Gastro upper GI Flashcards
gold standard Ix for achalasia?
oesophageal manometry
incomplete relaxation and aperistalsis
barium swallow
for achalasia
bird’s beak appearance
Gold standard GORD ix?
24-hr oesophageal pH monitoring (the gold standard test for diagnosis)
GORD ix?
OGD- ulceration
oesophageal manometry with pH monitoring
Mx of GORD
weight loss
small regular meals
smoking cessation
avoid food items
symptom relief?
ppi add H2 block
antacids for symptom relief
Nissen fundoplication
what is aim of nissen fundoplication
aim to increase LOS pressure so food can stop regurg
PUD gold standard?
upper GI endoscopy - ulceration
H pylori test for PUD
urea carbon 13 breath test and stool antigen test retest 6-8 weeks
serum fasting gastrin level Ix is good at what?
Zollinger Elison disease - benign gastrinoma
= increased gastrin +++++++
= increased ulcers
H pylori + PUD
7 days triple therapy
PII + 2 abx - metronidazole and amoxicilin or clarithromycin
H pylori + PUD
7 days triple therapy
PII + 2 abx - metronidazole and amoxicilin or clarithromycin
H pylori + PUD
7 days triple therapy
PII + 2 abx - metronidazole and amoxicilin or clarithromycin
H pylori + PUD
7 days triple therapy
PII + 2 abx - metronidazole and amoxicilin or clarithromycin
H pylori + PUD
7 days triple therapy
PII + 2 abx - metronidazole and amoxicilin or clarithromycin
H pylori + PUD
7 days triple therapy
PII + 2 abx - metronidazole and amoxicilin or clarithromycin
H pylori + PUD
7 days triple therapy
PII + 2 abx - metronidazole and amoxicilin or clarithromycin
H pylori + PUD
7 days triple therapy
PII + 2 abx - metronidazole and amoxicilin or clarithromycin
H pylori + PUD
7 days triple therapy
PII + 2 abx - metronidazole and amoxicilin or clarithromycin
H pylori + PUD
7 days triple therapy
PII + 2 abx - metronidazole and amoxicilin or clarithromycin
H pylori - PUD
stop drug causing ulcer
4-8 weeks PPI
Hiatus hernia
surgical mx?
medical mx?
nissen fundoplication
PPI 4-8 weeks
oesophageal cancer gold standard?
oesophageal cancer Mx
resection and chemo
gastric cancer Ix?
what finding?
upper gi endoscpoy with biopsy
signet ring cells
gastric cancer mx
resection and adjuvant chemo
Current guidelines include urgent referral (within 2 weeks) for patients with
Dysphagia (at any age)
Aged 55 and over with weight loss AND –
Upper abdominal pain OR reflux OR dyspepsia
Upper abdominal mass consistent with stomach cancer
Indications for Non-Urgent Referral for OGD
Haematemesis (at any age)
Aged 55 and over with either –
Treatment-resistant dyspepsia
Upper abdominal pain and low haemoglobin
Raised platelet count AND any of the following –
Nausea, vomiting, reflux, weight loss, dyspepsia epigastric pain
Nausea or vomiting AND any of the following –
Weight loss, reflux, dyspepsia, epigastric pain
what staging of gastric cancer is inoperable?
any metastatic spread
upper Gi bleed distinguished from lower Gi bleed?
urea is raised in Upper GI
upper gi endoscopy
CXR- rule out perforation
mx of mallory weiss tear
endoscopy inject adrenaline
conduct band ligation
2nd line for a mallory weis tear that won’t stop?
sengstaken blakemore tube
acute management of oesophageal varices?
IV fluids - crystalloid
correct clotting - FFP, Vit K
vasoactive agent- terlipressin
abx- ciprofloxacin
scc associated with what condition?
plummer vinson
osephageal cancer ix
upper GI endoscopy with biopsy
endoscopic uss
oesophageal cancer mx?
ivor lewis surgergy
most common type of cancer? in stomach?
gastric cancer Mx
endoscopic mucosal resection
Ix for gastroeneteritis?
faecal microscopy
bloods -u&es
what are risk factors for ulcer perforation?
1st line imaging is GI perfoartion?
erect cxr
H2 antagonists
(e.g. ranitidine)
haitus hernia most definative imaging modality?
barium meal upper GI
stimulant laxatives?
docusate sodium
not indicated in gastrointestinal obsrtruction
what is the most common cause of GI bleed
peptic ulcers
mallory weis tears