gang mob Flashcards
an often idealized criminal subculture from mainstream society
A historical phenomena closely linked to urbanization and the lower class quarters of large cities
Criminals socialize and receive advice, recognition or support
To join the __________ one has to be seen as acceptable and trustworthy criminal
Legal and legitimate groups of people
Corporate and state actors
Middle class society
White-collar criminals
The Upper world
What is the importance of the Kefauver comittee
Focused on a group of underworld figures from Chicago and New York suspected of controlling illegal gambling operations
2 contributions from Kefauver committee
-That organized crime existed on a national scale and threatened communities from the outside
-The notion of an ethnic component to the idea of OC
what is RICO
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) 1970
As law enforcement started learning about the Mafia, they saw other forms of OC emerge and other Ethnic groups
“a group, however organized, meet two requirements: (1) be composed of three or more persons in or outside Canada; and (2) have, as one of its main purposes or main activities, the facilitation or commission of one or more serious offences that, if committed, would likely result in the direct or indirect receipt of a material benefit, including a financial benefit, by the group or by any of the persons who constitute the group”
OC in canada
“any group having a corporate structure whose primary objective is to obtain money through illegal activities, often surviving on fear and corruption” (Bresler 1993: 319)
interpol definition of OC
commodities among high threat OCG in Canada
infiltrating law enforcement, security, government agencies and the private sector
extensive criminal associations to other OCGs, and
Who was the first country to authorize pirates/privateers?
Between 1519 and 1521 Hernán Cortés and a small band of men brought down the Aztec empire in Mexico, and between 1532 and 1533 Francisco Pizarro and his followers toppled the Inca empire in Peru.
spanish conquest
What could privateers not do?
- plunder villages or towns
- open the captured cargo until they returned to port.
what did privateers get in return?
In return, privateers were protected by nations, which provided (a) safe harbors, (b) supplies, and even auctioned
Henry Morgan
A privateer known for expeditions
Known for his fearsome image and daring acts on land and sea throughout the West Indies and along the North American East coast, his legacy has been the inspiration for many depictions of pirates throughout history.
Edward (black beard) Teach
Off the coast of England and made tax exempt, which in return men and ships available for war.
Cinque Ports
Who was Sir Francis drake?
Renown British Explorer
Given Letters of Marque from Crown to plunder Spanish and Portuguese vessels
One voyage (1572), Drake with French pirates seized a Spanish gold and silver depot
Who aided the US government in planned British attack on New Orleans?
The LaFittes
any incident which has a direct impact on the crew. To include:
a) crew being taken hostage, assaulted, injured, killed, kidnaped, missing, threatened
b) a hijacking where the command of the vessel is taken over by those boarding
c) an incident where the crew retreats into the citadel
Severity level 1
Severity level 2
to include a vessel being fired upon, security teams firing on approaching threat, robbers/pirates identified with weapons of any type (violence is inferred) whether boarded or otherwise
severity level 3
anything that isn’t in level 1 or 2
Who was the frontier outlaw?
Buster Crabbe
Carried on the OC tradition of the sea pirate
- Why is smuggling a key feature of early OC?
“Smuggling is the most historically rooted, persistent, and widespread form of organized non-compliance perpetuated by Canadians”
- What is contraband? What has/have been the most popular forms of contraband?
goods forbidden by law to be owned or to be brought into or out of a country. 2. : smuggled goods
what was the most popular contraband in Canada by the end of the 19th century
Classic OC features are…
Profitable mercantile opportunities
Access to black markets to sell wares
Protection from political elites
What is fort whoop up?
Established in 1869 as a base for trade with the Indians, Fort Whoop-Up was the earliest and most notorious of the “whisky forts” built by Americans on Canadian soil. During the years 1869-74 traders dealing in contraband liquor and firearms so demoralized the Indians that violence and disorder resulted. Lawless conditions here and in other areas hastened the formation of the North West Mounted Police in 1873 to assure the maintenance of law and order in western Canada.
what is a robbery Barron?
a person who has become rich through ruthless and unscrupulous business practice
Wanted to monopolize transit
Elected to the US Senate and established Stanford University in 1884
Leland Stanford
Worth $78B in today’s dollars, based primarily off of alcohol and fraud
Wanted to monopolize the fur trade and became America’s greatest “slumlord”
John Jacob Astor
the role of the Irish in OC
The underpinnings of OC and political corruption are found in immigrant America and the role of the Irish
Knowledge and skill enabled them to serve as important role in the rough and tumble politics of America’s urban areas
With prohibition (1920) Irish community was seen as being capable of acting in concert while disregarding the formal government and legal structure
the political machine
a party that controlled the government
control kept oc operation in place
what is Tammany hall
Society of Tammany Hall began in 1789 as a fraternal and patriotic society
Aaron Burr became VP in 1800
In 1836 leader Martin Van Buren elected the 8th president of the US
Tammany established a system in 1838 with a reputation for dispensing favors and social services from funds extorted from vice entrepreneurs and a 6% kickback from all city employees
Tie-in between criminals and politicians was now firmly established
Helped the rise of the political power of the Irish in New York
Irish quickly rose to leadership positions at Tammany (rough and tumble)
In 1844: creation of NYC police force
Subjected to abuse by Tammany linked street gangs
Became more or less a brand of Tammany
From mid 1800s until WWI old style gangs were an important Tammany criminal tie-in
Worked as resident thugs for the gambling houses and brothels under the patronage of Tammany
head of Tammany Hall, NYC’s powerful democratic political machine in 1868.
William tweed
Early associate of Meyer Lansky; gunman and murderer for hire
Associate of Italian racketeers
1930 sent to California to run racing wire.
Accused of skimming funds from the Mob
Shot in the head in Beverly Hills in 1947.
Bugsy Siegel
Thomas dewey vs “lucky” luciano
Dewey Prosecutes Luciano for prostitution in 1930s
what are three levels of drug trafficking?
What is the levee
South-side, Chicago “Levee.” 1893-1930
Location of 500 brothels, gambling halls, saloons, peep shows.
Protected by Two city aldermen: Michael “Hinky Dink” Kenna & “Bathhouse” John Coughlin.
Mont Tennes took over old McDonald gambling syndicate; owned wire service.
“King of the Chicago Gamblers” to “Czar of all race-track gambling in the US and Canada”
What is loan sharking?
Provides money at a high interest rate to people who have little choice but to go to such sources in search of financial support
What is environmental crime
Legitimate business of waste removal for organized crime
Illegal international trade in animal parts
What is business racketeering
Organized crime groups seek profitable and safe investments
Active participation in legitimate business enhance the integration of crime group members with members of the business community
Organized crime often supplies investment capital that would otherwise not be available from other sources
What is labour racketeering
The use of union power for personal profit
Major activities by which organized crime realizes illicit profits
What is a smurf?
runners willing to conduct dozens of small transactions below Bank Secrecy law regulations (under $10,000).
running transaction through numerous accounts and purchases.
Offshore baking and shell corporations
- How do we define OC in section 467.1 of the CCC?
Section 467.1 Criminal Code of Canada:
3 or more persons inside or outside Canada
Has as a main activity one or more serious criminal offences
Excludes a group that forms randomly to commit a single offence
what are 6 characteristics of organized crime
- Primary goal?
- Conduct activities in a methodical, systematic, secret fashion
- Intricate organizational structure insulates leaders
- Attempt to gain influence through corruption and illegitimate means
Alien conspiracy theory
Result of immigrants needing to find a means to survive and who bring their criminal culture with them to North America
Governments create demand for illegal goods and services
Public policy impetus
Corporate/bureaucratic model
A formal hierarchy in which day to day activities of the organization are planned and coordinated at the top and carried out by subordinates
“a loose connection of criminal groups held together by kinship and patronage”
Kinship/feudal model
Middle man (patron) and client
Ensures the welfare and security of his people and associates and receives a monetary tribute from his clients
Patron-client model
That OC is the result of a rational decision on the part of actors that the benefits outweigh the risks of engaging in OC activities.
Rational Choice Theory
how is the OC market driven
Both make payments to political/police systems.
O.C. groups will often co-operate with elite structures
The impetus behind organized crime is not a criminal conspiracy, but simple market opportunity, which can also constrain organized crime’s structure, form, and social perniciousness. Therefore, the market and its environment provide the most appropriate point of intervention in controlling organized crime.
Organizational theory