Gait Training & Final Review Flashcards
What is the correct name for the “hurt” side?
What is the definition of ambulation?
Act of walking or being able to walk
What is an example of an ambulation aid?
Piece of equpitment ex: crutch, cane, walker that is used to provide support or stability
This is an endangerment site and can be injured if crutches are not used properly.
Bilateral means?
pertaining to TWO sides (both sides)
Name this gait pattern: repetitive, alternative, reciprocal forward movement of an ambulation aid and a person’s opposite LE
four point gait pattern
What is gait?
The manner or style of walking
What is an example of an immobilizer?
object or apparatus that prevents movement ex: cast or bace
This can platform can be added to a walker or crutches and stabilizes a person’s forearm to rest and aid in weight bearing
platform attachment
Name this gait pattern: 1 LE is full weight bearing, & the opposite LE is PWB; bilateral canes, crutches, or a walker is used to partially support the body weight as the person bears weight on the PWB LE; the FWB LE advances independently, & the amubulation aids & PWB LE advance simutaneously
three-one-point gait (PWB)
Name this gait: the repetitive, simultaneous, reciprocal forward movement of an ambulation aid & the persons opposite LE
Two-point gait
pertaining to ONE side
Name this amubulation aid: four contacts are placed on the floor & a farm to supports the pts body weight & provide stability during ambulation
Why might someone need an ambulation aid?
Compensate for impaired balance, decreased strength, alteration in coordinated movements, pain during wb in 1 or both LE, absence of LE , improve functional mobility, enhance body functions & assist with fracture healing
What % does the swing & stance phase make up in the gait cycle?
Stance (60%) Swing (40%)
What is double support?
When both feet are on the ground
How does a person’s walking speed affect double support?
faster they walk less time in double support
The gait cycle is defined as?
The time from initial contact (heel strike) of a given foot to the next initial contact (heel strike) of the same foot
Describe the gait cycle
1) Initial contact (heel strike) 2) loading response 3)mid stance (foot flat) 4) terminal stance (heel off) 5) preswing (toe off)
Name the swing sub-phases
1) initial swing (acceleration) 2) mid swing 3) terminal swing (deceleration)
Sanders et al. explains the way the body functions to reduce energy expenditure over the center of gravity of the body during ambulation. The 6 items are…?
Transverse pelvic rotation, pelvic tilt, knee flexion during midstance, foot & ankle motion, knee motion, lateral pelvic rotation
Name the muscle in which its purpose is to stabilize the limb during heel strike to mid stance?
Gluteus Maximus
Name the muscle in which its purpose is to stabilize the limb during heel strike to toe off?
Gluteus Medius/minimus
Name the muscle in which its purpose is to accelerate the limb during toe off to mid swing?
Hip flexors/ adductor
Name the muscle in which its purpose is to absorb shock, decelerate the limb during heel strike to foot flat & toe off to mid swing?
Name the muscle in which its purpose is to decelerate the limb during heel strike to foot flat and toe off to heel strike?
Tibialis anterior/peroneals
Name the muscle in which its purpose is to push of the limb during mid stance to heel off?
Name the muscle in which its purpose is to stabilize the trunk during heel strike to heel strike?
Erector Spinae
Preparation for ambulation activities include?
review pt’s medical h/o, determine appropriate equipment & gait pattern based on medical record assessment of pt and goals of intervention, obtain consent, confirm proper fit & security of device, apply safety belt, be certain the patient is mentally & physically capable, explain & demonstrate gait pattern, maintain proper body mechanics.
Precautions for ambulation activities ?
appropriate foot wear, monitor patients physiological responses (vital signs, alertness), anticipate the unexpected, guard pt by standing behind & slightly to one side, don’t leave the pt unattended, make sure area is safe (no hazards)
Preparation and training for a pt is essential. Name a few conditions in which this is especially true.
persons who have been immobile, condition has affected their balance,coordination, strength, flexibility, or ability to tolerate an erect position, elderly, decreased physical capacity to learn or perform ADLs.
What is the purpose of perambulation procedures?
Provide safe & stable practice sessions; improve the patient’s ability to use assistive ambulation aids safely, determine the type of active aids & functional skill the pt requires, develop confidence in the use of assistive aids
Give examples of why a tilt table maybe needed for a pt?
Assist the patient to accommodate to an erect position. Possible prolonged recumbence (hypo BP), kinesthesia, decreased proprioception, generalized weakness
Why must the caregiver be aware of the pt’s environment outside of pt?
Must be aware of home, workplace, social environments to make sure the optimal assistive device is used, practice gait training based on that environment (steps, ramps etc.) Be able to perform ADLs
What is the purpose of ambulation?
To strengthen muscles, to improve cardiopulmonary function & endurance, assist to alleviate pain,to improve sitting & standing balance, teach & practice ambulation patters & functional skills for ADLs
Ambulation aids are designed to improve a person’s stability by expanding…?
The base of support (BOS)
Name the ambulation aids in order from greatest support to least
parallel bars, walkers, bilateral crutches, single crutches, bilateral canes, quad canes (4pt cane), hemi canes and single canes
What criteria should the caregiver consider when changing the aid device, gait pattern and what device it should be ?
WB status, diagnosis, person’s mental & physical abilities, environment which the pt will ambulate, expected or desired ambulation activities, prognosis for improvement or regression of the pt’s conditions & abilities
What conditions indicate a persons intolerance to a tilt table?
excessive increases or decreases in BP & PR, change in consciousness, excessive perspiration, edema formation in the LE, loss of pedal pulses, complaints of nausea or numbness, change in facial or limb color(flushed or pale), tingling in LE
What psychological effects does a tilt table have?
Increases mental outlook b/c you can do activities like eating, reading or writing that are uncomfortable or redundant while in bed. Allows the pt to strengthen, ROM & passive stretching
When are parallel bars used?
Maximal stability, support & safety needed.
When is a walker used?
Maximal stability, support & mobility required
What are some disadvantages to using a walker?
Difficult to store, transfer, use on stairs, reduces speed of ambulation, use in narrow or crowded areas
Name a few examples of walkers?
standard, reciprocal, stair-climbing, wheeled, folding and one-handed (hemiplegic)
Why might someone choose axillary crutches?
pt who needs less stability or support and allows for a greater amount of gait patterns & ambulation speeds
What are some disadvantages of using axillary crutches?
less stable than a walker, can cause injury to axillary vessels & nerves if used or measured improperly, need good balance, trunk & UE must be strong, elderly pt’s may feel insecure
Name a few examples of axillary crutches
standard (adjustable non adjustable) offset, & triceps
Forearm crutches are AKA?
lofstrand or Canadian crutches
When are forearm crutches used?
when the stability & support of axillary crutches are not required but more stability than a cane is needed.
Name some advantages of Lofstrand crutches.
eliminates the danger of injuring the axilla, more functional on stairs & narrow confined areas, easy to store & transport allows the pt to use their wrist/hand to reach for an object