Gall bladder.2. Chronic calcular cholecystitis Flashcards
Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Alternative names
Alternative names for Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
ETIOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
A- Cholesterol & Mixed Stones :
B- Pigment Stones :
Etiology of Cholesterol & Mixed Stones of CCC in ETIOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Disturbed bile salts / cholesterol ratio : (Lithogenic theory)
- Bile stasis
- Infection (in mixed stones only) :
Disturbed bile salts / cholesterol ratio : (Lithogenic theory) in Etiology of Cholesterol & Mixed Stones of CCC in ETIOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- The normal ratio
- The disturbed ratio
- The Etiology of disturbance
The normal ratio in Disturbed bile salts / cholesterol ratio : (Lithogenic theory) in Etiology of Cholesterol & Mixed Stones of CCC in ETIOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
The disturbed ratio in Disturbed bile salts / cholesterol ratio : (Lithogenic theory) in Etiology of Cholesterol & Mixed Stones of CCC in ETIOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
13:1 or less )> the cholesterol precipitates (lithogenic bile).
lithogenic bile in The disturbed ratio in Disturbed bile salts / cholesterol ratio : (Lithogenic theory) in Etiology of Cholesterol & Mixed Stones of CCC in ETIOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
bile containing disturbed bile salts : cholesterol ratio )> 13:1 or less )> the cholesterol precipitates
The Etiology of disturbance in Disturbed bile salts / cholesterol ratio : (Lithogenic theory) in Etiology of Cholesterol & Mixed Stones of CCC in ETIOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
a) Decrease in bile salt pool
b) Increased cholesterol in bile
Pathogenesis of Decrease in bile salt pool in The Etiology of disturbance in Disturbed bile salts / cholesterol ratio : (Lithogenic theory) in Etiology of Cholesterol & Mixed Stones of CCC in ETIOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Chronic liver disease.
- Crohn’s disease.
- Surgical removal of the terminal ileum
Chronic liver disease in Pathogenesis of Decrease in bile salt pool in The Etiology of disturbance in Disturbed bile salts / cholesterol ratio : (Lithogenic theory) in Etiology of Cholesterol & Mixed Stones of CCC in ETIOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
causes Decrease hepatic bile salts synthesis
Crohn’s disease in Pathogenesis of Decrease in bile salt pool in The Etiology of disturbance in Disturbed bile salts / cholesterol ratio : (Lithogenic theory) in Etiology of Cholesterol & Mixed Stones of CCC in ETIOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
causes inflammation of the terminal ileum which is the site of entero-hepatic circulation
Surgical removal of the terminal ileum in Pathogenesis of Decrease in bile salt pool in The Etiology of disturbance in Disturbed bile salts / cholesterol ratio : (Lithogenic theory) in Etiology of Cholesterol & Mixed Stones of CCC in ETIOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
done in Right hemi colectomy
Pathogenesis of Increased cholesterol in bile in The Etiology of disturbance in Disturbed bile salts / cholesterol ratio : (Lithogenic theory) in Etiology of Cholesterol & Mixed Stones of CCC in ETIOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- D.M, obesity or increase dietary fat intake.
2. Estrogen increases cholesterol level in bile.
Pathogenesis of Bile stasis in Etiology of Cholesterol & Mixed Stones of CCC in ETIOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Gall bladder contractility is reduced by
a) Oral contraceptive pills.
b) Repealed pregnancy.
c) Patients on long-term parenteral nutrition. (Dec release of cholecystokinin)
d) After truncal vagotomy.
e) D.M & obesity ( neuropathy)
Pathogenesis of infection in Etiology of Cholesterol & Mixed Stones of CCC in ETIOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Bacteria & epithelial debris provides the nidus for stone formation
Monaghan aphorism
The stone is the tomb of organism
Etiology of Pigment Stones in ETIOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
1) Hemolytic anemia:(especially spherocytosis)
2) Hepatic cirrhosis :
3) Infection by E. coli
4) Parasitic infestation
Pathogenesis of Hemolytic anemia in Etiology of Pigment Stones in ETIOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Excessive destruction of RBCs which results in increase of bile pigments (black pigment stones).
Pathogenesis of Hepatic cirrhosis in Etiology of Pigment Stones in ETIOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- decrease ability of the liver to conjugate bilirubin
- decrease hepatic bile salt synthesis
- Cirrhosis increases all types of gallstones, but black pigment stones are the commonest
The commonest stones in Pathogenesis of Hepatic cirrhosis in Etiology of Pigment Stones in ETIOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
black pigment stones
Pathogenesis of Infection by E. coli in Etiology of Pigment Stones in ETIOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
E. coli secretes p- glucoronidase enzyme
p- glucoronidase enzyme in Pathogenesis of Infection by E. coli in Etiology of Pigment Stones in ETIOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- secreted by E.coli
- deconjugates bilirubin diglucoronide to insoluble bilirubin which combines with calcium & ppts as calcium bilirubinate (brown pigment stones).
Pathogenesis of Parasitic infestation in Etiology of Pigment Stones in ETIOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Ascariasis lumbricoides & Clonorchis sinensis Reach the CBD and predispose infection by E coli forming brown pigment stones.
TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- The right classification of stones
- Department classification of stones
- Etiological classification of stones
The right classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Pure cholesterol stones
- Mixed cholesterol stones
- Black pigment stones
- Brown pigment stones
Difference between types of stones in The right classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- composition
- number
- size
- color
- shape
Composition of Pure cholesterol stones in Difference between types of stones in The right classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Nearly 100% cholesterol
Composition of Mixed cholesterol stones in Difference between types of stones in The right classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
60% cholesterol Plus
- calcium carbonate
- calcium phosphate
- calcium palmitate.
Composition of Black pigment stones in Difference between types of stones in The right classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Calcium bilirubinate
Composition of Brown pigment stones in Difference between types of stones in The right classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Mainly Calcium bilirubinate Plus
- calcium palmitate
- calcium carbonate
Number of Pure cholesterol stones in Difference between types of stones in The right classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Mainly Single “cholesterol solitaire” or multiple up to 4
Number of Mixed cholesterol stones in Difference between types of stones in The right classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Number of Black pigment stones in Difference between types of stones in The right classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Number of Brown pigment stones in Difference between types of stones in The right classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Size of Pure cholesterol stones in Difference between types of stones in The right classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Large> 2.5 cm.
Size of Mixed cholesterol stones in Difference between types of stones in The right classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
small < 2.5 cm.
Size of Black pigment stones in Difference between types of stones in The right classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
small < 2.5 cm.
Size of Brown pigment stones in Difference between types of stones in The right classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
small < 2.5 cm.
Color of Pure cholesterol stones in Difference between types of stones in The right classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Color of Mixed cholesterol stones in Difference between types of stones in The right classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Color of Black pigment stones in Difference between types of stones in The right classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Tarry black
Color of Brown pigment stones in Difference between types of stones in The right classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Shape of Pure cholesterol stones in Difference between types of stones in The right classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Rounded or oval & mamillated.
Shape of Mixed cholesterol stones in Difference between types of stones in The right classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Faceted & laminated
Shape of Black pigment stones in Difference between types of stones in The right classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Rounded or oval
Shape of Brown pigment stones in Difference between types of stones in The right classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Rounded or oval
the reason why Shape of Mixed cholesterol stones is Faceted & laminated in Difference between types of stones in The right classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
facets after resolution of infection
Laminated : cut section show layers due multiple episodes of infection each episode is represented by a layer
Department classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- cholesterol stones
- pigment stones
- mixed stones
Difference between types of stones in Department classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- incidence
2. composition
incidence of cholesterol stones in Difference between types of stones in Department classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
incidence of pigment stones in Difference between types of stones in Department classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
incidence of mixed stones in Difference between types of stones in Department classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
composition of cholesterol stones in Difference between types of stones in Department classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
includes pure cholesterol stones
composition of Pigment stones in Difference between types of stones in Department classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
includes black cholesterol stones
composition of mixed stones in Difference between types of stones in Department classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
includes mixed cholesterol and brown pigment stones
Etiological classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Primary pure metabolic stones
Secondary to infection stones
Composition of Primary pure metabolic stones in Etiological classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- pure cholesterol stones
2. black pigment stones
Composition of Secondary to infection stones in Etiological classification of stones in TYPES AND PATHOLOGY of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- mixed cholesterol stones
2. brown pigment stones
CLINICAL PICTURE of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Symptoms
- Examination
TYPE OF PATIENT in CLINICAL PICTURE of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Fatty, filthy (very good appetite), fertile, females, > 40 years
- Exceptions to this rule are, however too frequent.
Symptoms in CLINICAL PICTURE of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
1) Mainly silent and asymptomatic
2) Pain
3) Fatty (biliary) dyspepsia following fatty meal
4) Picture of complications
Mainly silent and asymptomatic in Symptoms in CLINICAL PICTURE of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Discovered accidentally by U.S.
Pain in Symptoms in CLINICAL PICTURE of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
a) Biliary ache
b) Recurrent attacks of biliary colic
Biliary ache in Pain in Symptoms in CLINICAL PICTURE of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Pathogenesis:
- Character
- Site
- Radiation
Pathogenesis of Biliary ache in Pain in Symptoms in CLINICAL PICTURE of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Due to chronic inflammation of Gall bladder
Character of Biliary ache in Pain in Symptoms in CLINICAL PICTURE of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Dull constant ache
Site of Biliary ache in Pain in Symptoms in CLINICAL PICTURE of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
often occurs in the right hypochondrium.
Radiation of Biliary ache in Pain in Symptoms in CLINICAL PICTURE of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Sometimes radiating to
- The epigastrium,
- Right infrascapular region
- The right shoulder.
Recurrent attacks of biliary colic in Pain in Symptoms in CLINICAL PICTURE of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Pathogenesis
- onset
- course and duration
- Radiation
- Association
Pathogenesis of Recurrent attacks of biliary colic in Pain in Symptoms in CLINICAL PICTURE of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Pain may be precipitated by fatty meal
2. Due to stone impacted in Hartman’s pouch or cystic duct
onset of Recurrent attacks of biliary colic in Pain in Symptoms in CLINICAL PICTURE of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
usually starts abruptly and reaches maximum intensity within 60 minutes
course and duration of Recurrent attacks of biliary colic in Pain in Symptoms in CLINICAL PICTURE of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- The pain generally continues without fluctuation and resolves gradually over 2-6 hours
- Pain lasting longer than 6 hours should raise the suspicion for acute cholecystitis
Pain lasting longer than 6 hours in course and duration of Recurrent attacks of biliary colic in Pain in Symptoms in CLINICAL PICTURE of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
should raise the suspicion for acute cholecystitis
Radiation of Recurrent attacks of biliary colic in Pain in Symptoms in CLINICAL PICTURE of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Sometimes radiating to
- The epigastrium,
- Right infrascapular region
- The right shoulder.
Association of Recurrent attacks of biliary colic in Pain in Symptoms in CLINICAL PICTURE of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
There may be nausea or vomiting during the attack
Fatty (biliary) dyspepsia following fatty meal in Symptoms in CLINICAL PICTURE of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- List of symptoms
2. Pathogenesis
List of symptoms of Fatty (biliary) dyspepsia following fatty meal in Symptoms in CLINICAL PICTURE of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Flatulence,
- Bloating
- Excessive eructation.
- Nausea
- Heartburn
Pathogenesis of Fatty (biliary) dyspepsia following fatty meal in Symptoms in CLINICAL PICTURE of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Due to disturbed bile salts / cholesterol ratio )> dec bile salts
- Due to chronic cholecystitis )> gall bladder unable to contract
Examination in CLINICAL PICTURE of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Tenderness at the tip of the 9th costal cartilage
- Murphy’s sign :(non specific)
- A palpable gall bladder
Murphy’s sign in Examination in CLINICAL PICTURE of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Non specific
- If continuous gentle pressure is exerted over right hypochondrium while the patient takes a deep breath, there will be a “catch” of breath before the end of inspiration.
A palpable gall bladder in Examination in CLINICAL PICTURE of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Only in case of mucocele & empyema
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
1) Chronic peptic ulcer.
2) Reflux oesophagitis & hiatus hernia.
3) Chronic relapsing pancreatitis.
4) Colitis.
INVESTIGATIONS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Laboratory
2. Radiological
Laboratory investigations in INVESTIGATIONS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Serum total & direct bilirubin
2. ALP and gamma GT
Findings of Serum total & direct bilirubin, ALP and gamma GT in Laboratory investigations in INVESTIGATIONS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- They should be normal.
* Elevated levels directs attention to the possibility of silent stone in CBD
Radiological investigations in INVESTIGATIONS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
1) Abdominal U.S : Investigation of choice.
2) Endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancrcatography ( ERCP) :
3) Oral cholecystography (not done now) :
4) Plain X-ray abdomen :( unreliable)
Investigation of choice in INVESTIGATIONS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Abdominal U.S
Abdominal U.S in Radiological investigations in INVESTIGATIONS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Advantages
2. Findings
Advantages of Abdominal U.S in Radiological investigations in INVESTIGATIONS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis ( 2 - 2 - 2)
- Advantages of the procedure itself
- Competency in detecting stones and other gallbladder pathology
- Competency to image adjacent structures
Advantages of the procedure itself in Advantages of Abdominal U.S in Radiological investigations in INVESTIGATIONS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Non-invasive, rapid, inexpensive & easy to perform (can be performed at the bedside).
- Uses no ionizing radiation (safe in pregnant patients).
Competency in detecting stones and other gallbladder pathology in Advantages of Abdominal U.S in Radiological investigations in INVESTIGATIONS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- The sensitivity & specificity in detecting stones is > 95%
- Detects other gallbladder pathology beside stones, such as chronic cholecystitis (by wall thickness) or carcinoma
Competency to image adjacent structures in Advantages of Abdominal U.S in Radiological investigations in INVESTIGATIONS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Adjacent upper abdominal structures can be imaged at the same time.
- It reveals the CBD diameter which should be normal
Dilated CBD in Competency to image adjacent structures in Advantages of Abdominal U.S in Radiological investigations in INVESTIGATIONS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Directs attention to the possibility of silent stone in CBD.
- Incidence of Silent stone in CBD in patients with gall stones
Incidence of Silent stone in CBD in patients with gall stones in Dilated CBD in Competency to image adjacent structures in Advantages of Abdominal U.S in Radiological investigations in INVESTIGATIONS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Findings of Abdominal U.S in Radiological investigations in INVESTIGATIONS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Echogenic foci with posterior acoustic shadowing
2. This foci is mobile with movement of the patient
Meaning of Echogenic foci in Findings of Abdominal U.S in Radiological investigations in INVESTIGATIONS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
solid structure
Meaning of Posterior Acoustic shadowing in Findings of Abdominal U.S in Radiological investigations in INVESTIGATIONS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
100% reflection of sonar waves )> stones
Indications of ERCP in Radiological investigations in INVESTIGATIONS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Done ONLY if stone in CBD is suspected by :
a) Persistent elevation in ALP, gamma GT, total & direct bilirubin.
b) Abdominal U.S reveals dilated CBD or IHBR.
IHBR in Indications of ERCP in Radiological investigations in INVESTIGATIONS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
stands for Intra hepatic biliary radical
Oral cholecystography in Radiological investigations in INVESTIGATIONS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Indication
2. Finding
Indication of Oral cholecystography in Radiological investigations in INVESTIGATIONS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Not done now
Finding of Oral cholecystography in Radiological investigations in INVESTIGATIONS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Radio-lucent stones appear as multiple filling defects
Plain X-ray abdomen in Radiological investigations in INVESTIGATIONS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Percentage of radio-opaque gall stones
2. The reason why Plain X-ray abdomen is unreliable
Percentage of radio-opaque gall stones in Plain X-ray abdomen in Radiological investigations in INVESTIGATIONS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
The reason why Plain X-ray abdomen is unreliable in Plain X-ray abdomen in Radiological investigations in INVESTIGATIONS of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
as Percentage of radio-opaque gall stones is 10-15%
Treatment of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
I. Cholecystectomy either open or better laparoscopic
II. Non- surgical treatment of gall stones ( Not practical )
The Standard treatment in Treatment of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Cholecystectomy either open or better laparoscopic
Indications of Cholecystectomy either open or better laparoscopic in Treatment of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Management depends on the age and the general fitness for surgery:
- In elderly or unfit patients it is wise to leave the patient for regular follow-up.
- In young fit patients it is recommended to do cholecystectomy
- The presence of D.M. favors cholecystectomy
the reason why In young fit patients it is recommended to do cholecystectomy in Indications of Cholecystectomy either open or better laparoscopic in Treatment of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
as the life span of the patient is long and there is a high chance for occurrence of complications
the reason why The presence of D.M. favors cholecystectomy in Indications of Cholecystectomy either open or better laparoscopic in Treatment of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
because if acute cholecystitis occurs it is likely to pass rapidly to gangrene
Non- surgical treatment of gall stones ( Not practical ) in Treatment of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
1) Dissolution therapy
2. Extracorporeal shock - Wave Iithotripsy (ESWL).
3. Percutaneous cholecystolithotomy.
Dissolution therapy in Non- surgical treatment of gall stones ( Not practical ) in Treatment of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Definition
Definition of Dissolution therapy in Non- surgical treatment of gall stones ( Not practical ) in Treatment of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
Oral dissolution with bile acids : Chenodeoxycholic acid or ursodeoxycholic acid.
INDICATIONS of Dissolution therapy in Non- surgical treatment of gall stones ( Not practical ) in Treatment of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- Pure cholesterol gallstones.
- The stones should ideally be less than 1.5 cm diameter.
- The stones should he few in number (<4).
- The gall bladder should he functioning (can contract).
DURATION OF THERAPY of Dissolution therapy in Non- surgical treatment of gall stones ( Not practical ) in Treatment of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
6 months to 2 years of therapy
SUCCESS RATE of Dissolution therapy in Non- surgical treatment of gall stones ( Not practical ) in Treatment of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
- 60% after 2 years
2. after this, half the successful patients will develop recurrent stones within 5 years
The reason why Extracorporeal shock - Wave Iithotripsy (ESWL) is Not recommended in Non- surgical treatment of gall stones ( Not practical ) in Treatment of Chronic Calcular Cholecystitis
as it may cause calcular obstructive jaundice
GaIl stones in relation to other diseases
- Saint’s triad
2. Wilkie’s Triad
Saint’s triad in GaIl stones in relation to other diseases
A Triad of :
Gall stones, Hiatus hernia & Diverticulosis coli.
Wilkie’s Triad in GaIl stones in relation to other diseases
A Triad of :
Chronic cholecystitis, Chronic peptic ulcer & Recurrent appendicitis.
A Triad of :
Gall stones, Hiatus hernia & Diverticulosis coli.
Saint’s triad
A Triad of :
Chronic cholecystitis, Chronic peptic ulcer & Recurrent appendicitis.
Wilkie’s Triad