G protein Coupled Receptors Flashcards
Sturcture of the GPCR
Seven emembrane spanning receptors
Drugs targeting at GPCR: cetirzine
allergy at H1 antagonist
Drugs targeting at GPCR: atropine
gastrointestinal, muscarninc antagonist
Drugs targeting at GPCR: Fingolimod
multiple sclerosis at sphingosine 1-PO4 agonist
Drugs targeting at GPCR: Phenylephrine
nasal congestion,
a1 agonist
Drugs targeting at GPCR: Formoterol
asthma, B2 agonist
Drugs targeting at GPCR: Montelukast
Asthma at LTD4 antagonist
Drugs targeting at GPCR: Losartan
Hypertension at AT1 antagonist
Drugs targeting at GPCR: Propranolol
hypertension at B antagonist
three components of the GPCR signaling
when the signal reaches the receptor, the receptor casues the Gprotein GDP to become GTP, and the GTP binds to the effector and the effector is activated adn the signal is trasnduced
where do formoteroal bind ad what happens after that
binds to the b2 receptor adn result in the “a simulation” resulting in ATP to become CAMP adn the cyclinc AMP dependent protein kinase which will bind to the enzyems and ion channels
- CAMP will be convered to amp by the phsophodiesterase
and PKA becomes CREB
where does clonidine binds and what happens
binds to the a2 receptor and result in the “a inhibitor” resulting in decresaed conversion of ATP into CAMP
what happens when phenlephrine binds and to what does it bind
binds ot the a1 receptor adn result in the “a EFFECTOR” to bind ot the phospholipase Cb
PLCB result in the PIP2 to become IP3 and DAG
IP3 result in the ER to release the Ca2+ which bidns to ca calmodulin and this result in the signlaing
DAG result in the Protein kinase C
PKC result int PLA2 to convert phospoholipids to become arachidonic acid
PKA result in c fos and c junciton asd well
what happens to Rhodopsin when it binds to the receptor
when it binds to the receeptor, it resule in the g protein trasnducin to release, the tranducin will actiivate cGMP specific PDE and thie decreases cgmp levels, and when it drops, Na and Ca channel closes, in a process called hyperpolarisation,
when the brain recieve the signal, the drop in ca activates cytosolic guanylyl cyclase , increase in cgpm reopens na and ca channel
the cycel of photoreceptr signalling starts again
how is g protein recycled
it has GTPase that result in the reproduction of the GDP in state 1
how is signal amplified
receptor activate alot fo GTP, alot of GTP activate more Effectors, and more second messangers
how are the receptors reglated for the GPCR
- ligand removal
- desensitization
- uncoupling of the receptor, gprotein, effector
- internilisaiton and relocation and compartmentalization
-down regulation by reduced synthesis and proteolytic degradation
drugs that result in the receptor regualation and where they act
formoterol -b2 adrenergic receptor agonist - anti asthma drug - anti asthma drug
phenylphrine-a1 adrenergic receptor agonist-nasal desongestant
morphine- opioid receptor agonist-analgesic
what are the actions when the receptor is being regulated
phospohrylated by the b arrestin and then the clathrin coacted pit would be moved inside and the recept would be internalsied. Lysosme can bind to it and resultin the down regulation if there are alot of receptors ?
GRK s and arrestin
GRK1: rhodopsin kinase
GRK2: B adrenegric receptor kinase 1
GKR3: B adrenegric receptor kinase 2
GRK4, 5, 6, 7,
B arrestin 1
b arrestin 2
types of receptor desensitiaation
homologous: the effect only affects the specific receptor
heterologous: affects related receptors as well