Gamla tentafrågor Flashcards
Which statement is NOT an illustration of the limitations of the Procrustean approach?
a) No amount of training will ever make some man-machine systems function successfully.
b) Machinery has finally outrun the man’s ability to adapt.
c) It is no longer possible to adopt the Tayloristic principle of selecting a few specialized individuals.
d) “Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select – doctor, lawyer, artist, or merchant-chief”
d) Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select – doctor, lawyer, artist, or merchant-chief
Accident proneness refers to…
a) the idea that some people are more likely to suffer accidents than other people.
b) a natural or acquired habit or characteristic tendency in a person or thing
c) The idea that the blunt end, or ‘a disease of sloppiness’, is often the most suitable model of accident causation.
d) the belief that one’s environment, to the exclusion of genetic influence, determines morphological and behavioral phenotypes, including such rare events as accidents
a) the idea that some people are more likely to suffer accidents than other people.
Anthropometry is…
a) the measurement of humans for the purpose of understanding human cognitive variation
b) the measurement of humans for the purpose of understanding human physical variation.
c) a science that describes the relationship between environmental conditions (barometric pressure, temperature, etc) and human performance, typically in military context.
d) a science of cultural comparisons of human civilzations.
b) the measurement of humans for the purpose of understanding human physical variation.
Which answer does not correspond to detection theory?
a) It assumes that humans make decisions under conditions of uncertainty.
b) It allows the extraction of a pure measure of perceptual sensitivity separate from response bias, rather than combining the two in a single measure, as in the threshold techniques.
c) it can be used to extract whether an operator has a conservative or a liberal strategy.
d) It is concerned with sensory thresholds and indifference thresholds.
d) It is concerned with sensory thresholds and indifference thresholds.
The field of manual control modeling is…
a) typically concerned with human-computer interaction
b) typically concerned with the study of negative feedback control systems in which the loop is closed
through a human operator.
c) a study of work, especially concerned with physical aspects such as lifting, reaching, and locomotion.
d) sometimes contrasted with pedal modeling, which is the study of footwork such as manipulation of pedals and foot levers.
b) typically concerned with the study of negative feedback control systems in which the loop is closed
through a human operator.
In the context of virtual simulation, a FMB is…
a) a Full Mission Bridge simulator, a ship simulator with a ship’s bridge where a bridge management team can carry out all possible missions.
b) a Flight Management Breach, the training of deviations from standard procedures, something that is impossible to be trained in real aircraft.
c) Finite Measurement Bandwidth, a method for validating motion cues, using analytic techniques in the frequency domain.
d) the Federal Maritime Board, the organization that is responsible for regulating shipping, including hardware requirements for professional shipping simulators
a) a Full Mission Bridge simulator, a ship simulator with a ship’s bridge where a bridge management team can carry out all possible missions.
Psychophysics is…
a) the analysis of perceptual processes, achieved by systematically varying a stimulus along a physical
b) the branch of psychology that is concerned with the physiological basis of psychological processes.
c) a branch of psychology that argues that the brain is holistic, parallel, and analog, with self-organizing tendencies.
d) a field within biological psychology that studies cellular mechanisms to discover aspects and extent of cogntive deficit caused by brain damage or disease.
a) the analysis of perceptual processes, achieved by systematically varying a stimulus along a physical
Jens Rasmussen described that human behavior is based on skills, rules and knowledge. Which statement is incorrect regarding Rasmussen’s skill, rule and knowledge taxonomy?
a) Skill-based behavior represents sensory-motor performance that takes place without conscious control as smooth, automated, and highly integrated patterns of behavior.
b) planning and reasoning can be regarded as knowledge-based behavior.
c) Experts rely on knowledge-based behavior; beginners rely on skill-based behavior.
d) In skill-based behavior, information is perceived as time-space signals; in rule-based behavior, information is perceived as signs: in knowledge-based behavior, information is perceived as symbols (abstract relations and properties)
c) Experts rely on knowledge-based behavior; beginners rely on skill-based behavior.
Oldowan is…
a) a term from the second industrial revolution, characterizing large economic growth and dramatic increase of living standard.
b) the idea that humans adapt to machines and not vice versa.
c) an archeological term referring to oldest recognizable tools which have been preserved in archaeological record.
d) a reflex that contributes to the illusion of visually induced self-motion.
c) an archeological term referring to oldest recognizable tools which have been preserved in archaeological record.
Which statement about Fitts list is false?
a) Fitts list is still valid today regarding most of its items.
b) Fitts list is a starting point for function allocation.
c) Fitts list compares strengths of human and machine.
d) Fitts list represents a list of out-of-the-loop problems.
d) Fitts list represents a list of out-of-the-loop problems.
Which statement is false?
a) airline pilots work with a Flight Management System (FMS), controlled numerically through a control-display unit (CDU).
b) during the last 100 years, pilots have gradually become supervisors rather than manual controllers.
c) Statistics reliably show that accident rates have been steadily increasing since the 1980s, parallel with the introduction of the glass cockpit.
d) The flight deck can be described as an ‘airborne office’ where many tasks are automated, and information is not directly available to the pilots.
c) Statistics reliably show that accident rates have been steadily increasing since the 1980s, parallel with the introduction of the glass cockpit.
Which statement about predictor displays is false?
a) predictor displays are effective for manuevering bulky ships or in other cases where vehicle dynamics are sluggish.
b) Predictor displays suggest that Fordism is a useful man-machine systems strategy.
c) Predictor displays can be appropriately categorized as belonging to the ‘information analysis’ stage of automation.
d) the reliability of sensor information is an important determinant of the effectiveness of predictor displays.
b) Predictor displays suggest that Fordism is a useful man-machine systems strategy.
Which statement is false?
a) A teleoperator is a tool which extends a person’s mechanical action beyond his reach.
b) a teleoperator can be either a telerobot or a system that is continously controlled.
c) A telerobot is a machine that has the ability to perform autonomous work.
d) a master slave servomanipulator is an appropriate example of a telerobot.
d) a master slave servomanipulator is an appropriate example of a telerobot.
What statement about workload-performance dissociation is true?
a) Workload-performance dissociation refers to a situation where an increase of workload goes hand in
hand with a performance decrease.
b) Workload-performance dissociation refers to the feeling of discomfort when simultaneously holding two or more conflicting cognitions; ideas, beliefs, values, or emotional reaction.
c) Workload-performance dissociation refers to the idea that comparison of performance (speed, accuracy) with mental workload can provide important information on operator skill or strategy.
d) Workload-performance dissociation involves identifying the neural substrate of a particular brain function through identification of case studies, neuroimaging, or neuropsychological testing.
a) Workload-performance dissociation refers to a situation where an increase of workload goes hand in
hand with a performance decrease.
Which answer does not relate to complacency?
a) automation misuse
b) Moravec’s paradox.
c) automation bias
d) the idea that people use decision-making heuristics as a replacement for active monitoring.
b) Moravec’s paradox.
An alarm flood refers to…
a) the problem that minor incidents may cause dozens of alarms to trigger, requiring the operator to perform anywhere from a single action to dozens, or even hundreds, of compensatory actions over several hours.
b) a Tsunami Warning System (TWS), used to detect tsunamis in advance and issue warnings to prevent loss of life and damage.
c) a cognitive tunneling effect that can occur when being subjected to visual-auditory alarms in particular repetitive temporal pattern.
d) a cognitive depletion of resources, associated with prolonged sustained attention.
a) the problem that minor incidents may cause dozens of alarms to trigger, requiring the operator to perform anywhere from a single action to dozens, or even hundreds, of compensatory actions over several hours.
The term ‘clumsy automation’ is particularly concerned with…
a) accident proneness
b) unbalanced mental workload in poorly designed automation systems.
c) the idea that operators are likely to turn over decision processes to automation as much as possible due to a cognitive conservation phenomenon.
b) unbalanced mental workload in poorly designed automation systems.
Situation awareness is…
a) the state of being aware of one’s presence in a situation, particularly the feeling of presence or immersion in a virtual reality environment.
b) a convenient explanation that the general population can easily grasp and embrace.
c) the perception of environmental elements with respect to time and/or space, the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their status after some variable has changed, such as time, or some other variable, such as a predetermined event.
d) the effect of one’s past expercience (including training) on one’s current state in a situation.
c) the perception of environmental elements with respect to time and/or space, the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their status after some variable has changed, such as time, or some other variable, such as a predetermined event.
Which statement relates to constructive simulation?
a) a real person operates real equipment (but some aspect of the environment is simulated)
b) a real person operates a simulated system.
c) Simulated people operate simulated systems.
d) a computer program simulates an abstract model of a physical (nonhuman) system.
c) Simulated people operate simulated systems.
Which statement relates to a taxis?
a) A response to a directional stimulus that involves the entire body.
b) a complex fixed action pattern, that is, a behavioral sequence that is indivisible and runs to completion, in response to an external sensory stimulus.
c) a response that involves a single set of muscles.
d) a conditioned stimulus that acquires the power to evoke a conditioned response.
a) A response to a directional stimulus that involves the entire body.
What is ECDIS?
a) Electronic Chart Display and Information System.
b) Electronic Communication Device and Interface Service.
c) European Classification of Displays, Interfaces and Systems.
d) Engineering Classification of Dualistic Interactive Services
a) Electronic Chart Display and Information System.
The simulation argument states that…
a) (it is possible that) reality is in fact a computer simulation, and that most people are unaware of this.
b) augmented feedback can over-stimulate people in simulated environment.
c) simulators do not have to be realistic in order to guarantee optimal training effectiveness.
d) simulated environments can cause a feeling of alienation, sometimes describes as an invigilant increment function
a) (it is possible that) reality is in fact a computer simulation, and that most people are unaware of this.
The full body illusion is…
a) the phenomenon that playing a first-person shooting video game can induce a disconcerting level of self-fulfilment.
b) an illusion where one regards a mannequin doll as one’s own body.
c) an illusion similar to the Necker cube, but applied to a rotating dancing silhouette.
d) an illusionary state of mind where one feels ‘complete’
b) an illusion where one regards a mannequin doll as one’s own body.
Which answer relates to the Out Of Africa theory?
a) Anatomically modern humans evolved in Africa and migrated about 50,000–100,000 years ago.
b) Anatomically modern humans originated about 10,000 years ago outside Africa.
c) Humans first arose near the beginning of the Pleistocene two million years ago and subsequent human evolution has been within a single continuous human species.
d) the paradoxical phenomenon that most ancient technical artifacts are found in Africa, while nowadays, technological novelties are found mostly in other regions of the world.
a) Anatomically modern humans evolved in Africa and migrated about 50,000–100,000 years ago.