GAL - EPH 2 (hard) - who questions Flashcards
given first 4 words...finish questions and give answer
Who does God give…
Who does God give you?
ANSWER: His Spirit (G3:5)
Who find themselves also…
Who find themselves also among the sinners?
ANSWER: We Jews (G2:17)
Who went up again…
Who went up again to Jerusalem?
ANSWER: Paul (G2:1)
Who raised us up…
Who raised us up with Christ?
ANSWER: God (E2:6) **
Who came to Antioch?
Who came to Antioch?
ANSWER: Cephas (G2:11) **
Who was an apostle…
Who was an apostle to the Gentiles?
ANSWER: Paul (G2:8) **
Who wished he could…
Who wished he could be with the Galatians and change his tone?
ANSWER: Paul (G4:20)
Who saw only James,…
Who saw only James, the Lord’s brother?
ANSWER: Paul (G1:19) **
Who would justify the…
Who would justify the Gentiles by faith?
ANSWER: God (G3:8) **
Who went up to…
Who went up to Jerusalem after three years?
ANSWER: Paul (G1:18)
Who sent the Spirit…
Who sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts?
ANSWER: God (G4:6) **
Who opposed Cephas to…
Who opposed Cephas to his face?
ANSWER: Paul (G2:11) **
Who can testify that,…
Who can testify that, if the Galatians could have done so, they would have torn out their eyes and given them to him?
ANSWER: Paul (G4:15)
Who lives in a…
Who lives in a dwelling by his Spirit?
ANSWER: God (E2:22)
Who intensely persecuted the…
Who intensely persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it?
ANSWER: Paul (G1:13) **
Who are the faithful…
Who are the faithful in Christ Jesus?
ANSWER: God’s holy people in Ephesus (E1:1) **
Who will be of…
Who will be of no value to you at all if you let yourselves be circumcised?
ANSWER: Christ (G5:2) **
Who joined Cephas in…
Who joined Cephas in his hypocrisy?
ANSWER: The other Jews (G2:13) **
Who never bore a…
Who never bore a child?
ANSWER: A barren woman (G4:27) **
Who was now preaching…
Who was now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy?
ANSWER: The man who formerly persecuted the churches of Judea that were in Christ (G1:23)
Who has destroyed the…
Who has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility?
ANSWER: Christ himself (E2:14) **
Who was clearly portrayed…
Who was clearly portrayed as crucified before the Galatians’ very eyes?
ANSWER: Jesus Christ (G3:1)
Who should test their…
Who should test their own actions?
ANSWER: Each one (G6:4) **
Who are blessed along…
Who are blessed along with Abraham?
ANSWER: Those who rely on faith (G3:9) **
Who have been alienated…
Who have been alienated from Christ?
ANSWER: You who are trying to be justified by the law (G5:4) **
Who has become the…
Who has become the Galatians’ enemy by telling them the truth?
ANSWER: Paul (G4:16)
Who is an apostle…
Who is an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God?
ANSWER: Paul (E1:1) **
Who agreed that Paul…
Who agreed that Paul and Barnabas should go to the Gentiles and they to the circumcised?
ANSWER: James, Cephas and John (G2:9)
Who bears on his…
Who bears on his body the marks of Jesus?
ANSWER: Paul (G6:17) **
Who was born as…
Who was born as the result of a divine promise?
ANSWER: Abraham’s son by the free woman (G4:23) **
Who used to eat…
Who used to eat with the Gentiles before certain men came from James?
ANSWER: Cephas (G2:12)
Who was born under…
Who was born under the law?
ANSWER: God’s Son (G4:4) **
Who stayed with Cephas…
Who stayed with Cephas fifteen days?
ANSWER: Paul (G1:18) **
Who says walk by…
Who says walk by the Spirit?
ANSWER: Paul (G5:16)
Who may never boast…
Who may never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ?
ANSWER: Paul (G6:14)
Who met privately with…
Who met privately with those esteemed as leaders?
ANSWER: Paul (G2:2) **
Who fills everything in…
Who fills everything in every way?
ANSWER: Christ (E1:23) **
Who will live by…
Who will live by these things?
ANSWER: The person who does these things (G3:12)
Who placed all things…
Who placed all things under Christ’s feet?
ANSWER: God (E1:22) **
Who only heard the…
Who only heard the report: “The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy”?
ANSWER: The churches of Judea that were in Christ (G1:23)
Who represent two covenants?
Who represent two covenants?
ANSWER: The women (G4:24) **
Who were observing special…
Who were observing special days and months and seasons and years?
ANSWER: The Galatians (G4:10)
Who began by means…
Who began by means of the Spirit?
ANSWER: The Galatians (G3:3) **
Who was the Lord’s…
Who was the Lord’s brother?
ANSWER: James (G1:19) **
Who is rich in…
Who is rich in mercy?
ANSWER: God (E2:4) **
Who desires what is…
Who desires what is contrary to the flesh?
ANSWER: The Spirit (G5:17) **
Who has been crucified…
Who has been crucified with Christ?
ANSWER: Paul (G2:20) **
Who should restore that…
Who should restore that person who is caught in a sin gently?
ANSWER: You who live by the Spirit (G6:1)
Who also believed God?
Who also believed God?
ANSWER: Abraham (G3:6) **
Who has not stopped…
Who has not stopped giving thanks for the Ephesians, remembering them in his prayers?
ANSWER: Paul (E1:16)
Who did not go…
Who did not go up to Jerusalem to see those who were apostles before he was?
ANSWER: Paul (G1:17) **
Who first preached the…
Who first preached the gospel to the Galatians because of an illness?
ANSWER: Paul (G4:13)
Who cannot be mocked?
Who cannot be mocked?
ANSWER: God (G6:7) **
Who would not be…
Who would not be a servant of Christ if he were still trying to please people?
ANSWER: Paul (G1:10) **
Who have access to…
Who have access to the Father by one Spirit?
ANSWER: We both (E2:18)
Who stood condemned?
Who stood condemned?
ANSWER: Cephas (G2:11) **
Who is again in…
Who is again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in his dear children?
ANSWER: Paul (G4:19)
Who have fallen away…
Who have fallen away from grace?
ANSWER: You who are trying to be justified by the law (G5:4) **
Who redeemed us?
Who redeemed us?
ANSWER: Christ (G3:14)
Who was extremely zealous…
Who was extremely zealous for the traditions of his fathers?
ANSWER: Paul (G1:14) **
Who want the Galatians…
Who want the Galatians to be circumcised that they may boast about your circumcision in the flesh?
ANSWER: Those who are circumcised (G6:13)
Who arrived?
Who arrived?
ANSWER: Certain men from James (G2:12)
Who should carry their…
Who should carry their own load?
ANSWER: Each one (G6:5) **
Who are now trying…
Who are now trying to finish by means of the flesh?
ANSWER: The Galatians (G3:3)
Who was a Jew?
Who was a Jew?
ANSWER: Cephas (G2:14)
Who will not inherit…
Who will not inherit the kingdom of God?
ANSWER: Those who live like this (G5:21) **
Who received the gospel…
Who received the gospel he preached by revelation from Jesus Christ?
ANSWER: Paul (G1:12) **
Who came and preached…
Who came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near?
ANSWER: Christ (E2:17)
Who persecuted the son…
Who persecuted the son born by the power of the Spirit?
ANSWER: The son born according to the flesh (G4:29) **
Who lives in Paul?
Who lives in Paul?
ANSWER: Christ (G2:20) **
Who gave the inheritance…
Who gave the inheritance to Abraham through the promise?
ANSWER: God (G3:18)
Who welcomed Paul as…
Who welcomed Paul as if he were an angel of God?
ANSWER: The Galatians (G4:14)
Who were bewitched?
Who were bewitched?
ANSWER: The Galatians (G3:1)
Who were evidently throwing…
Who were evidently throwing the Galatians into confusion?
ANSWER: Some people (G1:7)
Who corresponds to the…
Who corresponds to the present city of Jerusalem?
ANSWER: Hagar (G4:25) **
Who was also at…
Who was also at work in Paul as an apostle to the Gentiles?
ANSWER: God (G2:8) **
Who lavished on us…
Who lavished on us the riches of his grace?
ANSWER: God (E1:7-8)
Who later returned to…
Who later returned to Damascus?
ANSWER: Paul (G1:17) **
Who is obligated to…
Who is obligated to obey the whole law?
ANSWER: Every man who lets himself be circumcised (G5:3) **
Who is no different…
Who is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate?
ANSWER: An heir, as long as he is underage (G4:1)
Who were esteemed as…
Who were esteemed as pillars?
ANSWER: James, Cephas and John (G2:9) **
Who are called “uncircumcised”…
Who are called “uncircumcised” by those who call themselves “the circumcision”?
ANSWER: You who are Gentiles by birth (E2:11)
Who forced Gentiles to…
Who forced Gentiles to follow Jewish customs?
ANSWER: Cephas (G2:14)
Who will reap eternal…
Who will reap eternal life?
ANSWER: Whoever sows to please the Spirit (G6:8) **
Who was an apostle…
Who was an apostle sent not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead?
ANSWER: Paul (G1:1)
Who were not acting…
Who were not acting in line with the truth of the gospel?
ANSWER: Cephas and the other Jews (G2:14) **
Who is one?
Who is one?
ANSWER: God (G3:20)
Who prepared good works…
Who prepared good works in advance for us to do?
ANSWER: God (E2:10) **
Who began to draw…
Who began to draw back and separate himself from the Gentiles?
ANSWER: Cephas (G2:12) **
Who had been entrusted…
Who had been entrusted with the task of preaching the gospel to the uncircumcised?
ANSWER: Paul (G2:7) **
Who do this to…
Who do this to avoid being persecuted for the cross of Christ?
ANSWER: Those who want to impress people by means of the flesh (G6:12)
Who assures you before…
Who assures you before God that what he is writing you is no lie?
ANSWER: Paul (G1:20) **
Who recognized the grace…
Who recognized the grace given to Paul?
ANSWER: James, Cephas and John (G2:9) **
Who may give you…
Who may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation?
ANSWER: The God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father (E1:17)
Who would like to…
Who would like to learn just one thing from the Galatians?
ANSWER: Paul (G3:2) **
Who were so quickly…
Who were so quickly deserting the one who called them to live in the grace of Christ?
ANSWER: The Galatians (G1:6)
Who has blessed us…
Who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ?
ANSWER: The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (E1:3) **
Who did Paul no…
Who did Paul no wrong?
ANSWER: The Galatians (G4:12) **
Who was at work…
Who was at work in Peter as an apostle to the circumcised?
ANSWER: God (G2:8) **
Who did not give…
Who did not give in to them for a moment?
ANSWER: Paul and Barnabas (G2:5)
Who also may be…
Who also may be tempted?
ANSWER: You who live by the Spirit (G6:1)
Who stands for Mount…
Who stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia?
ANSWER: Hagar (G4:25) **
Who was personally unknown…
Who was personally unknown to the churches of Judea that were in Christ?
ANSWER: Paul (G1:22)
Who is now at…
Who is now at work in those who are disobedient?
ANSWER: The spirit (OR the ruler of the kingdom of the air) (E2:2) **
Who should be zealous…
Who should be zealous always, not just when Paul is with them?
ANSWER: The Galatians (G4:18)
Who presented privately with…
Who presented privately with those esteemed as leaders the gospel that he preached among the Gentiles?
ANSWER: Paul (G2:2)
Who became like the…
Who became like the Galatians?
ANSWER: Paul (G4:12)
Who would have torn…
Who would have torn out their eyes and given them to Paul if they could have done so?
ANSWER: The Galatians (G4:15)
Who gave himself for…
Who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father?
ANSWER: The Lord Jesus Christ (G1:3-4)
Who was not compelled…
Who was not compelled to be circumcised?
ANSWER: Not even Titus (even though he was a Greek) (G2:3)
Who made us alive…
Who made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions?
ANSWER: God (who is rich in mercy) (E2:4-5)
Who died to the…
Who died to the law through the law so that he might live for God?
ANSWER: Paul (G2:19)
Who raised Jesus Christ…
Who raised Jesus Christ from the dead?
ANSWER: God the Father (G1:1) **
Who raised Christ from…
Who raised Christ from the dead?
ANSWER: The Father (E1:20)
Who has made you…
Who has made you also an heir?
ANSWER: God (G4:7) **
Who have crucified the…
Who have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires?
ANSWER: Those who belong to Christ Jesus (G5:24) **
Who are not sinful…
Who are not sinful Gentiles?
ANSWER: We who are Jews by birth (G2:15)
Who was a Greek?
Who was a Greek?
ANSWER: Titus (G2:3) **
Who keeps asking that…
Who keeps asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation?
ANSWER: Paul (E1:17)
Who can take pride…
Who can take pride in themselves alone?
ANSWER: Each one (when they test their own actions) (G6:4)
Who was born of…
Who was born of a woman?
ANSWER: God’s Son (G4:4) **
Who set Paul apart…
Who set Paul apart from his mother’s womb?
ANSWER: God (G1:15)
Who is not justified…
Who is not justified by the works of the law?
ANSWER: A person (G2:16) **
Who will have to…
Who will have to pay the penalty?
ANSWER: The one who is throwing you into confusion (whoever that may be) (G5:10) **
Who took an example…
Who took an example from everyday life?
ANSWER: Paul (G3:15)
Who uses large letters…
Who uses large letters as he writes to the Galatians with his own hand?
ANSWER: Paul (G6:11)
Who are Abraham’s seed?
Who are Abraham’s seed?
ANSWER: You if you belong to Christ (G3:29)
Who had heard about…
Who had heard about the Ephesians’ faith in the Lord Jesus and their love for all God’s people?
ANSWER: Paul (E1:15)
Who chose us in…
Who chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight?
ANSWER: The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (E1:4) **
Who also lived among…
Who also lived among their transgressions and sins at one time?
ANSWER: All of us (E2:3)
Who has made the…
Who has made the two groups one?
ANSWER: Christ himself (E2:14) **
Who is confident in…
Who is confident in the Lord?
ANSWER: Paul (G5:10)
Who asked that Paul…
Who asked that Paul and Barnabas should continue to remember the poor?
ANSWER: James, Cephas and John (G2:10)
Who was not taught…
Who was not taught the gospel he preached?
ANSWER: Paul (G1:12) **
Who is in slavery…
Who is in slavery with her children?
ANSWER: Hagar (G4:25) **
Who deceive themselves?
Who deceive themselves?
ANSWER: Anyone who thinks they are something when they are not (G6:3) **
Who predestined us in…
Who predestined us in love?
ANSWER: The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (E1:4-5)
Who was afraid of…
Who was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group?
ANSWER: Cephas (G2:12) **
Who was the man…
Who was the man of faith?
ANSWER: Abraham (G3:9)
Who was perplexed about…
Who was perplexed about the Galatians?
ANSWER: Paul (G4:20)
Who lived like a…
Who lived like a Gentile and not like a Jew?
ANSWER: Cephas (G2:14)
Who saw none of…
Who saw none of the other apostles?
ANSWER: Paul (G1:19) **
Who made known to…
Who made known to us the mystery of his will?
ANSWER: God (E1:9) **
Who have been brought…
Who have been brought near by the blood of Christ?
ANSWER: You who once were far away (E2:13) **
Who owns the whole…
Who owns the whole estate?
ANSWER: An heir (G4:1) **
Who are children of…
Who are children of Abraham?
ANSWER: Those who have faith (G3:7) **
Who did not treat…
Who did not treat Paul with contempt or scorn?
ANSWER: The Galatians (G4:14) **
Who were evidently trying…
Who were evidently trying to pervert the gospel of Christ?
ANSWER: Some people (G1:7)
Who reaps what he…
Who reaps what he sows?
ANSWER: A man (G6:7) **
Who have clothed themselves…
Who have clothed themselves with Christ?
ANSWER: All of you who were baptized into Christ (G3:27) **
Who wishes that those…
Who wishes that those agitators would go the whole way and emasculate themselves?
ANSWER: Paul (G5:12)
Who were James, Cephas…
Who were James, Cephas and John?
ANSWER: Those esteemed as pillars (G2:9)
Who gave Paul and…
Who gave Paul and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship?
ANSWER: James, Cephas and John (G2:9) **
Who was an apostle…
Who was an apostle to the circumcised?
ANSWER: Peter (G2:8) **
Who will reap destruction?
Who will reap destruction?
ANSWER: Whoever sows to please their flesh (G6:8) **
Who is subject to…
Who is subject to guardians and trustees?
ANSWER: The heir (G4:2)
Who was advancing in…
Who was advancing in Judaism beyond many of his own age among his people?
ANSWER: Paul (G1:14) **
Who are zealous to…
Who are zealous to win you over?
ANSWER: Those people (G4:17) **
Who has been crucified…
Who has been crucified to the world?
ANSWER: Paul (G6:14) **
Who might be for…
Who might be for the praise of God’s glory?
ANSWER: We, who were the first to put our hope in Christ (E1:12)
Who saw that Cephas…
Who saw that Cephas and the other Jews were not acting in line with the truth of the gospel?
ANSWER: Paul (G2:14) **
Who did not live…
Who did not live like a Jew?
ANSWER: Cephas (G2:14)
Who will be justified…
Who will be justified by the works of the law?
ANSWER: No one (G2:16) **
Who seated us with…
Who seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus?
ANSWER: God (E2:6)
Who should shout for…
Who should shout for joy and cry aloud?
ANSWER: You who were never in labor (G4:27) **
Who had infiltrated Paul…
Who had infiltrated Paul and Barnabas’ ranks?
ANSWER: Some FALSE believers (G2:4)
Who was led astray?
Who was led astray?
ANSWER: Barnabas (G2:13)
Who redeemed us from…
Who redeemed us from the curse of the law?
ANSWER: Christ (G3:13) **
Who are not under…
Who are not under the law?
ANSWER: You if you are led by the Spirit (G5:18)
Who has freely given…
Who has freely given us his glorious grace in the One he loves?
ANSWER: The God and Father or our Lord Jesus Christ (E1:6)
Who did not receive…
Who did not receive the gospel he preached from any man?
ANSWER: Paul (G1:12) **
Who were turning to…
Who were turning to a different gospel?
ANSWER: The Galatians (G1:6)
Who feared for the…
Who feared for the Galatians that somehow he had wasted his efforts on them?
ANSWER: Paul (G4:11)
Who should cause Paul…
Who should cause Paul trouble?
ANSWER: No one (G6:17)
Who might show the…
Who might show the incomparable riches of his grace?
ANSWER: God (E2:7) **
Who recognized that Paul…
Who recognized that Paul had been entrusted with the task of preaching the gospel to the uncircumcised, just has Peter had been to the circumcised?
ANSWER: Those who were held in high esteem (G2:7)
Who put to death…
Who put to death their hostility?
ANSWER: Christ (E2:16) **
Who are under a…
Who are under a curse?
ANSWER: All who rely on the works of the law (G3:10) **
Who welcomed Paul as…
Who welcomed Paul as if he were Christ Jesus himself?
ANSWER: The Galatians (G4:14)
Who are God’s handiwork?
Who are God’s handiwork?
ANSWER: We are (E2:10)
Who will live by…
Who will live by faith?
ANSWER: The righteous (G3:11) **
Who loved Paul and…
Who loved Paul and gave himself for Paul?
ANSWER: The Son of God (G2:20) **
Who is our peace?
Who is our peace?
ANSWER: Christ himself (E2:14) **
Who was pleased to…
Who was pleased to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles?
ANSWER: God (G1:15)
Who is still being…
Who is still being persecuted?
ANSWER: Paul (G5:11) **
Who pleaded with the…
Who pleaded with the Galatians to become like him?
ANSWER: Paul (G4:12)
Who praised God because…
Who praised God because of Paul?
ANSWER: The churches of Judea that were in Christ (G1:24) **
Who works miracles among…
Who works miracles among you?
ANSWER: God (G3:5) **
Who can boast?
Who can boast?
ANSWER: No one (E2:9) **
Who were running a…
Who were running a good race?
ANSWER: The Galatians (G5:7) **
Who came from James?
Who came from James?
ANSWER: Certain men (G2:12) **
Who appointed Christ to…
Who appointed Christ to be head over everything for the church?
ANSWER: God (E1:22) **
Who no longer lives?
Who no longer lives?
ANSWER: Paul (G2:20) **
Who is the chief…
Who is the chief cornerstone?
ANSWER: Christ Jesus himself (E2:20) **
Who should share all…
Who should share all good things with their instructor?
ANSWER: The one who receives instruction in the word (G6:6) **
Who sent his Son…
Who sent his Son when the set time had fully come?
ANSWER: God (G4:4)
Who will never share…
Who will never share in the inheritance with the free woman’s son?
ANSWER: The slave woman’s son (G4:30) **
Who can set aside…
Who can set aside or add to a human covenant that has been duly established?
ANSWER: No one (G3:15) **
Who was astonished that…
Who was astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel?
ANSWER: Paul (G1:6)
Who has set us…
Who has set us free?
ANSWER: Christ (G5:1) **
Who had two sons?
Who had two sons?
ANSWER: Abraham (G4:22) **
Who is a deposit…
Who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession?
ANSWER: The promised Holy Spirit (E1:13-14)
Who added nothing to…
Who added nothing to Paul’s message?
ANSWER: Those who were held in high esteem (G2:6) **
Who are trying to…
Who are trying to compel the Galatians to be circumcised?
ANSWER: Those who want to impress people by means of the flesh (G6:12)
Who calls out, “Abba,…
Who calls out, “Abba, Father”?
ANSWER: The Spirit of God’s Son (G4:6) **
Who had heard of…
Who had heard of Paul’s previous way of life in Judaism, how intensely he persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it?
ANSWER: The Galatians (G1:13)
Who went to Syria…
Who went to Syria and Cilicia?
ANSWER: Paul (G1:21) **
Who was born according…
Who was born according to the flesh?
ANSWER: Abraham’s son by the slave woman (G4:23) **
Who took Titus along…
Who took Titus along also?
ANSWER: Paul (G2:1) **
Who went in response…
Who went in response to a revelation?
ANSWER: Paul (G2:2) **
Who does not set…
Who does not set aside the grace of God?
ANSWER: Paul (G2:21) **