Gastro Flashcards
unknown abdominal mass
- organ = liver, kidney, spleen
- transplanted organ
- tumour e.g. Wilm’s
hepatomegaly DDx
Structural (choledochal cyst)
Haem (thal, sickle cell)
Inflammatory (AI)
Metabolic (storage, A1AT, Wilson’s)
Liver transplant DDx - what causes cirrhosis?
- biliary tree disfunction
- chronic hepatitis
- metabolic/genetic e.g. Wilson’s A1At
Renal transplant DDx - what causes renal failure?
Cystic nephropathy e.g. nephronopthisis
Infection e.g HUS
Glomerulonephritides e.g. IgA mediated
Structural e.g. PUV
Splenomegaly OR hepsplenomegaly DDx
Portal HTN
Haem (thal, sickle cell)
Inflammatory (AI)
Metabolic (stoarge, A1AT, Wilson’s
leukonychia vs koilonychia
leukonychia = low albumin
koilonychia = low Fe
spider naevi ddx
- chronic liver disease
- Ataxia-telangectasia
signs of chronic liver disease
poor growth
palmar erythema, clubbing, asterixis
xanthoma, bruising
spider naevi
striae, ascites, caput medusae
glossitis suggests what deficiency?
Iron, folate, B12 deficiency
gum hypertrophy ddx
- myeloid leukaemia
- ciclosporin
macroglossia ddx
- hypothyroidism
- Beckwidth-Wiedemann
- metabolic: MPS, Pompe’s, GSD
Types of scars at the abdomen
Groins – inguinal hernia repair, renal transplant (will also be palpable mass)
Below right subcostal margin – (Kocher’s incision) – think cholecystectomy, especially in sickle cell disease, any liver procedure, e.g. hemi-hepatectomy for hepatoblastoma
‘Rooftop scar’ – liver transplant
Transverse upper abdominal incision – repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia – more common on the left
Upper abdominal midline incision – Nissen’s fundoplication
Small right upper transverse incision – Ramstedt’s pyloromyotomy
Umbilicus – consider gastroschisis or exomphalos, umbilical hernia repair
Laparoscopy scars – more common, very small and multiple (often one at umbilicus)
Lateral thoracolumbar incision – nephrectomy
right vs left sided stoma suggest?
right stoma = ileostomy
left stoma = colonostomy
mercedes benz scar =
liver transplant
spleen vs kidney palpation - how to tell diff?
spleen can’t get above it (and there’ll be a notch)
dull to percuss (kidney is resonant bc of overlying bowel)
clubbing DDx
- chronic lung disease
- gastro = IBD/coeliac/cirrhoses
ascites - interpretation of SAAG
SAAG >1 = portal HTN/CCF i.e. increased hydrostatic pressure
SAAG <1 = decreased oncotic pressure e.g. PLE, nephrotic syndrome
if PCK, what should you examine?
- liver (for cysts)
- 3rd nerve palsy (berry aneurysm)
- MVP on auscultation
- other kidney (should also be enlarged)
portal HTN signs
- splenomegaly
- spider naevi
- caput medusae
- ascites/peripheral oedema
DDx of portal hypertension
- pre-hepatic - portal vein thrombosis
- intra = cirrhosis
- post-hepatic = pul HTN