G15 Flashcards
What are the 4 main group 15 elements?
P (Phosphorus) = Non-metal
As (Arsenic) = Metalloid
Sb (Antimony) = Metalloid
Bi (Bismith) = Metal
What are features of G15?
- The valance configuration for these elements is ns2 np3, so there common oxidation states will be +3 and +5
- The +5 oxidation state is more common for the lighter elements
- And the +3 oxidation state is more common for the heavier elements – the inert pair effect
What are characteristics of white phosphorus?
- A waxy yellow solid, exists as molecules made up of four atoms in a tetrahedral structure
- This tetrahedral arrangement results in ring strain and instability
- Therefore, P4 is highly flammable and pyrophoric (self-igniting) upon contact with air (O2)
- But is stable in water and is best stored fully submerged in water
What are characteristics of red phosphorus?
- Red phosphorus has a polymeric structure
- viewed as a derivative of P4 wherein one P-P bond is broken, and one additional bond is formed with the neighbouring tetrahedron resulting in a chain-like structure
- Much more stable
- Only ignites at 300 °C
Draw reactions of silylene and germylene with P4
How to synthesise RP=PR (diphospene)
- P=P distance = 2.015 – 2.003 Å
- 31P NMR shift typically 500 – 600 ppm!
What type of R groups do we need to protect RP=PR (diphospene) bond
Need sterically bulky ligands to protect the double bond
How to obtain non-symmertrical disphosphenes
- Can be obtained from dehydrochlorination reaction of R-PH2 and R’-PCl2 in the presence of a
organic base such as DBU - If mixtures of dichlorophosphines used, all 3 possible diphosphenes are generated
How to synthesise non-symmetrical diphosphenes
Draw the proposed reactions
- Transition metal catalysed metathesis reaction
- The non-symmetrical diphosphene was detected in solution
However: - Attempted isolation only gave the two symmetrical species
- Suggested a dynamic exchange of phosphinidene (‘M=P’ double bond) intermediates
* catalysis ‘killed’ by addition
of benzaldehyde and formation of metal oxide
Why are the majority of diphosphenes trans?
Bulky sterics
Draw a diagram of UNSTABLE cis phosphenes
Draw disphospne + activated sulphur (S8 in NMe3) reaction
31P NMR used to easily distinguish between the 2 products
Draw disphospne + (non-activated) sulphur reaction
Draw disphospne + dienes reaction
What are the 3 products of diphosphene and M (metal) reactions
- End on
- Side on
- Both