G9 Environmental Problems Flashcards
What is mainly disposed of in landfills
Solid waste
Extraction process
Metal ores are mined
Crude oil is drilled from various sources
Production process
Metals are extracted from their ores, cast into shape, and used to make products
Raw materials are obtained from crude oil through fractional distillation. They are then processed to become plastics, and moulded into products
Disposal process
Used metal products or plastic products are disposed of
Extraction of raw materials for making products (1a)
Metal ores are mined
Mining of metals often involves deforestation and the use of explosives, leading to destruction of habitats
Extraction of raw materials for making products (1b)
Crude oil is drilled from various sources
Extraction and delivery of crude oil may cause damage to the environment, eg air pollution and oil spills
Production of products from the raw materials
Many production processes consume fuels and energy resources, eg extraction of metal form ores, metal casting, fractional distillation of crude oil, production of plastics, etc. air pollutants and carbon dioxide are released into the air
Disposal of products after use (a)
Air pollution caused by incineration
Burning plastic waste may produce toxic or carcinogenic gases
Disposal of products after use (bi)
Water pollution
Aquatic animals may die if they eat toxic metal waste, or if they are trapped by plastic waste
Disposal of products after use (bii)
Drainage systems may be blocked by metal or plastic waste
Disposal of products after use (c)
Land pollution
Metal and plastic waste may damage urban and country scenery
Much land is needed to set aside for landfills and for building waste treatment facilities. This reduces land supply
Metal waste and non-biodegradable plastic waste may remain in landfills for a very long time
Used batteries, electrical appliances and computer parts contain toxic metals and their compounds. These substances may pollute rivers, sea and underground water
Solution to environmental problems (1)
Think carefully before buying new electrical appliances or electronic devices
Bring your own bags when shopping, rather than taking new plastic bags
Buy something only when you need it
Buy products with bulk packaging and avoid unnecessary packaging
Solution to environmental problems (2)
Reuse old plastic bottles to carry water
Choose reusable products (porcelain bowls or cups) rather than non-reuseable products (plastic bowls or cups)
Use rechargeable batteries rather than non-rechargeable ones
Solution to environmental problems (3)
We can sort metal and plastic waste, and put them into proper recycling collection facilities to provide materials for making new products
Blue for paper
Yellow for metals
Brown for plastics
Solution to environmental problems (4)
Choose lunch boxes made of degradable paper instead of expanded polystyrene
Choose degradable plastic garbage bags instead of non-degradable ones
Use paper bags to replace plastic bags
Replace metal containers with paper containers (mooncake box)
What are the three types of degradable plastics
Biodegradable plastics
Photodegradable plastics
Totally degradable plastics
What are biodegradable plastics
They can be broken down gradually by micro-organisms
What are photodegradable plastics
They can be broken down gradually by sunlight
What are totally degradable plastics
They can be broken down gradually by heat, sunlight, or under the pressure of weight in landfills
What can we apply to help ease environmental problems caused by the extensive use of metals and plastics
We can apply the ‘4Rs principle’ to help ease these problems