GA1. The Heart Flashcards
Fibers that are sensory stim. from skin, fascia, bones, tendons, skeletal muscle (for proproception), and lig.
Fibers that are for motor stim. to the skeletal muscle (ONLY)
Fibers that are sensory stim from the organs
- when I need to urinate
- PLay a big role in the heart
- Hunger pains
motor fibers to smooth muscle, cardiac, and glandary tis
Any sectretions for from _____ fiber stimulis
Fiber for visual stim.
Fiber type for auditory stim
Fiber type for equilibrium stim
The CN of SSA fibers
II: Optic
VIII: Vestibulocochlear
fiber type for Smell
Fiber type for taste
Fiber type for taste and smell
- SVA is the italian fiber of eating
Special fiber for skeletal muscle of the face
CN for SVA fibers
I , VII, IX, X
I= olfactory
CN for the SVE fibers
CN for PS pregg nerves
3, 7, 9,10
The pericardium is located in the _____ mediastinum
The pericardium is located btw _____ to ____ costal cartilages
2-6th costal cartliages
__________ lig bounds the pericardium to the diaphragm
_______ lig bounds the pericardium to the sternum
sternopericardial lig
_______ : the outer tough fibrous layer of dense irregular CT of the pericardium
fibrous pericardium
_____: the parietal layer and visceral layer of the pericardium makes up this cavity
serous pericardium
The serous pericardium contains ______ ml serous fluid
Another name for the isceral layer of the pericardium
What is the epicardium of the heart made of ?
visceral pericardium
Name the 3 layers of tis of the heart
- epicardium
- myocardium
- endocardium
*** Name the 3 N. supplies of the pericardium
- phrenic (C3-C5)
- vagus
- SP trunk
c.c.______: inflammation of the pericardium
C.C. pericarditisis can progress into ______
pericardial effusion
C.C. ________: the extensive amt of serous fluid in the pericardium
(occurs during infection)
pericardial effusion
- occurs during infection
______ N. runs with the pericardiacophrenic art
phrenic (C3-C5)
What art. that is a blood supply to the pericardium runs with the phrenic art.
periocardiacphrenic art
hemopericardium occurs when the _______ art ruptures and bleeds into the cavity
coronary art.
?? Name the four main contributes to the pericardium arterial supply
- Branches of the internal thoracic (musculophrenic & pericardiophrenic art)
- pericardiophrenic
- musculophrenic
- thoracic aorta
(bronchial, esophageal, sup. phrenic art.)
_______ art. gives blood supply to the visceral layer of the pericardium
coronary art.
2 terminal branches of the internal thoracic art.
- sup. epigastric art.
2. musculophrenic art. (contributes to the pericardium )
Terminal branch of the internal thoracic art that contibutes to the pericardium
musculophrenic art.
What are the 2 branches of the internal thoracic art. that contribute to arterial blood supply of the pericardium
- musculophrenic
2. pericardiophrenic
From what art. does the musculophrenic art. come from
internal thoracic art.
musclop. gives blood to the pericardium
From what art foes the pericardiophrenic art. arise from ?
internal thoracic art.
______ N. is the primary sensory nerve for the pericardium
C3, C4, C5 keeps the diaphragm alive
C.C. ______ N. deals with referred pain to the ipsilateral supraclavicular region
Phrenic N.
___N. is responsible for the vasomotor innervation of the pericardium
Sympathetic trunk
c.c _______ When blood collects into the pericardium cavity. As it accumulates it keeps the heart from expanding
Cardiac temponade
can occur when the coronary art. ruptures
Sx of cardiac temonade
- prominante nec veins
- weak pulse
- decrease BP
- Deminished heart sounds
Condition where blood causes pressure on the heart & restricts it from expanding during ventricle relaxation. It impedes blood in the suprior/ inferior VC from entering into the R. Atrium
Cardiac temonade
Location of the sternal angle
2nd costal cartilage
Sternocostal (anterior) surface of the heart
L. Pulmonary surfae of the heart
mainly: LV
Part: LA
R. Pulmonary surface of the heart
Inferior diaphragmatic surface
Mainly: LV
Partly: RV
Base of the hearts surface
Base of the heart is located at the ____ - ____ vertebrae
The apex of the heart is located at the _____ at the MCL
5th ICS
The surface of the base of the heart is made up of
Surface of the apex of the heart
Superior border of the Heart
RA, LA, and auricle
Inferior border of the heart
slight LV
Left border of the heart
slight L. auricle
Right border of the heart
The pulmonary v. opening is located where in the heart
Crista terminalis location
Sinus venarum location
pectinate muscle location
Venous openings are where in the heart
Fossa ovalis location
Conus arteriosus location
aka infundibulum
Another name for conus arteriosus
How many papillary muscles are there in the RV?
3 muscles
Where are papillary muscles located
Where are trabeculae carnae located
Moderator band location
Chordae tendinaea location
____ ventricle has thicker muscle then the other ventricle bc ____
LV, bc it pumps blood out of the heart.
_____ is a smooth wall on which the SVC and IVC and coronary sinus open
Sinus venarum (RA)
Rough muscular anterior wall is the _____
The RA received de-O2 blood from?
- Coronary sinus
__ externally separates the smooth and rough parts of the atrial wall
suclus terminalis
outside of the heart
What does the sulcus terminalis groove cause inside of the heart
crista terminalis
The crist terminalis is formed by what external feature
sulcus terminalis
The smooth and rought parts of the RA are separated by the _____
crista terminalis
_______ is where cardiac veins are introduced into the RA
Coronary Sinus
______ is a remnant of the foramen ovale
Fossa ovalis (thumb print depression in the interatrial septum
_____ is the thumb print in the interatrial septum
Fossa ovalis
______ leads into the pulmonary trunk
conus arteriosus (RV)
_____ arise from papillary muscles
chordea tendneae
What do the choardea tendeae attach to?
papillary M. & septal cusps
Another name for the moderator band
septomarginal trabecula
_____ carries part of the R. branch of the AV bumdle to the anterior papillary muscle
moderator band
What are semilunar valves
aortic and pulmponary valves
What was the fxn of the foramen ovali
In the fetus it allowed the blood to bypass the lung
______ is a remnant of the ductus arteriosum
ligamentum ovali
R. coronary art. distributes blood to which parts of the heart
RA, most of the RV, part of the LV, Anterioventricular septum , SA node, AV node
Dominance of the coronary arterial system is defined by _______
which art gives rise to the posterior interventricular art
L coronary artery gives blood to…
LA, LV, part of the RV, iinterventricle septum, AV bundle , SA node
LA receives blood from the ____
The RA receives blood from the ____
The r. Marginal branch of the RCA gives blood to the
RV & Apex
If the LCA is carrying the SA node, what is the origin of the SA node ?
Circumflex branch of the LCA (40%)
If the RCA is carrying the SA node, what is its origin?
Near the origin of the RCA (60%)
Posterior interventricular branch supplies blood to the ?
RV , LV, and interventricular septum
What is the origin of the L. marginal branch in the heart
circumflex branch
The circumflex branch of the LCA gives rise to what two arteries?
- SA NODE (40%)
2. L. Marginal branch of circumflex branch
The great cardiac vein runs with this?
anterior interventricular branch of the LCA
The Great cardiac V. runs with _____
Anterior intercentricular Art.
The Middle Cardiac V. runs with the _____
Posterior intrventricular Art.
The Small Cardiac V. runs with the ____
R. Marginal art.
_____ are the smallest cardiac veins and originate in the myocardium of the heart
vena cordis minimi
- drain straight into the atria
The skeleton of the heart is composed of _____
fibrocartilaginous tissue
What is the primary pacemaker?
SA node
Name the path of the heart conduction
SA node–> Internodal fasciculi–> AV node –> AV bundle (of His) –> Purkinje fibers –> cardiac muscle
_____ is located at the jxn of the SVC and RA, near the sulcus terminalis
SA node
SA NOde is stim by the _____ to speed up the heart
Sympathetic system
The SA node is inhibuted by _____ to slow the heart down
Parasympathetic sytem
________ is located the intratrial septum and coronary sinus
AV Node
The AV node distributes the signal to the ventricles through the ______
AV bundle
The right bunble of the AV node stim the ant. papillary muscle throught the ___
moderator band (septomarginal)
What three N.s does the cardac plexus contain?
thoracic splanchinic
cervical cardiac N
Vagus N is always
pregg PS
Pregg PS fibers in the heart derive from what nerve
Postgg. SP fibers are derived form what nerves in the heart
Thoracic splanchnic
& cervical cardiac N
______ : lact of blood flow
ischemic pain
Ischemic pain is detected by ______
SP fibers of the
Thoracic splanchnic N & cervical Cardiac N
_____: is change in the BP and changes in chem. composition of the heart
EX: Decrease pH , CO2
cardiac reflexes
Cardiac reflexes are deteacted by ___
Vagus N
pregg PS
C.C. Patient has pnemonia. The fluid in the lungs obstructs the exchange of O2 with the blood. This causes a decrease in O2 and increased CO2 & acidity in the blood. This is detected by what fiber type?
Vagus N. = cardiac Reflex
Thoracic splanchnic N is derived from ______ vertebral level
is the sympathetic change para/ prevertebral ?
A line connecting the inf. margin of 2nd L. _______ border: costal cartilage and sup. margin of 3rd R. costal cartilage
______ border: line connecting the 3rd - 6th R. costal cartilage
Right border
_____ border: 6th R. costal cartilage to apux (mline at L. 5th intercostal space
Inferior border
Costal cartilages at the superior border of the heart
2nd L. inferior costal cartlage to
3rd R. sup. costal margin
Cost cartilages at the R. border of the heart
3rd. R. costal cartilage to
6th R. costal cartilage
Pulmonic ausculation is at the ___
2nd L. intercostal space lateral to the sternum
Aortic ausculation is at the ____
2nd right intercostal space lateral to the sternum
Tricuspid ausculation is at ____
over the lower portion of the sternum
Mitral ausculation is at the ____
5th left intercostal 1/2 in. medial to the MCL
Erb’s point ausculation is at the ____
left sternal border at 3rd ICS where the S2 is best hear
First heart sound hear is the ____
closer of the AV valves (bicuspid & tricuspid)
Second heart sound heard is produced by the closure of the _____
semilunar valves (pulmonic and aortic)
What is an AV valve
bicuspid and tricuspid
What is a semilunar valve
pulmonic and aortic
Who would you find a third heart sound in ?
children and athletes