Galatians - unique phrases Flashcards
Given short phrases, give book and chapter (and verse if able!)
present evil age
Gal 1:4
different gospel
Gal 1:6
angel from heaven
Gal 1:8
God’s curse
Gal 1:8,9
human origin
Gal 1:11
extremely zealous
Gal 1:14
traditions of my fathers
Gal 1:14
mother’s womb
Gal 1:15
infiltrated our ranks
Gal 2:4
esteemed as pillars
Gal 2:9
right hand of fellowship
Gal 2:9
circumcision group
Gal 2:12
crucified with Christ
Gal 2:20
Book of the Law
Gal 3:10
curse of the law
Gal 3:13
duly established
Gal 3:15
430 years later
Gal 3:17
entrusted to a mediator
Gal 3:19
Abraham’s seed
Gal 3:29
born of a woman
Gal 4:4
Abba, Father
Gal 4:6
weak and miserable forces
Gal 4:9
angel of God
Gal 4:14
torn out your eyes
Gal 4:15
pains of childbirth
Gal 4:19
I am perplexed about you
Gal 4:20
desolate woman
Gal 4:27
barren woman
Gal 4:27
yoke of slavery
Gal 5:1
A little yeast
Gal 5:9
whole batch of dough
Gal 5:9
the offense of the cross
Gal 5:11
emasculate themselves
Gal 5:12
indulge the flesh
Gal 5:13
bite and devour
Gal 5:15
desires of the flesh
Gal 5:16
acts of the flesh
Gal 5:19
fruit of the Spirit
Gal 5:22
crucified the flesh
Gal 5:24
carry their own load
Gal 6:5
Do not be deceived
Gal 6:7
God cannot be mocked
Gal 6:7
reap destruction
Gal 6:8
reap eternal life
Gal 6:8
reap a harvest
Gal 6:9
family of believers
Gal 6:10
large letters
Gal 6:11
new creation
Gal 6:15
the Israel of God
Gal 6:16
the marks of Jesus
Gal 6:17