Gait Analysis Flashcards
3 Gait Cycle Approaches
Controlled fall or inverted pendulum
- Reciprocal floor contact (heel strike to heel strike of same foot)
- Time/Distance qualities of stride
- Phases of Gait Cycle (Stride)
Gait Cycle Divisions
Stance = foot on ground (60%) -Initial double stance (DLS) -Single limb stance (SLS) -Terminal double stance (DLS) Swing = foot in air for limb advancement (40%)
Observational Gait Analysis
(I Like Meerkats That Play In Maple Trees)
IC = Initial Contact (DLS) / Heel Strike [0-2%]
LR = Loading response (DLS) / Foot Flat [0-10%]
MSt = Midstance (SLS) [10-30%]
TSt = Terminal Stance (SLS) / Heel off [30-50%]
PSw = Preswing (SLS [Stance & Swing]) / Toe Off [50-60%]
ISw = Initial Swing (LA) / Acceleration [60-73%]
MSw = Midswing (LA) [73-87%]
TSw = Terminal Swing (LA) / Deceleration [87-100%]
of steps/time
Stride Length vs Step Length
Distance from heel strike (initial contact) to heel strike of:
Stride: same foot
Step: opposite foot
Distance from midheel to midheel
Toe Out
~ 7 degrees (less with faster walking)
2 Body Subdivisions
Passenger Unit (CoG: ant to T10) Locomotor Unit (11 joints)
4 Locomotor Functions
1. Stance Stability Challenged by passenger unit, multi-segmented LE and contours of LE joints 2. Propulsion/Progression Initial Step Fwd Fall Rocker System Swinging Limb 3. Shock Absorption Ankle PF Knee Flexion Contralateral Pelvic Drop (swing side) 4. Energy Conservation CoG Alignment Modulation Selective Muscular Control
4 Components of Gait Initiation
(0. 64sec duration)
1. Weight shift
2. Abduction of swing hip
3. TA / Hip Flexor / VL muscle action
4. Stance Hip/Knee slight flexion
6 Determinants of Gait
Adjustments made for less energy expenditure and higher efficiency
1. Pelvic Rotation
(anterior on swing leg side)
2. Lat Pelvic Tilt
(in SLS - swing hip drops, lowers CoG)
3. Knee Flexion (MSt)
(5* of flexion, lowers CoG)
4. Knee Motions
(near ext before IC - 15-5* of flexion/give at HS
5. Foot/Ankle Motions
(Heel/ankle/forefoot rocker, smooths CoG)
6. Lat Pelvic Motion
(Hip sway/adduction)
Patrick reheated leftover pizza tonight. Katie fed Kaw more food and made lindsey pretty mad.
Sagittal: Flexion - Extension - Flexion
Frontal: ADD - Neutral - ABD
Transverse: Neutral - IR - ER
Turning Effect IC: Extensors, ADD magnus LR: Extensors --> quad ext knee MSt: Glute med TSt: TFL PSw: ADD longus & RF ISw: Iliacus TSw: Hamstrings
Knee Function
Limb stability in stance
2 joint muscle moments with hip
Knee ROM
Sagittal: Flex - Ext (ADD) - Flex - Ext
Transverse: IR - ER - IR
Frontal: ABD - ADD
Ankle ROM
IC = DF LR = PF MSt to TSt = PF PSw = PF ISw = DF MSw to TSw = Neutral
Foot ROM: Subtalar
IC = neutral to INV/SUP LR = EV/PRON MSt = EV/PRON (peak) TSt = INV/SUP PSw = INV/SUP (peak)