Gardens Flashcards

Sub Arachnoid Haemorrhage
Radiodense material in the ventricles, sulci, basal cisterns and fissures is blood in the subarachnoid space
Don’t confuse with a calcified choroid (normal finding)
Image Modality = CT (note the bones are white and fluid is normally black)

MR Venography
Contrast study taken in the venous phase to see the intracranial sinuses
used to identify VEnous sinus thromboses
(V. Unlikely to come in an exam but just in case)

MRI Head
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (radiosignals cause protons to spin and as they turn back to normal position the signal is detected via radiofrequency detection)
Excellent soft tissue resolution (note how bone is dark)
T1- structural visulisation. fluid = low attenutaiton. fat= high attenutation
can use with gadolinium (high attenuation)
Can suppress fat
T2. - Good for fluid. Fluid = high attenuation. fat = high attenuation
Can suppress fat.
FLAIR = Fluid attenuating. Good for visualising fluid in tissues where it’s not meant to be (parenchymal oedema) as it attenuates CSF for example
Diffusion weighted = asses how freely fluid moves around. If moves less = infarctive pathology

Subdural Haemorrhage
There is a hyperdense crescenteric area overlying the right frontal and temporal areas of this image. There is associated ventricular effacement and midline shift
This is likely to be an acute SDH as the blood is white —> turns dark overtime as the clot becomes chronic.
i) Craniostomy with burr hole irrigation
ii) craniotomy

Extra Dural Haematoma
There is a hyperdense eliptical region overlying the right fronto-temporo-parietal region. It is associated with ventricular effacement and midline shift
The image modality is a CT scan
i) Craniectomy
Nueroprotective ventilation: High O2 with maintenance of normocapnea
Mannitol/ Hypertonic Saline

Cerebral Abscess
(Pre and Post contrast CT is common practice/ unless MRI is planned) DW MRI is the best
Ring enhancing lesion (iso/hyper dense rim with central low attenuation area) surrounding by low attenuation area of vasogenic oedema. Can be associated with midline shift and effacement of ventricles if large enough. if more than one ring enhancing lesion ? other diagnosis i.e.e (diffuse primary cerebral malignancy)
Causes - Ear infection, throat infection, Teeth infection, Bronchiectasis, Immunosuppression, Cardiac disease

Battle Sign ( Mastoid Ecchymycoses)
Sign of base of skull fracture

Racoon Eyes
periorbital echhymyosis
Sign of base of skull fracture
Rarely - in older people in the absence of head injury or possibility of SOL etc. etc. —> Periorbital purpura. Sign of primary amyloidosis

Tonsillar herniation
The arrow points to herniation of cerebellar tonsil through the foramen magnum due to raised ICP (or the introduction of LP when there is already raised ICP) —> leading to compression of the brainstem.
Nearly always fatal —> leads to brainstem death

Raised hemidiaphragm
Phrenic nerve palsy

Thenar wasting
Median nerve palsy

Hypothenar Wasting
Ulnar nerve
Charcot Marie tooth
Inverse champagne bottle legs (peroneal muscle atrophy)
Pes Cavus
Joint deformities
UL - Claw hands, hand wasting

Charcot Joint
manifestation of long term destruction to a weight bearing joint as a result of sensory neuropathy

Myotonic Dystrophy
long expressionless face
bilateral ptosis
facial muscle wasting
Look for - hand wasting, Difficulty inr elaxin when hand shake, percussion myotonia

Myasthaenia Gravis
bilateral ptosis
Myasthaenic snarl on smiling
Voice will tire counting to 50
Fatiguability in muscle groups
eyes droop on prolonged upward gaze

Cafe au lait
Mccune Albright
?urticaria pigmentosa, Multiple lentigenes

Axillary freckling

Ash Leaf
Tuberous Sclerosis

Shagreen patch
Tuberous sclerosis

can be itchy, violaceous, may bleed
overgrowth of nerve trunk, large cutaneous trunk

iris hamartoma

Ret Hamart

vest schwann
this is an MRI of a brain in the transverse plane. It is in line with the globes and the cerebellum. there is a gad-enhancing lesion situated at the CPA.
This is a vestibular schwannoma

Bouchard Node
Swelling of the PIP
Bony spur

Heberden Nodes
Swelling of the DIP
bony spurs

Squaring of the thumb/Carpo metacarpal joint

Swan Neck Deformity
Hyperextension of PIP / Hyperflexion of DIP

Boutonniere deformity
Hyperflexion of PIP, hyperextension of DIP

Z thumb deformity
Extension of CMC Joint and Flexion of IP

Ulnar deviation
Ulnar deviation of hand joints

Gouty Tophi
Collections in pinna and tendons

Gouty Podagra
Classic inflammation of the base of first metatarsal phalangeal joint

X ray of gout
Soft tissue swelling
Joint effusion
Well defined punched out eccentric erosion
Joint space is preserved to late disease

Pencil in cup
Psoriatic arthritis (NB this is last sign)
Moreso resembles RA but without the juxtarticular osteopenia

CREST syndrome
Limited Systemic sclerosis - CREST features and skin changes on hands, feet, face
This image shows – microstomia and multiple telangiectasia
Smiling can elicit a sclerosis grimace

Sclerodactyly - CREST syndrome
Localised thickness and tightening of the digits

Yellow, white cutaneous deposits
CREST syndrome

Heliotrope rash

Shawl Sign
Maculopapular rash over hsoulders and back

Nailford erythema

Gottron’s Papules

Jaccoud’s arthropathy
Non erosive arthropathy characteristically ulnar deviation of 2-5 digits.
Seen in - Post rheumatic fever, SLE, RA, Psoriatic arth etc.

malar rash
Clasically spares nasolabial folds

Discoid Lupus
NB can affect the scalp causing a scarring alopecia

Bamboo spine / Dagger Sign
Bamboo = ossification of the vertbrae
Dagger sign = ossification of the suprasinatous and interspinous ligaments
Ank Spond

Bone growth occuring from inside a ligmaent

Nodular + Reticulonodular opacities in a patchy distribution (Nb can also be confluent)
Lung bases involved and is bilateral but asymmetrical
- Key to this one is that the distribution is patchy and bilateral but asymmetrical

Opacification of the right lung in the distribution of the middle lobe as represented by obscured right heart border.
Lobar pneumonia - RML

RUL Collapse
Horizontal fissure has been displaced upwards
Mediastinum is enlarged
Apparent volume reduction of the right lung

Pleural Effusion

Distinguishing from PE
- Wide angle with chest wall
- Convex shape
- unilateral/ asymmetrical

Pulmonary Abscess
Radiodense rim
Radiolucent centre
with an air fluid level

Fine reticular interstitial pattern
This is actually PCP pneumonia
- Other features pleural effusions, pneumatocoels, blebs

Peribronch/perivasc infiltrates (lines tracking outward from hilar region)
Basal airspace consolidation
This is actually mycoplasma

Consolidation in RUL
Bulging fissure sign - Horizontal fissure being pushed downward
This is acutally klebsiella pneumonia

Lobar consolidation of the left lower lobe (can’t see the diaphragm but can kind of make out the heart)
Strep pneum

Tram Track opacities
Thickened bronchioled seen in Coronal plane
Increased broncho vascular marking
air fluid levels
mucus pooling
Bronchiectasis, ABPA, CF

Note there is a mass, in a pre-existing cavity, that is surrounded by a crescent of air.
There isn’t an air fluid level
Aspergillosis can cause a spectrum of conditions:
Invasive aspergillosis
Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis

Diffuse bilateral coalescent opacities. Alveolar ill-described pattern of shadowing ( looks fluffy). NB the patient is also clearly unwell considering all of the kit visibel on this radiograph
this is actually ARDS but could equally be pulmonary haemorrhage/oedema

Right upper lobe mass - with no air bronchograms
Right sided effusion
Highly suggestive of malignancy

RIght middle zone consolidation (obscuring of right heart border)
Outline of an irregular mass
Highly suggestive of malignancy due to the strangely shaped mass

Widened Mediastinum
Right hilar mass
Tracheal deviation to the right
Right pleural effusion
Suggestive of malignancy ( mediastinal enlargement due to LN involvement)

Veil like shadowin g over L side of heart
L diaphragm raised
Lung volume appears reduced
L upper lobe collapse

Multiple irregular opacities in both lung fields.
Metastatic lung cancer

Multiple well defined round opacities in both lung fields
Cannon ball mets–> highly suggestive of RCC

Bihilar Lymphadenopathy
Stage 1 sarcoid.
Other signs can be seen are - peripheral infiltrates, fibrosis (ground glass reticulonodular shadowing), bullae
DDx for bHL:
Infections - TB
Malginancy - lymphoma,
Interstitial diseases - EAA, silicosis

Bilateral asymmetrical opacification of lower lobes
Reticular - lines
with some nodularity - blobs
UL causes - APENT - ABPA, Pneumoconiosis - silicosis, EAA, Seronegative arthropathies- Ank Spond, TB
LL causes - STAIR. Sarcoid, Toxins- nitro, mtx, sulfasalazine, bleomycin, amiodarone, Asbestosis, IPF, Rheumatoid - RF, SLE, Sjogren

Lupus pernio

Hyperinflated chest (flattened diaphragm, “small looking heart”, ribs - more than 6 anterior/ 10 posterior ribs in MCL)
Increased bronchovascular markings
Remember - posterior ribs emerge near perpendicular to vertebrae then slope downwards

- Tram lining in lower left zone

Note widespread saddle shaped ST elevation
PR depression
infectious - viral

Torsaides De Pointes
Polymorphic VT
IV Mg 2g IVI

P Mitrale
Bifid p wave due to LA elargement

P Pulmonale
Peaked p wave due to RA enlargement (PHTN, PS)

Left Ventricular hypertrophy + TWI

Erythema Ab Igne
Iron deposition in the skin due to heat related haemolysis.
Sign of chronic pain

Erythema Marginatum
Rheumatic fever

Grade 4 hypertensive retinopathy
Cotton wool spots / soft exucdates
Blurred optic disc

Pretibial myxoedema

Thyroid ACropachy/ ?could also be clubbing as they’re very smilar

Pseudohypoparathyroidism/ pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism(normal biochem)
Shortened fourth and fifth fingers

Think Addison’s
Remember POMC –> MSH + ACTH
NB pigmentation won’t be present in secondary addisons

Cuti Verticis Gyrata
Can be sign of acromegaly

Kayser Fleischer Ring
Sunflower cataracts

Lichen planus
Purple, polygonal, violacious with wickem’s straie

Lead Pipe
Type of scan?
What is it

Barium Enema
Irregular mucosa
Loss of haustral markings
No skip lesions

Senitnal loop
Pancreatitis (proximal jejunal loop dilatation in LUQ)

Dermatitis herpeteformis
IgA intraepidermal deposition

Rugger jersey spine
Sclerotic vertebral end plates
Renal osteodystrophy

Rigler’s Triad
Gallstone Ileus
- Pneumobilia
- Gall stone at ileocaecal valve
- small bowel obstruction

Small bowel obstruction
Diameter >3
Valvulae coniventes: completely across
LB gas absent
Many loops
Many, short fluid levels

Large Bowel Obstruction
>6cm (caecum >9cm)
Peripheral loccation
Haustra- partially across
LB gas present in rectum
Few loops
Few, long fluid levels

otitis externa
Inflammation/ Infection of external ear canal and structures
- Cons -lifestyle changes
Med - Analgesics
Top acetic acid
Top Abx +/- steroid
top steroid for eczema
Cx - Cholesteatoma, Ostemyelitis of temporal bone, Cerebral abscess —> malignant OE

Bullous Myringitis
Painful haemorrhagic blisters on TM and surrounding meatul structures
Associated with influenza

Otitis Media
Bulgind Red TM

Otitis MEdia with Effusion
Dull, retracted TM
Fluid level behind TM
Flat tympanogram

Chronic SUpparative OM
- Drum perforation with chronic effusoon and hearing loss
Mx - aural toilet
Abx/steroid ear drops

Locally desctructive expansion of squamous epithelium in the middle ear

Boggy swelling at mastoid process
Protrusion of ear
Can ahve CNVI/ VII nerve palsies
Iv antibitoics

CN III Palsy
protpsosis, down and out pupil.
(+blown pupil f surgical)

Holmes Adie Pupil
No response to light
Sluggish response to accomodation
Absent reflexes, reduced bp
On slit lamp - iris streaming
Postganglionic parasympathetic nerve damage

Horner’s Syndrome

Acute glaucoma ( closing of the angle in anterior chamber)
Rfx - shallow anterior chamber, hypermetropia, Drugs - anti cholinergics
Cloudy pupil, red eye, dilated pupil
Very painful
Peripheral loss of vision first
Ix - Tonometry, Gonioscopy. Raised IOP >40 mmhg (normal is 5-20mmHg)
Mx - IV Acetozolamide, Pilocarpine, Timolol
IV mannitol
Peripheral Laser iridotomy
Look for eclipse sign with a flash light - broad shadow = narrow chambger = glaucoma

Anterior Uveitis (Iris, Uveitis = Ciliary Body and Choroid)
Pupil normal
Eye red
Pain on accomodaiton (Talbot’s)
Normal IOP
irregular pupil

Scleritis - remember to exclude wegener’s!
Causes - RA, SLE, idiopathic, wegener’s
Epscleritis - Vessels will blanche with epinephrine, localised reddening that can be moved over the sclera
Scleritis - doesn’t blanche, won’t move.

Corneal ulcer (Nb good differential is acnathamoeba - swimming pool contact lens wearers)
Bacterial, viral, fungal, inflammatory (RA)
Contact lens wearers
Need ophth referral

Dendritic ulcer
herpes simplex keratitis 5

Herpes Opthalmicum
Herpes Zoster in the CNVI
Hutchinson’s sign (nose tip involvement) —> indicator of imminent occular involvement

optic neuritis
pale optic disc
blurred disc margins

Vitreous Haemorrhage

Central retinal artery occlusion
pale retina, cherrry red macule
Afferent defect
Causes - GCA, THromboembolic causes
Mx - Reduce IOP
Occular massage, Antihyeprtensives, surgical removal of aqueous

Central retinal vein occlusion
- Unilateral visual loss, RAPD
- Stormy sunset appearance
Tortuous dilated vessel,s,
haemorrhages, cotton wool spots
Causes - Arteriosclerosis, DM, HTN, Polycythaemia

Retinal Vein Branch Occlusion
Looks like centreal retinal vein occlusion but the:
tortuosity, haemorrahges and cotton wool ischaemia are more localised

Retinal Detachment
4 Fs - Floaters, Flashes, Field loss, fall in acuity
Urgent surgery - vitrectomy with gas tamponade
Dry age related macular degeneration
- Drusen around macula
Macula degeneration
Wet ( will have neovascularisation and haemorrahge around macula)

Optic atrophy ( right image) - think open angle glaucoma
increase cup to disc ratio (usually <0.7)

Potentially one haemorrhage towards the left of the image

Moderate NPDR
Several haemorrhages (look just adjaceent to many of hte aneurysms in this picture)

Severe NPDR
Intraretinal microvascular malformations
Cotton wool spots
Venous beading

Cotton wool/ exudates one disc space from the macula

Prolfierative retinopathy
Neovascularisation - good pace to look is over the disc for the exam
Venous Beading
Lots of haemorhage
Lots of ischaemia

Septal haematoma
urgent evacuation and packing required as untreated will lead to cartilaginous necrosis.

HHT - Oromucatenous telangiectasias
EBV tonsillitis
Greyish exudate covering tonsils

Most likely strep

Quinsy abscess (peritonsillar abscess)
Uvula is deviated
Mx - Admit, IV abx, I&D

Optic Atrophy

Retinitis Pigmentosa
- pale optic disc
- mid peripheral bony spicules, baring of the retinal pigmented epithelium, vessel attenuation and sparing of the central macula
Causes - mitochondiral cytopathies
- Retinitis pigmentosa AR/ AD
- Friedrich’s Ataxia
- Refsum’s Disease
- Usher’s Syndrome
- Kearne’s - Sayre’s syndrome

Post photocoagulation DM retinopathy

hordeolum Externum
Abscess of the pit/ follicle of an eye lash.
Mx - Fusidic acid—-> surgical removal

hordeolum internum (meibomian cyst)
Abscess of meobomian gland

Bilateral causes : Primary ptosis (LPS weakness), MG, Myotonic Dystrophy
Unilateral - Horner’s, CNIII palsy

KW 1 hypertensive retinopathy
Silver wiring / Vessel tortuosity

KW 2 Hypertensive retinopathy
AV nicking
- to me just looks like big/medium vessels are crossing over each other
- look for silver wiring + vessel tortuosity if unsure

KW 3 Hypertensive retinopathy
Flame shaped haemmorhages

KW 4 Hypertensive retinopathy

Boat Shaped Haemorrhage with pale centre
Roth spot
Infective endocarditis

Kayser Fleischer Ring
Sunflower cataracts sometimes too

Buerger’s disease
Thromangitis obliteran
Young male smokers

Wet gangrene
Tissue death + infection

Tissue death

Pre gangrene

Gas Gangrene
Clostridium Perfriengens
BenPen Metro
Hyperbaric O2

Venous stars


venous eczema


Atrophie Blanche

Venous ulcer - medial malleolus, lateral malleolus
Venous stockings
Improve arterial inflow , treat venous stasis issues

Arterial Ulcer - Shin, top of feet, toes, pressure points
Punched out deep ulcer, usually dry
- Improve arterial inflow (Endovascular, surgery, clopidogrel etc.)
- Dressings (manuka honey, alginate, silver, hydrocolloid dressings)
- Vac ( aims to create a closed wound, sub-atmospheric environment ) (reduces interstitial oedema, improves tissue oxdygenation)
- Use maggots for debridement/ surgical debridement , dressing debridement

Vac dressing

Neuropathic Ulcer
Punched out, painless ulcer with surrounding insensate skin

Fibrotic thickening of the palmar fascia
Bent penis - peryiones patch
Booze - ALD
R- retroperitoneal fibrosis, reidels thyroiditis
Epileptic medications - phenytoin
hallux valgus
Deviation of the great toe laterally at the MTP joint. May be associated bunyon due to pressure against shoe
Due to inappropriate footwear
Mx - bunion pads, metatarsal osteotomy