Gallbladder Flashcards
In the hollow on the lateral side of the orbital margin, approximately 0.5 cun lateral to the outer canthus.
In the hollow between the intertragic notch posteriorly and the condyloid process of the mandible anteriorly. Locate this point with the mouth wide open.
Anterior to the ear, in a hollow above the upper border of the zygomatic arch, directly superior to St-7.
In the temporal region, within the hairline, one quarter of the distance between St-8 and GB-7.
In the temporal region, within the hairline, half the distance between St-8 and GB-7.
In the temporal region, within the hairline, three quarters of the distance between St-8 and GB-7.
In the temporal region, within the hairline, level with and one finger-breadth anterior to SJ-20.
In the temporal region, in the slight depression 1 cun directly above the apex of the ear.
Above the ear, in the depression 0.5 cun posterior to GB-8.
Posterior to the ear, along a curved line drawn from GB-9 to GB-12 running within the hairline and more or less parallel to the line of the rim of the ear, in a depression about one third of the distance between GB-9 and GB-12.
Posterior to the ear, along a curved line drawn from GB-9 to GB-12 running within the hairline and more or less parallel to the line of the rim of the ear, in a depression slightly greater than two thirds of the distance between GB-9 and GB-12.
In the depression just posterior and inferior to the mastoid process.
On the forehead, 0.5 cun within the anterior hairline, two thirds of the distance between DU-24 and St-8.
On the forehead, 1 cun superior to the middle of the eyebrow, directly above the pupil when the eyes are looking straight ahead.
On the forehead, directly above GB-14, 0.5 cun within the anterior hairline, midway between DU-24 and St-8.
Above the forehead, on a curved line drawn between GB-15 and GB-20, following the contour of the cranium, 1.5 cun posterior to GB-15.
In the parietal region, on a curved line drawn between GB-15 and GB-20, following the contour of the cranium, 1.5 cun posterior to GB-16.