GASTRO Flashcards
Oesophageal cancer
Description and clinical features
squamous or adenocarcinoma. Poor prognosis. Local spread more than mets. Characterised by progressive dysphagia
Oesophageal ulcer
(description + CFs)
rare but often fatal. Side effect of slow release potassium tablets (hence use soluble instead). Characterised by sudden pain.
Oesophageal stricture
(description + CFs)
characterised by dysphagia
Oseophageal candidiasis
(description + CFs)
thrush, common in immunosuppression but can happen to anyone. Causes painful dysphagia and may have oral thrush
Oesophageal dysmotility
(description + CFs)
is a functional problem. Symptoms include dysphagia and pain.
Oesophageal varices
(description + CFs)
dilated veins at the jn btw portal and systemic venous systems. Usually caused by portal HTN. There might be no symptoms/haematemesis/death.
Barrett’s oesophagus
(description + CFs)
normal distal squamous epithelial lining has been replaced by metaplastic columnar epithelium. Caused by GORD. No symptoms but increased risk of cancer.
Oesophageal perforation
(description + CFs)
Usually caused by surgical procedures. First symptom is pain and causes internal blood loss.
Hiatus hernia
(description + CFs)
A hiatus hernia describes the protrusion of an organ from the abdominal cavity into the thorax through the oesophageal hiatus, typically the stomach. Burning epigastric pain, which is made worse by lying flat.
Causes of Oesophageal Weakness
description and clinical features
could be muscular cause (muscular dystrophy) or neurological (guillain-barre syndrome, stroke, cancer) or injury
description and clinical features
caused by infection, acid, stress, H. pylori. There can be no symptoms but can also have pain, nausea and vomiting.
Gastric cancer
description and clinical features
carcinoma/adenocarcinoma. Some may be lymphomas.
Symptoms: loss of appetite, WL, dypepsia, nausea, vomiting
Common Bile duct inflammation
description and clinical features
cholangits, usually polymicrobial infection, often caused by obstruction (stone/cancer) or by ERCP.
Charcout’s triad: RUQ pain, fever and jaundice. Very unwell.
What is obstruction of common bile duct by a stone called
What is cancer of the common bile duct called and what are the symptoms?
Jaundice, WL, anorexia, abdo pain