Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD) Flashcards
Symptoms of GORD? (oesophageal + extra-oesophageal)
Oesophageal (typical)
- heartburn (retrosternal burning/pain when lying/after eating)
- dysphagia (food getting stuck)
- regurgitation
Extra-oesophageal (atypical)
- coughing
- hoarseness
- non-cardiac chest pain
- dental erosions (HCl from stomach regurgitation)
Risk factors for GORD?
Raised intra-abdominal pressure
- obesity, pregnancy
Lower oesophageal sphincter relaxation
- drugs (anti-muscs, CCBs, nitrates, smoking), treatment of achalasia, hiatus hernia
Gastric hypersecretion
- diet, smoking, ZES
What is a hiatus hernia?
Portion of the stomach prolapses through the diaphragmatic oesophageal hiatus, predisposing to reflex or worsening existing reflux
Risk factors for hiatus hernia?
Increased IAP (obesity, ascites, pregnancy)
Defect in containing wall
(similar to other hernias)
How are most hiatus hernias found?
Incidentally on CXR or endoscopy
Types of hiatus hernia?
Congenital or acquired
acquired splits into non-traumatic and traumatic hernias
Investigations in suspected hiatus hernia?
Barium swallow
Barium swallow evidence of hiatus hernia?
- Outpouching of barium at lower end of oesophagus
- Wide hiatus through which gastric folds are seen in continuum with those in the stomach
- Occasionally, free reflex of barium
(can help distinguish a sliding from a paraoesophageal hernia (types of non-traumatic acquired hiatus hernia)
Management of hiatus hernia?
Conservative - risk factor modification (diet, smoking, weight loss)
Pharmacological - PPI (or H2 antagonist if PPI inadequate)
Surgery - Nissen fundoplication
Investigations for GORD?
GORD is a clinical diagnosis (unless red flag/atypical symptoms present)
- trial of PPI is both diagnostic and therapeutic, therefore first-line
- if trial of PPI fails/atypical symptoms develop, then proceed to UGI endoscopy
- presence of oesophagitis/Barrett’s oesophagus may require biopsy (and confirms GORD)
Management of GORD?
- diet (avoid precipitants and lose weight), sleep (head of bed elevation), smoking/drug cessation
- PPI or H2 antagonist
- Nissen fundoplication (hiatus hernia as cause), endoluminal gastroplication
Complications of GORD?
Barrett’s oesophagus leading to adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus
Strictures - lead to dysphagia
Histological changes from GORD to Barrett’s to adenocarcinoma?
Metaplasia from normal to Barrett’s
Dysplasia from Barrett’s to oesophageal carcinoma
What is Barrett’s oesophagus?
Metaplasia of the oesophagus due to chronic oesophagitis
Histological change in Barrett’s oesophagus?
Squamous epithelium - metaplasia - columnar epithelium