Gastro Intestinal Surgery- Esophagus- Exam 1 Flashcards
What are indications for surgery fo the esophagus?
Foreign bodies #1 tumors hiatal hernia Perforation
Passive expulsion from esophagus
Centrally mediated reflux Forceful expulsion from stomach or duodenum
esophagotomy definition
incision into the esophageal lumen
Partial resection fo the esophagus
Suturing the esophagus to another structure
Esophageal patching
reinforce defect with muscle or other tissue
Esophageal substitiution
Replace esophagus with other tissue (skin tube or intestine)
What are the esophageal layers
1) Mucosa - linear mucosal striations -distal portion circular folds- herringbone pattern 2) Submucosa - holding strength layer 3) Muscularis - includes segmental blood supply 4) Adventitia - no serosa- does not heal as well
What are factors that challenge the healing process of esophageal surgery?
segmental blood supply Lack of serosa and no omentum constant motion and bolus distention Intolerance of longitudinal stretching/tension Passage of food and saliva
How many closure layers do you need for an esophagotomy?
one or 2 layer closure monofilamnet slowly absorbable 2 layer if possible - keep the knots in the lumen if possible.
What is the maximum amount of resection that can occur in the esophagus?
3-5 cm
What are complication of Esophageal surgery
Leakage- failure to recognize devitalized tissues Stricture formation Fistula formation
What is a non-surgical esophageal condition
Congenital/acquired megaesophagus
Hiatal Hernias of the stomach are most common in what breeds of dogs
Brachycephalic breeds
Treatment for a hiatal hernia
Medical, low fat diet, elevated feeding Prognosis: Fair/Good
What breeds have gastroesophageal intussusceptions most commonly
Young, Large breed: German Shepherd
What is achalasia
This is the failure of the cricopharyngeus muscle to completely relax or option
Dyssynchrony in cricopharyngeal dysphagia
Inappropriate bolus presentation to the upper esophageal sphincter
What are indications for an esophageal feeding tube?
Oropharyngeal disease/trauma long term feeding
What are suture patterns utilized in tieing in an esophageal feeding tube