Gaius Gracchus Flashcards
What were the aims of Gaius Gracchus’ reform programs? (2 points)
Plutarch suggests it was to avenge his brother and introduce popular law that would undermine the senates authority.
Other suggestions include the desire to reduce the power of the patricians and reduce the suffering urban poor.
What were the 4 main reforms carried out by Gaius Gracchus (4 points)
- Lex Agraria
- Lex Acilia
- Lex Frumentia
- Proposal to grant citizenship to italian allies.
When was Gaius Gracchus granted the tribunate? (1 point)
What was the aim, description, result and Long term effect/significance of the Lex Agraria? (4 points)
Aim: To continue work of TG by further helping unemployed.
Description: Agrarian bill re-enacted with amendments providing larger allotments so that free labourers could be employed.
Result: Considerable increase in small scale farmers, reform only hit surface of issue.
Long term Affect/Significance: 120, land was no longer inalienable, rich bought back. Agrarian issue didn’t disappear as vets expected land on return from campaigns.
What was the aim, description, result and Long term effect/significance of the Lex Frumentia? (4 points)
Aim: To relieve growing poverty, reduce fluctuation corn prices, mostly a populist measure.
Description: State would buy grain, sell monthly ration back to Roman citizens at a very low price.
Result: Alleviated hunger, gave Gaius support of Urban mob. Contributed to refusal to support italian citizenship.
Long term Affect/Significance: Cheap grain measured later used as political bribery for urban support.
What was the aim, description, result and Long term effect/significance of the Lex Acilia? (4 points)
Aim: to gain favour of equites to support ally bill. Take power out of government hands.
Description: Court that heart corruption cases transferred to equites. Senatorial juries had been too lenient in the past.
Result: Took power from Senate, and placed in hands of Equites. Many governors turned a blind eye to equite activity to gain favour.
Long term Affect/Significance: Equites became a third political force in Rome. Future debate over uncertainty about who controlled the judicial process
What was the aim, description, result and Long term effect/significance of the proposal to grant italian allies citizenship? (4 points)
Aim: Solve a potentially dangerous situation, recognise support of allies in times of need, gain ally support to further weaken the senate.
Description: proposal extended full citizenship to italian allies.
Result: vetoed by Livius Drusus. Nobility feared that pop growth would disturb control of assemblies. Equites wanted to avoid giving any advantages to rivals. Plebs didn’t want to share grain.
Long term Affect/Significance: Social War in 90 BCE. They would lose, but still gain citizenship.
What were 4 points about the Senates reaction to Gaius’s reforms?
Senate would offer more attractive policies through Livius Drusus. Ie. no rent, 12 colonies rather than 3 for Rubria, focused on Romans.
Gaius and 3000 supporters killed under SCU.
FIRST EVER USE OF SCU. Set precedent for SCU to be used to get rid of demagogues.