Gait Flashcards
What is the cause of foot slap?
Insufficient resistance to plantar flexion
What is foot slap?
Plantar flexion occurs too quickly
what is knee instabilit?
Tendency for knee to buckle at heel contact
What Are the causes of knee instability?
Knee center too far anterior to TKA line
Excessive resistance to plantar flexion
Weak hip Extensors
How to correct knee instability with patients who have weak hip Extensors?
Train patient to extend hip and stabilize knee
Unequal stride length is usually accompanied by?
Short stride on prosthetic side
What are the causes of unequal stride length?
Excessive initial socket flexion
Bad gait habit or PT insecurity with new Px. ( gait training required)
What are the causes of external rotation of the foot at heel strike?
Anterior medial brim not flared enough
Resistance to plantar flexion is excessive…aka heel cushion is too firm
Foot is inset too far
Foot shoe complex too stiff or heel lever too long
Medial brim is hitting ( socket too loose hamstring relief inadequate)
What is a correction of external rotation of the foot at heel strike?
Check fit of socket
Lateral trunk bending exceeds ________” at the head
What are the causes of lateral trunk bending?
Weak hip abductors= weak gluteus medius Short femur Insufficient socket adduction Painful distal, lateral femur Px foot is outset too far Prosthesis length is incorrect ( too short) or (too long)
What is abducted antalgic gait?
Prosthesis held away from midline during stance
What are the causes of abducted antalgic gait?
Excessive brim pressure
Inadequate ramus relief
Increased flexion with correcting medial brim
Anterior pelvic tilt causes pressure on pubic arch
Wide base gait ( more than 2-4”) is caused bY?
Foot outset too far
Narrow base gait ( less than 2”) is caused by?
Foot that is inset too far
Inversion of foot is caused by what?
Too much socket abduction or loose socket in the dimension
Eversion of foot is caused by what?
Too much socket adduction or loose socket in ML dimension
What is pelvic rise?
“Hill climbing” as amputee rolls over ball of foot pelvis rises excessively. Amputee stays on prosthetic foot too long, difficult to ride over foot.
What are the causes of pelvic rise?
Toe lever arm is too long
Foot set in excessive plantar flexion
What is drop off?
Torso lowers excessively, accompanied by quick step on sound side
What are the causes of drop off?
Toe lever too short or keel too soft
Foot in excessive dorsiflexion
Long stride on sound side
What is a medial whip?
An abrupt medial movement of the heel as it rises from the floor accompanied by a lateral movement of the knee & shank
What is the cause of medial whip?
Medial whip is due to the knee axis aligned in excessive external rotation
What is lateral whip?
Heel moves lateral while knee & shrank rotate medially
What is the cause of lateral whip?
Lateral whip is due to the knee axis aligned in excessive internal rotation.
What are the causes of inadequate knee flexion( too little heel rise) ?
Too much knee friction
Excessive swing flexion resistance
Limited pelvic rotation
What are the causes of excessive knee flexion ( too much heel rise)?
Inadequate swing flexion resistance
Too much dynamic response from energy storing foot
What are the causes of circumduction?
Inadequate knee flexion
Prosthesis too long
Medial brim discomfort
Lack of confidence that Px will swing thru and extend fully
What is the cause of pistoning?
Inadequate fit and /or suspension
What is vaulting?
Amputee uses excessive plantar flexion of sound ankle/ foot to ensure that prosthetic toe /foot does not drag
What are the causes of vaulting?
Bad gait habit
Prosthesis is not correct length
Prosthetic knee is too stiff, too much swing flexion resistance
Inadequate suspension
What is Terminal impact?
Excess shrank velocity as prosthetic knee reaches full extension
What is the cause of terminal impact?
Improper swing extension resistance
What is the cause of a stride that is too slow?
User not confident with Px.
What is goose stepping?
Heel does not contact floor at end of swing phase
What is the cause of goose stepping?
Amputee waits for knee impact before putting foot on ground.
What is the cause of knee hyperextension?
Knee unit extension stop is excessive
What is the cause of unequal stride: long sound side step?
Excessive initial socket
What are the causes of Unequal stride: short sound side step?
Initial socket flexion
User not confident with Px
Limited pelvic rotation