Gastroenterology Flashcards
Wilson’s Disease:
- Pathophysiology?
- Signs / symptoms?
- Diagnosis?
- Treatment?
Wilson’s Disease
- Excessive copper deposition
- Liver (cirrhosis, hepatitis), Neuro (dementia, chorea, Parkinsonism, speech/behavioural abnormalities), Keyser-Fleischer rings, Renal tubular acidosis, Blue nails
- Raised serum caeruloplasmin, high 24h urinary copper excretion
- Penicillamine
Budd-Chiairi Syndrome
- Pathophysiology?
- Signs / symptoms?
- Diagnosis?
Budd-Chiairi Syndrome
- Hepatic vein thrombosis secondary to thombophilia
- Triad of abdo pain, ascites and tender hepatomegaly
- USS w Doppler
- Pathophysiology?
- Signs / symptoms?
- Which features are reversible?
- Diagnosis?
- Treatment?
- Autosomal recessive disorder, iron accumulation
- Bronze skin, Arthritis, Fatigue, Liver disease, Diabetes, Cardiac disease
- Cardiomyopathy, bronze skin
- Iron studies: raised transferrin, ferritin, low TIBC
- Venesection (desferrioxamine second-line)
Prophylaxis of Variceal Haemorrhage?
- Propranolol
2. Endoscopic band ligation
Causes of Malabsorption?
Intestinal: coeliac, Crohn’s
Pancreatic: chronic pancreatitis, CF, pancreatic CA
Biliary: obstruction, PBC
Other: systemic sclerosis, diverticulae, short bowel syndrome
Crohn’s Disease Management- Inducing Remission
- First line
- Second line
- Third line
- Add-ons?
- Steroids / Budesonide
- 5-ASA drugs (Mesalazine)
- Infliximab
Crohn’s Disease Management- Maintenence Therapy
- Advice?
- 1st line drugs?
- 2nd line drug?
- Stop smoking
- AZA / Mercaptopurine
- Risk factors for HCC?
- Diagnosing HCC - marker?
- Diagnosing HCC - imaging?
- Cirrhosis, HCV, EtOH, PBC
Autoimmune Hepatitis
- Epidemiology?
- Antibodies?
- Presentation?
- Treatment?
- Young F
- ANA, anti-SMA, anti-LKM1
- Acute/chronic liver failure, amenorrhoea
- Steroids / AZA; transplant
Pancreatic CA
- Presentation?
- What sign is this?
- Other features?
Pancreatic CA
- Painless enlarged gallbladder + jaundice
- Courvoisier’s sign
- Steatorrhoea, T2DM, weight loss, anorexia
Pernicious Anaemia
- Main abnormality it causes / pathophysiology?
- Diagnostic test?
- Features?
- Treatment?
- Vit B12 deficiency secondary to autoimmune attack on intrinsic factor & gastric parietal cells
- Macrocytic anaemia, anti-intrinsic factor Ab
- Anaemia + neuro features (peripheral and psych)
- Vit B12 replacement
Age >55 + dysphagia + Wt loss + anorexia
What to do?
- Oesophageal CA
2. Urgent endoscopy
HIV + swallowing difficulties?
Oesophageal candida
Dysphagia of solids + liquids from the start, plus regurgitation of food?
Bird-beak appearance on Barium swallow?
Older male, dysphagia + halitosis + cough + regurgitation?
Pharyngeal pouch
Features of systemic sclerosis?
Calcinosis, Raynaud’s, Oesophageal dysmotility, Sclerodactyly, Telangiectasia
Best imaging modality for pancreatic CA?
High resolution CT
Vitamin that is teratogenic?
What is its role in the body?
Vitamin A
Vision, growth and development
HBV Serology HBsAg Neg Anti-HBc Ab Pos IgG anti-HBc Pos Anti-HBs Ab Pos
Prev infection, now immune
HBV Serology HBsAg Neg Anti-HBc Ab Neg IgG Anti-HBc Neg Anti-HBs Ab Pos
HBV Serology HBsAg Pos Anti-HBc Ab Pos IgM Anti-HBc Pos IgG Anti-HBc Neg Anti-HBs Ab Neg
Acute infection
HBV Serology HBsAg Pos Anti-HBc Ab Pos IgM Anti-HBc Neg IgG Anti-HBc Pos Anti-HBs Ab Neg
Chronic infection
Primary Biliary Cholangitis
3 features of the ‘M’ rule?
anti-Mitochrondrial Ab
Middle aged females
Primary Biliary Cholangitis
Ursodeoxycholic acid
Colestyramine (for itching)
Liver transplant
Primary Biliary Cholangitis
Distinguishing features?
Females > males
Chronic cholestasis -> cirrhosis
Early pruritis and cholestatic jaundice
IgM anti-mitochondrial Ab (AMA)
HBV Serology
HBeAg +ve significance?
Indicates infectivity
UC Flares - Classification
Mild vs mod vs severe?
Name of classification?
Mild: <4/day, minimal blood
Mod: 4-6/day, varying blood
Severe: >6/day, blood, systemically unwell
2. Truelove-Witt
UC Flare - Management
- Mild-mod flare - proctitis / L-sided?
- Mild-mod flare - extensive?
- Mild-mod flare - not responsive to initial treatment?
- Rectal aminosalicylate (e.g. mesalazine)
- Rectal 5ASA + Oral 5ASA
- Add PO 5ASA / PO steroids
UC Flare - Management
Severe flare
1. 1st line
2. 2nd line
IV steroids
2nd line: IV Ciclosporin
UC - Maintenance Therapy
Mild-mod disease
1. Proctitis?
2. L-sided disease / extensive colitis?
- Topical 5ASA +/- PO 5ASA
2. PO 5ASA
UC - Maintenance Therapy
Severe disease?
PO Azathioprine
PO Mercaptopurine
Ascites - Diagnosing Cause
What does SAAG stand for?
Serum-Ascites Albumin Gradient
Ascites - Diagnosing Cause
SAAG >11
1. What does it indicate?
2. Give 3 causes?
- Portal hypertension
2. Liver cirrhosis, cardiac failure, Budd-Chiairi syndrome
Ascites - Diagnosing Cause
SAAG <11
1. Give 3 causes?
Low albumin (e.g. nephrotic syndrome), Malignancy, Pancreatitis, Bowel Obstruction
Ascites - Management
- Simple steps?
- Pharmacological?
- Interventional?
- Anything else to consider?
- Salt restriction, fluid restriction (if Na low)
- Spironolactone (aldosterone antagonist) +/- loop diuretics.
- Paracentesis, TIPSS late stage
- If Alb <15, prophylactic Abx (Ciprofloxacin)
C Diff
Main causative agents?
Broad-spectrum Abx, e.g. Clindamycin
C Diff - Management
1st line?
2nd line?
3rd line / severe?
1st: PO Vancomycin 10d
2nd: PO Fidoxamicin
3rd / Severe: PO Vancomycin + IV Metronidazole
Coeliac Disease
- Complications?
- Diagnostic test?
- Definitive test?
- Histological features?
- Anaemia, Hyposplenism, Lactose intolerance, subfertility
- TTG Ab (IgA)
- Endoscopic intestinal biopsy
- Villous atrophy, crypt hyperplasia
Acute GI Bleed Management
Initial Steps
A to E Fluid and blood replacement Correct clotting Blatchford score Endoscopy
Acute GI Bleed Management
Acute variceal bleed management?
IV Terlipressin
IV Abx before endoscopy
Endoscopy and variceal band ligation
Acute GI Bleed
Main features of Blatchford score?
Urea Hb SBP Presence of malaena Presence of syncope HR Liver disease Cardiac disease
Acute GI Bleed
Management of non-variceal bleed?
Acute GI Bleed When to use the following: 1. Platelets 2. FFP 3. Prothrombin complex concentrate
Plt: actively bleeding + PLT<50
FFP: fibrinogen<1 / PT/APTT>1.5
PCC: on Warfarin + actively bleeding