Gareths Info Flashcards
What’s the definition of risk in relation to risk management policy?
The effect of uncertainty on objectives.
What must you NOT do in relation to acceptable use of information and ICT?
Must not
- access attempt to access, use or disclose any official or personal information unless official work purposes
- use police equipment to infringe copyright
- intentionally download, hold, transmit, view or present to any person objectionable or offensive material (unless for police purposes)
- tamper with or attempt to circumvent any system or security measure ps
- Download or install software without proper approvals
- procure software, hardware and IT related services on behalf of police without authorisation.
What does the privacy act prohibit in relation to use of information etc
Prohibits the access, use and disclosure of official information for private purposes.
In relation to section 13 of the police conduct authority act 1988 what is the definition of serious bodily harm? (Has to be reported to authority by commissioned officer)
Deep laceration
Internal organ injury
Impairment of bodily function
Blow to head causing serious concussion
Injury resulting in admission to hospital
Allegation of sexual assault
As a supervisor of an employee not returning in first 5 days due to illness or injury what must you do?
Advise WFM
Fill out an incident report (if workplace injury)
Contact employee within 2 days
Receive medical cert for ACC absence (or if illness after 5 days)
Complete leave request and and attach med cert if employee unable
Arrange meaningful alternative duties if employee is on light duties.