
management of sigmoid volvulus
rigid sigmoidoscopy + rectal tube insertion
management of caecal volvulus
operative - right hemicolectomy often
classic appearance of chron’s on barium enema
kantor’s string sign: long segment of narrowed terminal ileum in string-like configuration - ie a long stricture
proximal bowel dilation
rose thorn ulcers + fistulae
what’s a marker of activity in chron’s?
how do you diagnose bowel perforation?
erect CXR - pneumoperitoneum - air under the diaphragm
CT now preferred
what do positive anti-endomysial antibodies indicate?
how to manage a patient with dysphagia (GP)
urgent referral
age 55+ with weight loss and:
upper abdo pain / reflux / dyspepsia
urgent referral
management of general dyspepsia
trial of full dose PPI for 1mo
diagnosis of h pylori
carbon-13 urea breath test or stool antigen test
h pylori - test of cure
carbon-13 urea breath test
jejunal biopsy shows villous atrophy, raised intra-epithelial lymphocytes + crypt hyperplasia - what is it?
coeliac: repeated gluten exposure → villous atrophy → malabsorption (reverses on gluten elimination)
(cancer would be dysplasia)
c diff - 1st line treatment
oral metronidazole 10-14 days
giardia lamblia - what medication treats?
giardia lamblia
coeliac - diagnosis
immunology (TTG, endomyseal antibody) + jejunal biopsy
reintroduce gluten for at least 6wk prior to testing
diagnosis of coeliac - immunology
TTG (IgA) - 1st choice endomyseal antibody (IgA)