GAMES Flashcards
Optimal Performance Factors in Intermittent Sport
- psychomotor skills
- kinaesthetic awareness
- agility
- technique
- flexibility
- endurance
- strength
- speed/power
- anthropometry
- tactics
- mental skills
- nutrition / hydration
Internal Load - Soccer Training
Physiological assessment of:
- anatomical
- physiological
- biochemical and
- functional changes
Specific to the sport discipline/ training outcome
External Load - Soccer Training
- quality, quantity and organisation of physical ex described by external work imposed by coach on athletes
- not appropriate in soccer, training based on group-based training exercises
- physiological stress / internal load induced by such training often varies in individuals
Interval Training - Fixed vs Heart Rate Recovery
- 1 min recovery vs HR less than 120bpm
- average split times fatster for HR recovery (00:40.3s) than fixed recovery (00:44.1s)
Impellizzeri et al., 2005 - Physiological Assessment of Aerobic Training Outcome and Process in soccer
- improves interpretation of physical tests used to verify the effectiveness of training programmes
- evaluate organisation of the training load to design periodisation strategies
- identify athletes that are poor responders
- control compliance of training completed to that planned by the coach
- modify training process before assessment of its outcome, optimising soccer performance
Training Outcome
- a consequence of the internal training load determined by individual characteristics (genetic factors, previous training) and the quality, quantity and organisation of the external training load
Williams 1987 - Multiple Sprint Activities
- sports involving high-intensity or max efforts interspersed with periods of incomplete recovery are termed ‘multiple sprint activities’
Field-Based Measures for Investigating Intermittent Exercise
- notational analysis (video camera) of real life patterns
- portable metabolic analysers (Lactate pro) provide additional info on metabolic pathways behind movements
- GPS characterise actual movements in match play
Lab-Based Measures for Investigating Intermittent Exercise
- models of intermittent ex (not real game play) allow precise prescription of dose of exercise to metabolic response
- lab analysis of venous bloods provide in depth analysis of metabolism
- muscle biopsy provide molecular answers on involvement of metabolic pathways
O’Donaghue and Parker, 2000 - Time Motion Analysis in Premier League
- 38 matches analysed
- work : rest ratio was 1 : 8.9 in total time
- work : rest ratio was 1 : 4.5 in-ball play
McLean, 1992 - Time Motion Analysis in 5 Nations
- all matches analysed
- work : rest ratio 1:1.1-1.9 in-ball play time
- scrum, line-out, ruck or maul occurred every 33s
- blood lactate max values ranged from 5.8-9.8mmol.L-1, suggests large contribution to exercise performance (29/80 min) was largely due to anaerobic glycolytic pathways
McInnes et al., 1992 - Time Motion Analysis in Basketball
- 10±52 high-intensity runs by elite players
- 1.7s = mean sprint duration
- high intensity run every 21s
O’Donoghue and Ingram, 2001 - Notational Analysis of Tennis
- rallies were longer in french open vs all other comps (P<0.05)
- rallies were shorter in Wimbledon vs all other comps (P<0.05)
Cronin and Templeton, 2008 - Infra-Red Timing Gates
- commonly undertaken using infra-red gates
- provide reliable measurements of sprint performance over short intervals (10m)
- offer specificity of field testing to games athletes
- estimate total work and distribution of work done on the field
- general volume considerations are what type of technology is effective with smoothing out unplanned spikes in loading
Key GPS Metrics in Team Sportss
- total distance
- relative distance
- high intensity running (cruising, sprinting)
- low intensity activity (walking, jogging)
- impact / collision
- acceleration / deceleration
- player load
- metabolic power
Duffield et al., 2010 - GPS Systems
- generalisation of findings is limited as validity and reliability of a GPS device may be affected by the manufacturer and the sampling rate
Waldron et al., 2010 - GPS Systems
- reliability of current devices is constantly evaluated
- user caution is needed to utilise equipment to assess sprinting activity
Brooks et al., 1990 - Lab Methods for Investigating Intermittent Exercise
- many studies use protocols that replicate typical patterns of multiple sprint activities but remain well controlled in a lab environment
- facilitates better insight into physiology of games
- focus of this work has dealt with metabolic and cardio-respiratory responses to repeated bouts of max-ex with some work on diet manipulation
Power Output During Intermittent Maximal Exercise
- power output during a sprint can be many times more than that achieved during a test of VO2max
Gaitanos et al., 1983 - Power Output
- PPO during 6s cycle sprint 5x greater than power output at VO2max
- subsequent sprints with insufficient recovery produce significant reductions in power output
Gaitanos et al., 1983 - Energy and Fuel Use
- sprint 1 energy production (mmol ATP/kg dm) 89.3±13.4, sprint 10 = 31.6±14.7
- ATP utilisation, sprint 1 = 6.3%, sprint 10 = 3.8%
- Glycolysis sprint 1 = 44.1%, sprint 10 = 16.1%
- PCr utilisation sprint 1 = 49.6%, sprint 10 = 80.1%
Balsom et al., 1994 - Aerobic Fitness and Intermittent Exercise Recovery
- a reduced I-Ex performance under reduced O2 availability
- power output reduced in hypoxia vs normal and blood lactate was greater with hypoxia
Hamilton et al., 1991 - Aerobic Fitness and Intermittent Exercise Recovery
- high level of aerobic fitness may convey an enhanced ability to resist fatigue during sprinting
LIST (Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test)
- produceable test closely stimulates activity patterns of soccer in non-contact environment
- standardised in intensity and duration and facilitates employment of various interventions such as diet manipulation
Physiological Responses to LIST
- sprint times = 2.42±0.04s for 15m sprints
- heart rates = 171bpm (Part A), 175bpm (Part B)
- RPE = 8 (Part A), 10 (Part B)
- blood glucose = M=6.3mmol/L
- blood lactate = M=5.7mmol/L
- body mass = 2.7% (~2kg)
LIST Protocol - Part A
- total distance covered = 11.1km
- 3x20m at walking pace
- 1x20m at max running speed
- 4s recovery
- 3x20m at 55% VO2max running speed
- 3x20m at 95% VO2max running speed
LIST Protocol - Part B
- continued to exhaustion
- 1x20m at 55%VO2max running speed
- 1x20m at 95%VO2max running speed
Bracken and Brooks, 2010 - Intermittent Sprint Training
- 3 sessions (~45min-1hour) per week for 7 weeks
- test consisted of 10x6s cycle sprints with 30s recovery between each sprint
- pedal revolution and power output increase following 7 weeks of sprint training
- 14% increase in work done (P=0.005)
Jenkins et al., 1994 - Sprint Ability Improvements After 3 Weeks Training
-10x6s cycle sprint, 24s passive recovery, 3 times per week for 3 weeks (9 sessions)
- power output improved with sprint training
- Blac was increased following training
- no change in blood pH
- greater PO was due to improved GMP, but the increase in Blac suggests greater anaerobic glycolysis
- unaltered pH suggests improved intramuscular buffering preventing an increase in acidoses and this would facilitate a quicker PCr resynthesis
- resting muscle glycogen increased 26%
- resting citrate synthase increased 38%
- 2 weeks of SIT increases muscle oxidative potential and doubles endurance capacity during intense cycling
Aerobic Adaptations to Intermittent Training
Greater VO2max derived from changes in:
- cardiac and skeletal muscle hypertrophy
- angiogenesis
- hypervolemia
- muscle oxidative metabolism
- fuel storage (muscle and glycogen and TG’s)
Anaerobic Adaptations to Intermittent Training
- Burgomaster et al., 2005 = greater capacity for muscle glycogen storage
- Jenkins et al., 1994 = greater buffering to reduce drop in blood pH and allow for continued PCr resynthesis
Hypoxia Definition
- a state in which oxygen is not available in sufficient amounts at the tissue level to maintain adequate homeostasis
Hypervolemia Definition
- a condition where your body has too much fluid
Angiogenesis Definition
- the formation of new blood vessels